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1、Professional English for Geoscience Students地学专业英语试用教材白国平 主编石油大学(北京)盆地与油藏研究中心前 言自1993年起,我国已成为原油净进口国。我国作为仅次于美国的世界第二大石油消费国,2002年的石油和油产品净进口量已超过9000万吨。国内的原油产量已远远不能满足我国经济持续快速增长对石油的需要。走出国门,开辟国际石油勘探开发市场已成为我国四大国家石油公司(中石油、中石化、中海油和中化)的基本油气经营战略。自20世纪90年代初涉足跨国油气勘探开发起,经过10余年的努力,我国油公司的海外战略已取得了显著的成效,目前国外油气勘探开发市场已遍

2、及俄罗斯、中亚、中东、东南亚、非洲和南美洲等地区。英语是石油工业的工作语言,为了更好的迎接今后的工作挑战,增大就业机会,学好专业英语就显得非常重要。为了让学生们初步掌握地学专业英语的基本词汇和阅读技巧,编者从美国地质学会(AGI)网站、英文专业教材以及其它相关材料精心编辑了该试用教材,内容涉及到地学专业的各个主要学科,从地球概论、板块构造与构造地质学、矿物与岩石、盆地、到石油地质学。本教材适用于高年级的本科生和研究生,编者希望学生掌握了该教材的专业词汇后,今后能借助专业字典阅读外文文献。白国平2004年6月Contents1. The Earth12. Plate Tectonics43. F

3、aults and Earthquakes104. Rock Cycles125. Sedimentary Rocks146. Sedimentary Basin207. Additional Reading Materials248. Petroleum Geology and Other Sciences309. Basic Concepts of Petroleum Geology3310. Chinas Petroleum Industry3811. Bohai Bay Basin4412. Tarim Basin5013. Organization Of Petroleum Expo

4、rting Countries (OPEC)5614. Standard Oil Company58581 . Importance of the course2. Vocabularyl Old word, new meaning: reservoir, seal, fault, fold, wildcat, migration, generation, accumulationl New word: anticline, syncline, kerogen, tectonicsl Part new, part old: geology, physics geophysics, geoche

5、mistry3. Structure of courseGeneral Geology to Petroleum GeologyEarth, tectonics, structural geology, stratigraphy, biostratigraphy, seismic, sequence, petrology and mineralogy, sedimentology (facies and sedimentary petrology)Petroleum Geology: origin, generation, migration, accumulation, petroleum

6、system 1The EarthIntroductionThree centuries (decade, millennium) ago, the English scientist Isaac Newton calculated, from his studies of planets and the force of gravity, that the average density of the Earth is twice that of surface rocks and therefore that the Earths interior must be composed of

7、much denser material. Our knowledge of whats inside the Earth has improved immensely since Newtons time, but his estimate of the density remains essentially unchanged. Our current information comes from studies of the paths and characteristics of earthquake waves travelling through the Earth, as wel

8、l as from laboratory experiments on surface minerals and rocks at high pressure and temperature. Other important data on the Earths interior come from geological observation of surface rocks and studies of the Earths motions in the Solar System, its gravity and magnetic fields, and the flow of heat

9、from inside the Earth. The planet Earth is made up of three main shells: the very thin, brittle crust, the mantle, and the core; the mantle and core are each divided into two parts. All parts are drawn to scale (orientation) on the cover of this publication, and a table at the end lists the thicknes

10、ses of the parts. Although the core and mantle are about equal in thickness, the core actually forms only 15 percent of the Earths volume, whereas the mantle occupies 84 percent. The crust makes up the remaining 1 percent. Our knowledge of the layering and chemical composition of the Earth is steadi

11、ly being improved by earth scientists doing laboratory experiments on rocks at high pressure and analyzing earthquake records on computers.The CrustBecause the crust is accessible to us, its geology has been extensively studied, and therefore much more information is known about its structure and co

12、mposition than about the structure and composition of the mantle and core. Within the crust, intricate patterns are created when rocks are redistributed and deposited in layers through the geologic processes of eruption and intrusion of lava, erosion, and consolidation of rock particles, and solidif

13、ication and recrystallization of porous rock. resumeBy the large-scale process of plate tectonics, about twelve plates, which contain combinations of continents and ocean (oceania) basins, have moved around on the Earths surface through much of geologic time. The edges of the plates are marked by co

14、ncentrations of earthquakes and volcanoes. Collisions of plates can produce mountains like the Himalayas, the tallest range in the world. The plates include the crust and part of the upper mantle, and they move over a hot, yielding upper mantle zone at very slow rates of a few centimeters per year,

15、slower than the rate at which fingernails grow. The crust is much thinner under the oceans than under continents (see figure below). Thumb, forefinger, middle finger, ring finger, little fingerFigure 1. The oceanic crust at the island of Hawaii is about 5 kilometers thick. The thickness of the conti

16、nental crust under eastern California ranges from 25 kilometers under the Great Valley to 60 kilometers under the Sierra Nevada. scale The boundary between the crust and mantle is called the Mohorovicic discontinuity (or Moho); it is named in honor (尊敬、敬意, privillege) of the man (Huo Yingdong Gymnasium) who discovered it, the Croat


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