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1、中小学教育() 教案学案课件试题全册打包Unit3 The Earth教案5(共6课时) 课题Unit 3 The Earth课型Gramma备课时间1period教材分析教学目标1.Students can differ the countable nouns from the uncountable nouns.2.They should cooperate to summarize the rules.教学重点Some uncountable nouns 教学难点How to differ the UN from CN.教学关键Using the right forms of the n

2、ouns.教法与学法指导Cooperating,Self-study教学环节主要教学步骤或内容学生主体活动教师活动设计意图时间分配第一环节复习回顾平移的基本性质,引入课题Step:Warming up1.Describe some pictures.1.Try to use the right nouns to describe the pictures.I can see _an appletwo applessome bread1.Show them some pictures and lead them to describe: What can you see in the pictu

3、re?1.To arouse their interest and get them to use some simple nouns.5第二环节观察操作、探索归纳平移的作法Step:Uncountable/countable words.2.Read a passage to find nouns as many as possible.(Group competition)Step:Classify the words.(Individual work, Competition)Step:Summerize the rules.(Group work)2.Read the passage

4、to find the nouns.(In groups)3.Fill the chart given on the learning sheet.4.Group work to dicuss.Which kind of words are CN?(How to use?)Which kind of words are UCN?(How to use)2.Lead them to read a passage.How many nouns can you find?3.Show them the classification chant.countableuncountable4.Lead t

5、hem to learn to summarize.1.个体名词,集体名词为可数。用many、few. a few以及数词修饰。2.物质名词,抽象名词为不可数。用much ,little,a little以及量词修饰。3.a lot of /lots of some 可以修饰任何名词。2.To develop their interest and lead them to the world of nuuns.3.To encourage them to classify the words. 4.tivate their ability of cooperating to summarize

6、.15第三环节课堂练习Step:Using the right forms of nouns and “there be”.( Group activity)5.Using the right forms of the nouns to make a dialogue to order some food in a restaurant .5.Give away a food list for them to make a dialogue like:A:What is there in your shop?B:There is/are _A:I would like_.5.To develo

7、p the ability of speaking.10第四环节课时小结Step:Summerize6.List the uncountable words as possible as you can.news advice bread water money wood beef rice meat6.Help them to summarize the uncountable words.:6.Train ability of taking notes.5第五环节课后作业1.Read the sentences on P37.2.综合练习册Gramma课堂教学流程Collecting the nounsClassfying the nounsSummerize the gramma Exercise效果评价与反思提供中考高考试题与解析、中考高考一轮二轮复习资料



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