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1、2014上半年教师资格证英语学科知识与能力(初级中学)真题注意:图片可根据实际需要调整大小卷面总分:33分答题时间:240分钟试卷题量:33题练习次数:1次 单选题 (共30题,共30分)1.I like going to the cinema _ TV. A.rather than to watch B.than watching C.more than to watch D.more than watching 正确答案: D 本题解析: 考查比较句型。than用作比较时需要与比较级连用,排除B。more than和rather than均可表示对比,但前后的比较项应为平行结构。本题中作比

2、较的是going to the cinema,所以需要用动名词watching,故选D。 2._her mother started to go to the meditation class, A.It was at about this time that B.That was about this time C.It was at about this time when D.It was about this time that 正确答案: A 本题解析: 考查强调句。句意为“大概是在这个时间,她母亲开始上禅修课了”。It is/wasthat是强调句的标志,去掉结构词后,句子依然意义

3、完整。若不用介词at.后面则需用关系副词when引导.故选A。 3.How many liaisons of sound are there in the sentence He bought an interesting book?_ A.0 B.1 C.2 D.3 正确答案: C 本题解析: 考查连读。liaison意为“连音”,当一个单词后面紧跟一个以元音开头的单词时则该单词最后原本不发音的辅音就发音,与元音连读。本句中bought all和an interesting就是这种情况,所以有两个连音。故选C。 4.Which of the following shows the prope

4、r pronunciation of boiled due to assimilation? A./boild/ B./boilt/ C./boilid/ D./boiliff 正确答案: A 本题解析: 考查同化规则。(1)以t,d结尾的动词加ed后,发id音;(2)以清辅音结尾的动词,加-ed后发/id/音;(3)以除d以外的浊辅音或元音结尾时,发/d/音。boil读音为boil,加-ed后,读音为boild,故选A。 5.The student from a _ family can afford most of the books he wants. A.well-to-do B.to

5、-do-well C.do-to-well D.do-well-to 正确答案: A 本题解析: 考查合成形容词用法。well-to-do“小康的,富裕的”。句意为“家庭富裕的学生能买得起大部分他想要的书”。故选A。 6.In a few years an intelligent computer will certainly be an diagnostic tool for doctors._ A.indirect B.inseparable C.indisputable D.indispensable 正确答案: D 本题解析: 考查形容词辨析。indirect“间接的”,insepar

6、able“不可分离的”,indisputable“明白的,无可争议的”,indispensable“不可缺少的”。根据句意可知计算机将会成为医生不可缺少的诊断工具,故选D。 7.From her conversations with her friends, I could _ that she has a large family. A.deduce B.decide C.declare D.deceive 正确答案: A 本题解析: 考查动词辨析。deduce“推断,推论”,decide“决定”,declare“宣布,发表”,deceive“欺骗”。根据句意可知应是“我”从她和朋友的谈话中

7、推断出她有一个大家庭,故选A。 8.After _ seemed an endless wait, it was her turn to enter the chief managers A.that B.it C.what D.there 正确答案: C 本题解析: 考查宾语从句。after后面缺少一个宾语,seemed前面缺少一个主语,因此要选择一个既能充当after的宾语又能充当seemed主语的关系代词,what在这里相当于something+which,故选C。 9.Which of the following may illustrate the difference betwee

8、n competence and_ performance? A.What a person knows and what he/she does B.What a person can do and what he/she does C.What a person does and what he/she knows D.What a person does and what he/she can do 正确答案: A 本题解析: 考查语言学知识。competence“语言能力”,指语言使用者对于语言规则系统的潜在意识;performance“语言运用”,指在具体场景中语言的实际运用,二者对

9、应的分别为“knows”和“does”。故选A。 10.The question How fast did he drive when he ran the red light? _ He ran the red light. A.presupposes B.entails C.contradicts D.includes 正确答案: A 本题解析: 考查语句之间的涵义关系。A项表示预设关系,预设通常被认为是一种背景信息,也就是说话者假设听者已经知道的信息。题干中第二句he ran the red light(他闯红灯了)是第一句How fast did he drive when he ra

10、n the red light (他闯红灯时车速多少 )的预设(即前提条件),预设信息是他闯红灯了。故答案选A。B项表示蕴含关系,C项表示自相矛盾,D项表示内包关系。 11.In a listening activity, students are asked to note down the time and places of events. The_aim of this activity is to develop the skill of A.listening for gist B.listening for vocabulary C.listening for structure

11、 D.listening for specific information 正确答案: D 本题解析: 考查听力教学。在听力活动中,学生要求记录下来事件发生的时间与地点,时间与地点都属于细节信息,属于培养学生听细节的能力。A项为听主旨,B项为听词汇,C项为听结构,故选D。 12.Which of the following can NOT be used as a pre-reading task?_ A.Predicting what a passage is about B.Creating a word web related to a topic C.Listening to the recording of a passage D.Sharing what is already known about a topic 正确答案: C 本题解析: 考查阅读教学。在读前环节,教师需要向学生介绍主题,引起学生的兴趣,向学生讲授关键的词句,介绍背景知识,帮助学生消除文化障碍,以便更好地理解文章。A项是预测文章内容,B项对应呈现新单词,C项是听文章录音,D项是介绍背景知识。故选C。 13.Which of the following



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