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1、PEP三年级下小学英语期中试卷(满分100) 一、写出下列大小写字母的左右邻居(注意大小写要一致).(201. _ c _ 2. _ F _ 3. _ k _ 4. _ M_ 5. _ p _ 6. _ V_ 7. _ H _8. _ y _ 9._ S _ 10._ h _ 分)二、找出不同类的一个单词,把它的编号写在题前括号内。(10分)( ) 1、A. boy B. girl C. man D. bag( ) 2、A. teacher B. pupil C. student D. Canada( ) 3、A. sister B. family C. brother D. mother(

2、) 4、A. she B. tall C. short D. small( ) 5、A. Canada B. grandpa C. China D. UK三、从下列选项中选出最合适的一项,并填入提前括号内。(20分)( ) 1、 -Where are you from? -_A、My name is Amy. B. Im from China.C、Im Daming.( ) 2、- Who is that girl? - _ is my sister.A、 He B、She C、 It( ) 3、This _ my mother.A、am B、 is C、 are( ) 4、-Is he yo

3、ur brother? -_A、No, he is. B 、No, he isnt. C、Yes, she is.( ) 5、Look _ my new crayons .A、on B、at C、 in( ) 6、She s _teacher. Its _elephant.A、a / a B、an / an C、 a / an( ) 7、 -Lets play a game. -_A、Thank you. B、 OK ! C、 Bye( ) 8、The rabbit has a _ tail.A、short B、tall C、fat( ) 9、The elephants nose is so_

4、.A、short B、tall C、long( ) 10、This is _friend.A、 you B 、my C、I四、看图,选择相应的单词,并把其字母编号填在该图片下面的括号里。(14分)A. boy B. grandma C. father D. USA E. woman F.Canada G. UK( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( )五、连词成句。(10分)1、she Is sister your ( ? )2、so is It tall ( ! )3、 you are Where from ( ? )4、 small It eyes has ( . )5、am f

5、rom Australia I ( . )六、将下列单词的缩写形式与其完全形式用线连起来。(6分)1、shes A 、I am2、lets B 、do not3、dont C 、it is4、Im D 、who is5、whos E 、she is6、its F、let us七、将方框中的句子按正确的顺序排列,并标上序号。(5分)( ) A、Is he your father?( ) B、She is my grandfather.( ) C、Look! This is my family photo.( ) D、Wow! Whos that woman?( ) E、No , he isnt

6、. Hes my uncle.八、读一读,判断对错。对的打,错的画。 (10分)Hello,Im Xi xi. Im 9. I like animals. I have a fat dog. It is yellow. I have a rabbit. It is white . It has long ears, red eyes and a short tail.Yoyo is my sister. She is 8. She has a cat. Its thin. It has small ears ,short legs and a long tail.Mike is my brother. He is 10. He has a small bird. Its green and yellow.( ) 1.My name is BeiBei.( ) 2.I have a fat dog.( ) 3. YoYo is my brother.( ) 4. The bird is blue.( ) 5. The cat is fat.九、抄写下列句子,注意格式。(5分)1、Im a boy.2、This is Mike.3、Shes a student.4、Nice to meet you.5、Its short and fat.



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