复杂化的简约 《傲慢与偏见》中服饰的研究毕业论文(英文)

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复杂化的简约 《傲慢与偏见》中服饰的研究毕业论文(英文)_第1页
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复杂化的简约 《傲慢与偏见》中服饰的研究毕业论文(英文)_第2页
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复杂化的简约 《傲慢与偏见》中服饰的研究毕业论文(英文)_第3页
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《复杂化的简约 《傲慢与偏见》中服饰的研究毕业论文(英文)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《复杂化的简约 《傲慢与偏见》中服饰的研究毕业论文(英文)(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、江淮学院本科毕业论文(设计)题目:复杂化的简约 -傲慢与偏见中服饰的研究 学生姓名: 王晓瑜 学号: JG084030 院(系): 江淮学院 专业: 英语 入学时间: 2008 年 9 月导师姓名: 宋筱蓉 职称/学位:_讲师/硕士导师所在单位: 安徽大学外语学院英语系 毕业论文(设计)提交时间:二一二年四 月安徽大学江淮学院教务处制COMPLICATED SIMPLICITY THE STUDY OF CLOTHING IN PRIDE AND PREJUDICEA Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of the School of Foreign Studie

2、s of Anhui University Jianghuai College by Wang XiaoyuIn Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts Under the Supervision of Lecturer Song XiaorongHefei, AnhuiMay2012viAcknowledgementsThis paper is accomplished under the inspiration and instructions of my respected su

3、pervisor: Lecturer Song Xiaorong. I am extremely grateful to her for her illuminating directions, valuable suggestions and constant encouragement throughout the writing of this paper and other relative studies. First of all, she introduced me into the field of thesis; the courses she offered and the

4、 academic experience she imparted enlarged my horizon and imbued me with initiative and creativity. Moreover, she made a lot of corrections and suggestions as to the language and improved some ideas in my paper. Without her supervising, this paper would never have come to the present form.I would al

5、so like to express my gratitude to all my teachers in the School of Foreign Studies, to whom I owe much of my knowledge in the English language, linguistics, literature and translation theories during four-year study. Their lectures have broadened my knowledge and horizon. I have benefited a lot fro

6、m their earnest teaching and enlightening which are of great help for my study.At last, I am also here sincerely expressing my gratitude to my classmates. They have many valuable suggestions to the topic selection of the paper and references that are of great help to the paper.COMPLICATED SIMPLICITY

7、 THE STUDY OF CLOTHING IN PRIDE AND PREJUDICEWang XiaoyuGrade 08 English majorTeacher : Lecturer Song XiaorongAnhui University Jianghuai College, Hefei, Anhui 230039AbstractPride and Prejudice is Jane Austens masterpiece. This work taking everyday life as the material, vividly reflects the conservat

8、ive and occlusion state of Britain township life and their customs from the end of 18th century to the early 19th century. Clothing description in Pride and Prejudice is rare, but only a description contains a wealth of information and plays an important role in the text. The limited words about the

9、 clothing greatly enrich the images of roles. Through close reading and literature study, this paper attempts to demonstrate the character, men and womens social status, as well as the authors attitude towards clothing by analyzing character costumes and conflicts caused by the description of clothi

10、ng. This paper constains four parts. The first part gives an introduction of the whole thesis. The second part well-done review the abroad and domestic research. The third part analyses reflections of clothing in Pride and Prejudice including reflections of the personalities, the social view towards

11、 men and women and the authors attitude. Finally, a conclusion is made that the brief dress description shown women characteristics, the different social positions of men and women, the authors attitude towards clothing.Keywords: Pride and Prejudice ; Jane Austen ; clothing description ; character ;

12、 social status 复杂化的简约关于傲慢与偏见中服饰的研究王晓瑜 08级 英语 指导教师 宋筱蓉讲师安徽 安徽大学,合肥 230039摘要傲慢与偏见是简奥斯汀的代表作。这部作品以日常生活为素材,生动地反映了18世纪末到19世纪初处于保守和闭塞状态下的英国乡镇生活和世态人情。傲慢与偏见中的服饰描写很少,但是仅有的几处却蕴含了大量的信息,在文中起了重要作用。少量的关于服饰的描写却极大的丰富了角色的形象。本文从傲慢与偏见中的服饰描写出发,通过分析文中人物服饰以及因服饰所引发的话语冲突来分析人物的性格,当时社会中男女地位差异,以及作者自身对于服饰的态度。整片论文分为四个部分。第一部分是对整片

13、论文的介绍,第二部分是回顾国内外对这方面的研究,第三部分是对于服饰描写的分析,包括反映出的人物性格,反映出的对于男女地位的社会观点和对于作者自身的反映。最后得出结论,文中简明的服饰描写片段反映了人物的不同性格,当时的社会上男女地位的差异以及作者对于服饰的态度。关键词:傲慢与偏见; 简奥斯汀; 服装描写; 人物性格; 社会地位 Thesis Statement: Although the description of clothing in Pride and Prejudice is not much and even simple, its complexity lies in its re

14、flection of the characters personality, the contemporary social status of both genders and the authors own attitude towards clothing. Outline1. Introduction12. Literature review2 3. Reflections of clothing in Pride and Prejudice33.1 Reflections of personality33.1.1 Lydias fanatical attitude towards

15、clothes vanity33.1.2 Miss Bingley s ridicule towards Elizabeth pride and prejudice43.1.3 Elizabeths attitude towards blotted petticoat self-respect53.2 Reflections of the social view towards men and women in that period.63.2.1 Officers red uniform males dominant position.63.2.2 The ladys skirt of tall waist females passive position63.3 Reflections of the author s attitude t


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