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1、中考英语语法考点总结 结果状语从句 (1)结果状语从句由sothat, suchthat, so that引导。例如: He is so poor that he cant buy a bike for his son. She is such a good teacher that everybody likes her. My pencil fell under the desk, so that I couldnt see it. (2)sothat语such.that可以互换。例如: 在由so.that引导的结果状语从句中,so是副词,与形容词连用。其结构是: “.so + 形容词(副

2、词)+ that + 从句”。例如: He was so glad that he couldnt say a word. The hall is so big that it can hold 2,000 people. Mother lives so far away that we hardly ever see her. 在由suchthat引导的结果状语从句中,such是形容词,它修饰的可以是单数或复数可数名词,也可以是不可数名词;名词前面可以带形容词,也可不带。如果是单数可数名词,前面需加不定冠词a或an。例如: It was such a hot day that nobody

3、wanted to do anything. He had such long arms that he could almost touch the ceiling. He made such rapid progress that he did very well in the mid-term. 有时上述两种结构是可以互换的。例如: It was such a wonderful film that all of us wanted to see it again. =The film was so wonderful that all of us wanted to see it ag

4、ain. It is such an important match that nobody wants to miss it. =The match is so important that nobody wants to miss it. (3)如果名词前由many, much, little, few等词修饰时,只能用so, 不用such。例如: Soon there were so many deer that they ate up all the wild roses. He has so little time that he cant go to the cinema with

5、 you. 初中英语必备知识 一、名词单复数 加es构成复数的.名词: beachbeaches boxboxes classclasses glassglasses heroheroes matchmatches potatopotatoes sandwichsandwiches tomatotomatoes watchwatches 将f或fe改为v加es构成复数的名词: knifeknives leafleaves lifelives shelfshelves wifewives wolfwolves 复数变化不规则的名词: childchildren Chinesechinese fi

6、remanfiremen fishfish/fishes footfeet JapaneseJapanese manmen mousemice policemanpolicemen postmanplstmen salesmansalesmen sheepsheep toothteeth womanwomen 初中英语常考知识 被动语态 被动语态由助动词be加及物动词的过去分词构成,助动词be有时态,人称和数的变化。被动语态的时态是由be的时态决定的,be是什么时态,全句就是什么时态,be动词后面的过去分词不变。 1、各种时态的被动语态结构如下: 一般现在时的被动语态: 主语+am / is

7、/ are (not)+过去分词 一般过去时的被动语态: 主语+was / were +过去分词 现在完成时的被动语态: 主语+have / has +been +过去分词 一般将来时的被动语态: 主语+will +be +过去分词 过去将来时的被动语态: 主语+would / should + be +过去分词 过去进行时的被动语态: 主语+was / were + being +过去分词 过去完成时的被动语态: 主语+had + been +过去分词 情态动词的被动语态: 情态动词+be+过去分词 2、被动语态的用法 (1)不知道或没有必要说明动作的执行者是谁,不用by+动作执行者短语。

8、Football is played widely all over the world。 全世界都广泛地踢足球。 (2)强调动作的承受者。 The bank was robbed yesterday afternoon。 昨天下午这家银行遭到抢劫。 (3)作客观说明时,常采用一种被动语态句型。 It is reported that about twenty children have died of flu in the USA。 1、要利用好每天早晨和睡前这两个有效时间段熟读单词、词组、对话和课文。狠抓词汇、短语、句型和范文的记忆。力争在有效的时间内先将机械的记忆存储起来。 2、一定要做

9、到勤背。勤背不单是指背单词,背句型,而是指背一些有特色的课文、段落及常用语境表达以提高自己的综合语言能力。 3、理清各知识点的关系,把握各知识考点,查漏补缺。教完一个知识点要及时归纳、总结、提炼重点、难点和考点以形成知识网络,并学会对知识进行演绎和拓展。 4、根据每个单元出现的重点话题写不同题材的英语作文。写好后要与范文进行仔细比较,或请老师面批,找出不足,提高书面表达能力。 5、认真完成老师每天布置的家庭作业,切不可应付。 6、认真分析月考、期中、期末等重大考试中的错误。找出原因,总结规律,加以改正,避免类似错误的再现。 7、在学习新知识的同时,还要学会整理与此相关的知识点。学生要重视语言基本功的训练,灵活运用所学到的知识去解决实际问题,注意学习方法和学习策略的培养,好好把握教材,及时查漏补缺,同时在课外进行大量的阅读,这样就有可以在中考中考出水平。 中考政策中考状元中考饮食中考备考辅导中考复习资料



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