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1、Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?Period 1Teaching aims:1. Language goals:Key vocabulary: table, bed, bookcase, sofa, chair, where, on, under.Target language: Wheres my schoolbag? Its under the table. Where are my books? Theyre on the sofa2. Ability goalsTalk about where things are, Learn the using of prep

2、osition “ on, in, under”Train the students communicative competence.3. Moral goals Keep your room and tidy.Teaching important points:1. New words. 2. How to talk about where things are, Learn the using of preposition “ on, in, under”Teaching difficult points:1. Prepositions of place: in, on, under.2

3、. Prepositional phrases: on the sofa, under the bed, etc.教学设计备注Step1:Warmingup:studentsplayachantThisisapen.Thesearepens.ThatisabookThosearebooksItsakeyTheyrekeysStep2 Learn the new wordsShow the pictures of the things on the screen. Teach the new words: chair, table, bed ,bookcase, sofa.(First, rea

4、d the pronunciations , then read the words. Each word has the singular form and plural form.)Read the words over and over again until the students can name each item fluently.Step 3 Guessing game. Show the things that are covered, let students guess“Is it a/ an”, if the student cant guess what it is

5、, show the thing gradually.Step 4 Work on 1aT: Turn to page 19, look at 1a. First read the words. Then look at the picture and look at the letters. Read the instruction.Students do 1a on their own.Check the answers.Read the words again.Step5:Presentation.(1)Showthepicturesofaboxandacatteachin,on,und

6、erPresentation 1.T:Whereisthecat?S: Oh,itson/in/underthebox(2)Thenlookatthepictureonthescreentoshowtheotherthingstomakethestudentsunderstandin/on/underandteachwheres=whereisStep 6 pair work 1 1. Forexample: Put the things on some places.1)T:Whereismyschoolbag?S:Itsonthetable2. )S:Wheresmypencil? S:

7、Itsintheschoolbag.3.) S: Wheresthe? S: Its2. Students work. 3. Ask some pairs to show their work.Step7:Presentation. ShowsomepencilsandbookstothestudentsandpresentWhereare/wherere?Theyre.”(Whereare=wherere)Forexample:Wherearethebooks?Theyreon/in/underthetableStep 8 pair work 2.1. Forexample: Put the

8、 things on some places.Practicethestructures3. T:Wherearemykeys? S:Theyreonthechair.Step9:Listening(Section A1b).Listenandnumberthethingsinthepictureswhenyouhearthem.Firstlisten, thencheckandrepeat.Step 10 pair work Wheres the ball? Its in / on/ under the box.Where are the erasers? Theyre in/on/unde

9、r the box.Step11 Summarize exercise(用is/are填空)(1)Where_myschoolbag?(2)Where_mybooks?(3)Lilysschoolbag_underthedesk.(4)Tomsbooks_onthesofa.(5)They_underthetable.(6)It_akey板书设计: Unit 4 wheres my schoolbag?in 在.里面 wheres my schoolbag? wheres +单数on 在.上面 Its in/on/under.under在.下面 Where are my books ?wher

10、e are +复数 Theyre in/on/under.Period 2Teaching aims:1. Language goals:Key vocabulary: table, bed, bookcase, sofa, chair, where, on, under.Target language: Wheres the map? Its in your grandparents room. Where are my books? Theyre on the sofa.Wheres the baseball? Is it on the table? No, it isnt.Is it u

11、nder the table? Yes, it is. A: Wherere the keys? Are they under the table?B: No, they arent. They are on the table.2. Ability goalsTalk about where things are, Learn the using of preposition “ on, in, under”Train the students communicative competence.Listening an speaking skills.3. Moral goals Keep

12、your room and tidy.Teaching important points:1. Target language.2. Talk about where things are, Learn the using of preposition “ on, in, under”3. 一般疑问句的简短回答。Teaching difficult points:1. Prepositions of place: in, on, under.2. The singular forms and plural forms.3. 一般疑问句的简短回答。教学设计备注Step 1: RevisionRe

13、ad the new words, and then have a dictation.Step2: Game: Hide and look for things Students hide and look for the school things in pairs. One student hide one school thing and the other ask: Wheres? /Wherere?The first answer: Its in your desk. /They are in your pencil case. Ask some pairs to share th

14、eir performance. Step 3 presentation.Present short dialogues, using pictures or objects to help. 1. Show the Dialogue 1: Wheres the eraser? Is it on the table? -No, it isnt.Is it under the table? -Yes, it is. 2. Read the conversation in different ways.3. Show other things ask and answer:Wheres the schoolbag? Is it under the table? -No, it isnt.Is it on the table? -Yes, it is.St


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