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1、Unit 2 Language语言点(二)目标认知重点词汇ban,pure,unique,access,character,embarrass, custom, interrupt, mistaken, set, promise, spread, across, agree, represent, simplify, combine, distinguish, indicate, convenient, direction重点短语look up, at one time, differ from, make up, turn into重点句型部分否定与全部否定in that 引导状语从句“be

2、 of +名词”结构知识讲解重点词汇ban【原句回放】At one time the department banned some “borrowed words”from English, including“weekend”and “e-mail”曾经这个部门禁止一些来自英语的“外来词”, 其中包括“weekend”和“e-mail”。【点拨】ban n. v. 禁令;禁止,取缔 (1)n. C禁止,禁令There will be a total ban on smoking将出台完全禁烟令。The ban is unlikely to be lifted this year这项禁令今年不

3、大可能被解除。 (2)vt. 禁止,取缔(常用被动语态)The book was banned from school libraries 这本书被学校图书馆所禁。They signed agreements banning the use of chemical weapons他们签订了禁止使用化学武器的协议。He was banned for three months for driving with no insurance他由于未采取保险措施驾车而被禁止驾车三个月。常用搭配ban sbfrom doing sth禁止某人干某事lift a ban 解除禁令pure【原句回放】Frenc

4、h people supported this because they wanted to keep their language pure and unique. 法国人支持这个观点,因为他们想保持他们自己语言的纯洁性和独特性。【点拨】pure adj. 纯的,纯洁的,纯粹的,纯正的Is this sweater made of pure wool? 这件羊毛衫是纯羊毛的吗?You could separate it from its political message and just look at it as pure poetry你可以把它和政治寓意区分开来,只把它当作纯粹的诗歌。

5、The flowers were pure white这些花朵是纯白色的。I was in a place of pure happiness. 我处于一种纯粹的幸福之中。【拓展】 purely adv. 纯粹地,完全地,全然pure and simple完完全全的,十足的unique【原句回放】French people supported this because they wanted to keep their language pure and unique. 法国人支持这个观点,因为他们想保持他们自己语言的纯洁性和独特性。【点拨】unique adj (1)(无比较级和最高级)唯一

6、的,无双的,罕有的This is a unique opportunity这是一个极其难得的机会。I think this book to be unique我认为这本书是无与伦比的。注意:unique作此解时,可以用nearly,really,surely,absolutely,quite,almost等来修饰,但不能用more,most,very,rather等副词来修饰。 (2)独特的,异常的I solved this question in a unique way我用一种奇特的方法解决了这个问题。Look! He is wearing a most unique fashion瞧,他

7、穿着一件奇特的服装。 辨析unique,strange,peculiarunique意为“独特的,唯一的,独一无二的”侧重指独到之处或不常见;也作“无可匹敌的,无与伦比的”解。如:Each persons fingerprints are unique每个人的指纹都是独一无二的。strange意为“奇怪的”指不一般,不常见或不熟悉,因此常引起人惊奇。如:All the students in uniquestrange clothes were kept in the classroom after school穿着奇装异服的学生放学后都被留校了。peculiar意为“奇特的”,指某人(物)独

8、具特色,异乎寻常,但不强调引人惊奇。He has a peculiar habit of scratching his ear while he talks他有一个奇特的动作,就是,他说话时总要挠耳朵。access【原句回放】Today, the spread of borrowed words is mostly due to the easily accessed Internet and television programmes from across the world.今天,“外来词汇”的传播主要是由于世界范围的易于接近的网络和电视节目。【点拨】access n. (向场所、人等的

9、)接近,进入;(资料等的)取得,利用Few men have direct access to the king很少人能接近国王。The soldiers found another access to the old castle战士们又找到了一条到达古堡的通道。常用搭配:easy(hard,difficult)access容易(不易)接近gain(obtain)access to得以接近(进入、会见)give access to使能接近free access to免费使用【拓展1】辨析:access,wayaccess多为不可数名词,表示“接近,进入”,指其难易的程度;也可指“接近的机会,

10、进入或使用的权利”;还可表示“通道,人口,门路,路径”。如:I have access to his office我可以进出他的办公室。way多为可数名词,可表示“(具体的)道路,路线”;也可表示“方法,方式”或“方向,方面”;还可表示“路程,距离”。如:There is no way of knowing if the treatment will work治疗是否有效还无法知道。Can you find your way back to the Car park? Is it a long way from here? 你能找到回停车场的路吗?离这儿是不是很远?【拓展2】accessibl

11、e 易接近的,可理解的,易感的character【原句回放】They have no characters. 他们没有文字【点拨】character n. (1)C字母;数字;符号;品质,特性;人物,角色;(某种)人The password may be up to 12 characters long密码可以长至12个字符。What does her handwriting tell you about her character? 你从她的笔迹中看出她有什么个性?The films central character is played by George Clooney这部电影的主角由乔

12、治克鲁尼出演。McMahon is one of the sports most colourful characters麦克马洪是这项运动中最富有特色的人物之一。(2)U品格,品德It takes character to say a thing like that说那样的话需要有骨气。Some people think military service is character-building有些人认为服兵役有助于品格的塑造。 知识拓展in character合乎某人的性格out of character不合乎某人的性格Chinese characters汉字a man of good

13、character品质好的人embarrass【原句回放】She is making fun of you and trying to embarrass you into trying harder.老师在捉弄你并且让你感到尴尬,以促使你更加努力。【点拨】embarrass vt. 使尴尬;使窘迫;使不安。给出难题It embarrassed me to have to give my opinion in public不得不公开表达我的意见让我感到很窘迫。She felt embarrassed at her being late她因迟到而焦虑不安。The protest may have

14、 been timed to embarrass the President抗议也许是事先就要安排好要让总统难堪的。知识拓展embarrassment n. 困窘,难堪;让人难堪的人或事embarrassing adj. 令人难堪的,让人不安的embarrassed adj. 础感到难堪的,不安的custom【原句回放】In conclusion, we need to know the customs of a country so that we do not make others embarrassed or annoyed. 总之, 我们需要了解一个国家,以至于我们不会使别人感到尴尬

15、和烦恼。【点拨】custom n. 风俗;习惯(1)C,U (社会的)风俗,习俗Social customs are different in different countries不同的国家有不同的社会风俗。Custom requires us to stand when the national anthem is played习俗要求我们在奏国歌时起立。(2)C (个人的)习惯My custom is reading a little before sleeping我的习惯是在睡觉前看一会儿书。It is the old mans custom to get up early and walk his dog before breakfast这位老人的习惯是很早起床,并在早饭前遛狗。辨析habit与customhabit指个人固定的、重复的且不易改变的习惯,与custom的第二释义基本相同。custom既可指社会的风俗、习俗,也可指个人的习惯。Dont let your pupils get into bad habits不要让你的学生养成坏习惯。It has b


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