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1、Module 5 Unit 3新课标单词versus prep. 与相对 announcement n. 宣告,通告,通知 clone vt& n. 克隆 organ n. 器官 mankind n. 人类 normal n. &adj. 正常(的),常规(的),标准(的) in general 一般来说,总体而言 praise vt& n. 发扬,赞扬,表彰 breakthrough n. 突破 intention 意图,目的,企图 anxiety n. 忧虑,焦虑,不安 saleswoman n. 女售货员 desperate adj. 不顾切的,拼命的 adopt vt. 收养,领养 a

2、head adv. 往前,向前 deliver vt. 生产(婴儿),接生 medical adj. 医学的,医疗的 succeed vi. 成功goat n. 山羊benefit vt. 有利于,使受益 n. 利益福利,好处totally adv. 完全地,彻底地immoral adj. 不道德的consequence n. 结果,后果superhuman adj. 超人的race n. 种族sale n. 出售,销售 surely adv. 当然,肯定 comment vi. 评论,点评,发表观点,发表意见 advance n. 进步;前进 morality n. 道德 *negative

3、 adj. 消极的负面的 correct adj. 正确的 strict adj. 严格的,严厉的 field n. 领域 profession n. 职业 next door 隔壁的,相邻的 radiation n. 辐射 figure vt. & vi.认为,考虑;计算 behave vi. 举止,行为表现 cautious adj. 谨慎的,小心的 judgement n. 判断 beast n. 兽类,畜生 alternative n. 可供选择的办法或事物 adj. 可供选择的 agency n. 服务机构;代理involve vt. 涉及cost n. 成本,代价definitel

4、y adv. 肯定地,绝对地relation n. 关系;亲戚public relations 公共关系manager n. 经理queen n. 皇后conduct vt. 组织,实施,进行*survey n. 调查majority n. 多数,大多数advocate vt. 托倡;倡导conclude vi& vt. 总结,下结论;结束urge vt. 敦促,催促,力劝 n. 迫切要求,知烈欲望seek vt. 征求,寻求;探索,探寻practice n. 行为,做法nutrition n. 营养revolution n. 革命victim n. 受害者,受难者,牺牲品biscuit n.

5、 饼干perform vt. 实施,执行;表演,演出resistant adj. 抵抗的,有抵抗力的pest n. 害虫limit vt. 限制seriously adv. 严重地;认真地,严肃地carelessness n. 粗心,疏忽endlessly adv. 不断地,无休止地overdevelop vt. 过度开发agriculture n. 农业tourism n. 旅游 construct vt. 建造,构建 planet n. 星球,行星favour n. 赞同,支持;恩惠,偏爱argue vt& vi.争辩disaster n. 灾难,灾祸decade n. 十年rate n.

6、 速度,比率developed adj. 发达的dam n. 水坝,堤坝developing adj. 发展中的productive adj. 能产的,多产的acceptable adj. 可接受的课文出现短语1. on (the) one hand 2. on the other hand 3. point out4. on the way to (doing) sth 5. in general 6. concentrate on7. with the intention of 8. be related to 9. push ahead with10. interfere with 11

7、. be similar to 12. to conclude13. complain about 14. in response to 15. comment on16. consider doing 17. adopt sb/sth 18. the other day19. urge sbto do sth 20. focus on 21. in favour of22. meet ones needs 23. be concerned about 24. turn out25. blamefor 26. praisefor 27. end up 28. use up 29. figure

8、 out 30. follow ones footsteps31. complain about 32. in reply to 33. keephealthy 34. argue with sb about sth 35. rather than 36. involvein37. have side effects 38. with reference to 39. so far 40. donateto 41. someone elses 42. resistant to一单词应用根据单词的首字母或汉语意思填写正确单词,注意形式变化1. A recent a_ by scientists

9、that they have successfully c _the first human embryo has caused much debate and has shocked many people around the world .2. On the one hand , some scientists p_ o_(that if you clone an embryo , you can produce valuable t _and o _that could be used to save human lives .3. On the other hand ,many pe

10、ople , including some scientists , disagree and fear that if m_ _ _ (干预)nature in this way ,they may be on their way to producing a r_ monster.4. Cloning is producing an exact copy of a plant or an animal using its c _ .5. However , _ _(一般说来) the scientists were praised for their wonderful scientifi

11、c b_ .6. Although he researches cloning , his I _has been to create copies of humans.7. Even though this use of cloning is causing a lot of a_, it is good news for Faye Wilson ,a 41-year-old s_ who cannot have a baby .8. She says she was d_ to have a child of her own 9.Some scientists are already _

12、_ _(努力推进) research so as to d _a cloned human baby .10. In China ,scientists have _ _ _ _(集中精力于) cloning animals ,as well as stem cells to be used in _ _(医学研究) .11. China has succeeded in producing clones of cows and goats ,and continues to research ways in which cloning can b_ mankind .12. I believ

13、e that human cloning is totally i_. 13. If we interfere with nature, we will have to deal with the c_.14. Who knows what could happen? We could produce monster, or even a h_ race that could one day end up replacing us.15. Human life would no longer be unique ; it would just be a product _ _(待出售) .16. The human race is _ _(用完) Earths resources.17. I would like to _ _(对-评论)your article “ The perfect copy”.18. I think the scientific a_ mentioned in your article are fantastic.19 .After all



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