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1、2023中考英语模拟试卷考生须知:1全卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,全部在答题纸上作答。选择题必须用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。2请用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔在“答题纸”上先填写姓名和准考证号。3保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。. 单项选择1、Can we play soccer here?No, you play it near the road. Thats too dangerous!AcanBmayCmustnt2、_ ,as one of the greatest mysteries in Brit

2、ain. is how it was built , but we do know they must have been hard-workingABig BenBStonehengeCQomolangma3、I will go to the park if it _ tomorrow.Adont rainBwont rainCdoesnt rainDdidnt rain4、Dad,could you tell me next Sunday?Nothing special.Awhat you didBwhat are you going to doCwhat did you doDwhat

3、you are going to do5、Snakes dont have ears but they can feel things _.Amoving Bmove Cmoved Dto move6、I want to know_ he went yesterday. He went to his friends home.AwhereBwhyCwhenDwhat7、Yoga is a kind of sport people around the world like now. Everyone, young and old does it.AthatBwhoCwhose8、Working

4、 with the volunteers(志愿者) in the community will _ the best in us.Abring outBwork outCgive outDtake out9、Tom, could you lend me the book _ you talked about yesterday?Sure, here you are.AwhichBwhatCwho10、The population of China _ large and one third of the population _ the old.Ais; areBis; isCare; isD

5、are; are. 完形填空11、 Youre standing with your classmates. 1 is talking except you. Perhaps youre afraid they will laugh at you when you say something. Maybe you just arent 2 enough to speak. Shyness is like a snake that crawls(爬) into our mouth and 3 us speaking. But we shouldnt let it stay there.I am

6、29 years old. Even today, that snake still sometimes 4 me. When I was in high school, I was so shy that I wouldnt talk to anyone except my parents and best friends. If a stranger asked me the 5 to a local shop, it was as if Id forgotten how to talk. One summer, I got a 6 in a restaurant and that hel

7、ped a lot. It meant I had to talk to customers. I had to tell them how 7 their meal cost. I had to ask them if they want to drink Coke or Sprite. This job taught me how to speak with people. You may be too young to find a part-time job. But you can look 8 other chances to speak with people. You can

8、9 to help an old woman carry her heavy bag, or you can go to get a newspaper for your family. 10 you do these things for a while, the “shyness” snake will soon begin to leave you alone. Itll look for another mouth to crawl into.1ANo oneBNoneCSomeoneDEveryone2AbraveBstrongCexcitedDcomfortable3AhelpsB

9、stopsCencouragesDteaches4AbitesBhidesCvisitsDeats5AplanBsymbolCmileDway6AmealBjobCnovelDbowl7AmanyBoldCmuchDsoon8AafterBforCupDthrough9AaffordBofferCcreateDprefer10ADuringBIfCUnlessDUntil. 语法填空12、阅读下面短文,根据语境、音标或所给单词的提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的词,要求所填的词意义准确、形式正确,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。Have you ever watched Shadow Play? It

10、 is 1art which is mixed music and shadow play. The player holds the human characters behind the paper screen and plays a series of stories. The characters are 2(usual)made of cow skin. When the day becomes dark, the players set 3 the light and paper screen and start their show. Shadow Play 4(come)in

11、 Shanxi during the Western Han Dynastytwo thousand years ago, which is named Daoqing Shadow Play. It was very5/fems/ in Hebei during Qing Dynasty.The stage of the Shadow Play is always a table covered6a large piece of paper. The light was behind the paper screen. As the shadow player moves his finge

12、rs, the characters come to life and their looks, dress and movement can be clearly seen from the other7/said/ of the screen. The player is also the lead singer. All the characters are played and voiced by 8(he).Playing the characters well is not an easy job. It always takes a player ten to twenty ye

13、ars.In order to 9/ prtekt/ the traditional Chinese folk art, the Museum of Daoqing Shadow Play has been built in Gansu. Many 10 (art) are trying to spread it to the stage of China, even of the world. Its also our duty to prevent it form disappearing. 阅读理解A13、Sudha Chandran, a famous dancer from Indi

14、a, had to have her right leg cut after a car accident. She was also cut off on her career (事业) road.Though the accident brought her bright career to a stop, she didnt give up. In the painful months that followed, Sudha met a doctor who developed a man-made leg for her. So strongly, she wanted to go

15、back to dancing. Sudha believed in herself and she thought she could realize her dream.After every public recital (个人表演), she would ask her dad about her performance. “Youstill have a long way to go” was the answer she used to get in return. In January 1984, Sudha made a historic comeback by giving a public recital in Bombay. She performed in such a great man


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