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1、2019学年度第一学期广州越秀五年级英语期末考试模拟考题一听力材料:一、 听短语三次,选出相应的图,把短语的字母编号写在括号内。A.cool and cloudy B. western food C. a rainy day D. do housework hardE. do my homework F. play music G. something sweet H. play volleyball二、 听句子三次,选出句子所含有的信息,把其字母编号写在括号内。1. I would like to eat potato and egg soup for starters.2. The Zha

2、ng family usually goes for a walk together at weekends.3. The temperature is 21 today. Its warm. 4. Sam thinks his friends love the sandwiches so much.来源:学#科#网Z#X#X#K5. My parents went shopping this morning.6. Oh no! It is raining outside. I cant fly a kite with my friends.7. I have a toy bear. It c

3、an tell stories in English.8. We shouldnt have fast food. Its not healthy for us.三、 听句子三次,如句子符合图意,在括号内写“T”,否则写“F”。1. The people in China have meals with chopsticks and bowls.2. The robot is good at helping at the restaurant.3. The coke and the sandwich are 9 yuan 50 each.4. My brother enjoys reading

4、 books.5. Ms Li feels hungry. She wants to buy something to eat. 6. Jack doesnt like rice for dinner. He wants some noodles to eat.7. The children never go to school by bus. 来源:学,科,网Z,X,X,K8. The boy sometimes take a bath with his dog.四、 听每个小对话及问题三次,根据对话内容选出最佳答语。1. Girl: Would you like some coke for

5、 dinner? Boy: I think its not healthy for me. I want some orange juice. Girl: OK. Here you are. Q: What does the boy want to drink?2. Woman: Hi, Sam! Is Joe in the classroom? Boy: No, she isnt in the classroom. Woman: Where is she now? Boy: Maybe she is in the gym. She often take exercise after scho

6、ol on weekdays. Q: What does the woman want to do?3.Girl: Oh, hows the weather today? Boy: Its cloudy and cold. Girl: Whats the temperature? Boy: Its only 5 outside. Q: What should we do?4. Jiamin: Its time for lunch. The meal is ready. Xiaoling: Yes. We can have steak and vegetables today.来源:学&科&网

7、Jiamin: Mm.The vegetables looks very fresh. I like them.来源:1ZXXK Xiaoling: But the steak is too salty.来源:Z,xx,k.Com Q: How is the steak?5. Ben: Who are the ladies over there, Janet? Janet: The tall one is my aunt. Shes a good cook. The thin one is her friend. Ben: Your aunts friend looks really nice

8、. Janet: Thats true. She often drive me home. Q: Who often drives Janet home?来源:Z+xx+k.Com6. Lily: What a sunny day! How do you feel after the PE lesson? Peter: I feel very hot. And its summer now, I want to drink some water. Lily: Do you want to have something cold? Peter: Good idea. Lets go to the

9、 school shop. Q: Whats the weather like today?五、 听句子三次,填写句子中所缺的单词。来源:学&科&网1. My hobby is making models.2. Mike likes staying at home and watching TV.来源:学。科。网3. Everything looks great. I cant wait to eat.4. I was hungry at lunchtime. I had four bowls of dumplings for lunch.5. Its sunny and warm. Lets

10、 go and play outdoors.六、 听短文三次,如下列句子符合短文内容,在括号内写“T”,否则写“F”。 In England, many people eat four meals a day. Theyre breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner. People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. They eat eggs or bread. English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast. Lunch comes

11、 at one oclock in the afternoon. Afternoon tea is at five to five in the afternoon. And dinner is at about half past seven. The people in England love eating fish and chips.答案一. C D G E B F A H二. A C B B A B C C三. F T F T T T F F四. C A B C B A来源:1ZXXK五. 1. making, models 2. staying, watching 3. Ever

12、ything, wait 4. was , had, bowls 5. sunny, outdoors六. F F T T F来源:1ZXXK七. B A C A C C A B八. F A G H C D B E九. 1. snowman 2. chips 3. bottle 4. temperature 5. market 6. Collecting来源:1 7. dumplings 8. fresh来源:Zxxk.Com十. 1. with 2. from 3. doing 4. brothers 5. Does十一. B E C F D A十二. B C A C A C A C A C十三. C C B C A十四. T F F T F 十五. 【新题型】 1. Mikes family is always very busy on Saturday.2. They often go to the park after breakfast.3. She often does some reading.4. They often go to the market for some fruits.5. They go back home at about 9:00.来源:1第 页



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