Unit 4 Feeling Excited 第一课时.doc

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1、 Unit 4 Feeling Excited 第一课时 执教:汫北小学 麦妙璇 教学内容:小学开心英语Book 8 Unit 4 Vocabulary 中表达feelings的生词:tired scared excited 及动词词组:stayed up late heard a noise got a kitten 以及Target前部分对话:Im . Why are you ? Because .教学目标:1. 让学生学会听、说、认读生词、词组及目标语言;2. 让学生初步学会用Im tired/, Why are you ? Because .来表达心情、询问并回答引起这样心情的原因;3

2、. 通过创设情景、游戏、歌谣、采访活动等让学生快乐地学习,积极主动地参与学习活动,从中培养学生的听说读能力及综合运用语言的能力;4.告诉学生,学会表达和分享心情会让自己更快乐。教学重点:生词、词组及目标语言教学难点:scaredstayed up late heard a noise的发音;运用新语言进行交际活动; 教具准备:PPT , 表情卡, 练习纸。教学过程:一、Warming up & leading in (激趣入景) 1. Lets chant. 2. Free talk : Lets talk about your great day or your bad day ! 3. L

3、ead in : Wow ! you had great days ! Your days are unforgettable, right ? I have an unforgettable day today. How am I feeling? What happened ? 二、 Presentation & Practice(续景导学)Step1: Learn the new words.1. Continue the situation , present the new words and phrases in sentenses.Teach the new words whil

4、e telling the teachers unforgettable day . 2. Make Ss notice the word formation and the verbs past form :tire - tired scare - scared excite - excited bore - bored stay -stayed hear - heard get - got 3. Practice the new words. a. Look and guess. b. Whos the fastest ?Step 2: Learn the targettiretiredI

5、m tired.Why are you tired?Because I stayed up late.1. Game: Get a card from the box, and tell your feeling.2. Present how to ask the reason and answer: S1: Im happy. T: Why are you happy ? T help S1: Because I got a gift.3. Practice in pairs.4. Go on the game.5. Lets chant and make a new chant . 6.

6、Look and say.三、 Extension (拓练促用)Group work : Do a survey.Talk with your friends, Ask and answer about your unforgettable day and write down. Our Unforgettable Day NameFeeling Why?四、Summary & Homework(升华主题)1. What have you learnt ? 2. Share your feelings ,youll be happy. 3. Homework :a. Do a report.

7、根据你调查的小组成员的feelings以及原因做个汇报。 Hello,Im _,because I_._ is _, because he_. b. Read and copy the new words. The Students Paper1.Write a new chant:2.Group work : Do a survey.Talk with your friends, Ask and answer about your unforgettable day and write down. Our Unforgettable Day NameFeeling Why? 3. Homework :a. Do a report. 根据你调查的小组成员的feelings以及原因做汇报。 Hello,Im _,because I_._ is _, because he_._.



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