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1、小升初先修班(强化班)期末测试 姓名_ 班级_听力部分 30一 听音选择 5( ) 1. A. 11 B. 12 C. 13 ( ) 2. A. yellow B. blue C. black ( )3.A.January B.February C.May ( ) 4. A. bird B. dog C. cat ( ) 5. A. 9:00 B. 10:15 C. 10:30二 听音,选词填空 (注意大小写)10 (hobby, history, this, where, maths , his , Chinese, garden)1._ is my football. How about

2、_? 2._ are you? Im in the _.3.I like _ , _ and _ best. 4. My _ is _.5.Will you go shopping? - No, I _.三 听音,画指针 5 四 听音,判断 对“T” 错“F” 10 1. 2:15 ( ) 2. 1391998 ( ) 3. I went to school by bus. ( ) 4. He likes blue and green. ( ) 5. My brother is thirteen years old. ( ) 笔试部分 70一、辨音,找出划线部分发音不同的一项 6( )1. A

3、. nose B. go C. not ( )2. A. Aa B. Hh C. Ii ( )3. A. bye B. eye C. yes ( )4. A. Yy B. Ee C. Ii ( )5. A. like B. kite C. little ( )6. A. Oo B. Qq C. Uu二、写出下列词的对的形式 10 me(复数)_ one(序数词)_ go(单三)_ go(过去式)_ my(名词性物主代词)_ man(对立词)_ swim(现在分词)_ sheep(单数)_ went(原形)_ are(过去式)_ 三、照样子将下列陈述句改写为感慨句 10 例:I m a love

4、ly girl. How lovely! What a lovely girl!1. Hes tall. _! _!2. This is a big fish. _! _!3. Shes fat girl._! _!4. The cat is black. _! _!5. This is a bright classroom. _! _!四、选词填空 10 How many, Where, What, How old, How, How much, What, Who, Whose, What time 1._ erasers do you have? Four. 2._do you live

5、? I live in Lanzhou. 3._color is the cat? Its black. 4._are you? Im eleven years old.5._is the coat? Its fifty yuan. 6._is this in English? Its a banana. 7._is the boy? The boy is my brother. 8._hardbag is this? Its mine. 9._do you go to school?I go to school on foot. 10._is it? Its 7:00.五、单选. 10 (

6、)1.I_eleven years old. You _ten years old.A.am, are B.am, is C.are, are D.are, is ( )2.I_the sofa. He _ the lamp.A.like, like B.like, likes C.likes, likes D.likes, doesnt like ( )3.Whats_name? A.his B.her C.its D.hers ( )4. _he_a bike? Yes, he_.A.Do, has, do B.Does, has, do C.Do, have, do D.Does, ha

7、ve, does( )5.This is _pen. That is _.A.my, your B.my, yours C.my, you D.mine, ypour( )6.Today is my_birthday. Im happy. A.twelve B. twelveth C.twelfth( )7.There_sone juice in the glass. A.is B.are C.be( )8.He likes _to music. A.listen B.to listening C.listening D.listens( )9.Hes_than his father. A.t

8、all B.taller C.mone taller D.tallest( )10.I want _buy a computer. A.to B.in C.go六、阅读 20A Im Peter. I have four good friends. Theyre Jim, Dave, Tom and Jack. Jim and I like sports. I like playing basketball and soccer. I think theyre interesting. Jim likes volleyball and basketball, and he thinks the

9、yre fun. Dave, Tom and Jack dont like playing sports. They like watching TV and playing computer games. Playing computer games is very interesting. Jim and I like it, too. But my parents dont let me play computer games, and they think its boring. Watching TV is relaxing, and we all like it . But Jim

10、 and I like watching basketball or soccer games on TV. Dave, Tom and Jim like cartoons. I dont like watching cartoons.1. _ parents think playing computer games is boring.A. Peters B. Jims C. Daves D. Toms2. _ like watching TV. A. Only Peter and Jim B. Only Jim and Dave C. Tom and Jack D. They five3.

11、 Peter and Jim like playing _.A. soccer B. basketball C. volleyball D. baseball4. Where can you see them five?A. In the basketball room. B. In the volleyball club.C. In a computer room. D. In the soccer room.5. Which one is NOT true(真实的)?A. Peter doesnt like cartoons. B. Jack likes playing computer

12、games.C. Peters father likes computer games. D. Tom doesnt like cartoons.B Everybody has their favorite sports. So do I. Playing basketball is my favorite. I usually play basketball on the playground. Sometimes I also play basketball at the park. I like to play basketball with my little brother, Bry

13、an and our cousins. We feel tired but exciting. Playing basketball can make us strong and healthy. I hope I can be very good at it. Playing basketball looks so cool on TV. I am a basketball fan. And Im crazy about those basketball stars. My favorite sports star is Yao Ming. Yao Ming is a basketball player in NBA now. He is famous in America, but he never forgets his country and his teachers in China.1. The writer usu


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