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1、9A Unit 5 Period 7 Integrated Skills(教案)杨光惠Teaching Content: P92-93 四会内容:词汇 tale , effect 词组 be suitable for fall in love (with) have a bad effect on people cost of the trip 句型 What do you think about fights in action film? Teaching objectives: 1To infer general meaning from context and keywords. 2T

2、o extract information from some films. 3To understand special information by listening. 4To respond to written text and information obtained from listening. 5To check accuracy of written text by identifying true and false sentences .【预习评估】 A. Words and phrases.1. 故事 _ Tales of old Beijing _2 影响_ 对有影

3、响_3 电影节_4. 恐龙世界_5 something terrible _ 6. 罗曼蒂克电影_7.on screen _ 8.fall in love with a man _9. What do you think about fights in action films?_B: Some Language points :1. Suitable for all ages suitable adj. 反义词是unsuitable 适合 be suitable for.eg: 1) 他适合这个工作吗?Is he suitable for the job? 2) These books ar

4、e suitable for children .这些书适合学生读。2. They have a bad effect on people .effect n. 意为:影响,结果,效果have an effect on. 对有影响eg: The book has a great effect on the children .区别:effect与affect(1) effect 做名词时是指affect 的结果。eg: He fell sick from the effect of the weather effect 还可用作动词,意思是“产生、实现”。eg :I will effect m

5、y purpose. (2) affect =have an effect on 主要用作动词,意为“影响”eg: Smoking affects health .中考链接-Are you worried when your son often plays computer games ? -Yes. I think playing computer games _on teenagers.A have a good effect B has a bad effect C has a good affect D has a bad affect Teaching proceduresStep

6、1. Free TalkT: There are many famous film festivals around the world. People can enjoy different types of films at these film festivals, can you name any of them?S: T: If you want to watch a film, what are the first things that you have to decide ? S: (time/ name/ ticket price)Step2: Discuss in grou

7、ps-how to find out whats on at the cinema?(look for some information on the Internet/ read newspapers/ hotline)Step3: Do exercises 1) Read Part A1 on P92 2)Listen to the tape and complete the rest of the notes 3) Read Part A2 on P92 4) Complete Part A3 on P93 according to the information in Part A1

8、and A2 5) Read Part A3 togetherStep 4 : Activities1 To learn to write a report on some of the films 2 To learn to make notes such like page 92Step 5. Speak up. T: Now you have learned a lot about different kinds of films. Do you still remember how many kinds of films we have talked about? S: Cartoon

9、, action films. T: Sandy and Kitty are also talking about different kinds of films. What is Kittys favourite kind of film?Why? ( Kitty likes romantic films because they usually have interesting stories.)Step 6 Practice1.Listen to the tape and read it. And then say true or false1) Kitty thinks that f

10、ights in action films have a good effect on people 2) Sandy doesnt love action films .2 .Ask and answer some questions.1)what does kitty think of fights in action films? 2)What types of films does she like ? Step 7. Production Make dialogues in pairs using Sandy and Kittys conversation as a model.Useful expressions1. I like / I dont like2. I love /hate3. makes me laugh / cry4. are my favourite /least favourite kinds of films5. I like/ dont like because .6. Im not interested in 7. I find very boring / interesting.8. is dull / excting.Homework: Finish Workbook Period Seven 教后感:


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