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1、小学英语优质课教学设计Unit 3 What are you going to do? 周江镇蓝坑小学 周小丽 18933468849Unit 3 What are you going to do? 第一课时教学设计一、教学目标:1、 知识目标:能够听、说、认、读句型:What are you going to do this evening? Im going to the cinema.并能对其中的动词和时间短语进行替换操练。能够听、说、认、读动词短语:take a trip, go to the cinema , read a magazine.能够听、说、读、写时间短语:next we

2、ek/ this morning/afternoon/evening,并能够听、说、认、读时间短语:tomorrow /tonight。 2、能力目标:能够在Pair work中合理安排自己的活动时间并与他人进行交流。 3、情感目标:培养学生合理安排自己的学习与生活的能力。 4、学习策略:关注小组合作与交流,加强自主学习。二、教学重点:能够听、说、读、写Lets learn部分的四会短语,并能替换be going to do句型中动词和时间短语对将来的活动进行表述。三、教学难点:四会词语的听、说、读、写以及对be going to do句型的理解和替换操练。四、教具准备:单词卡、录音机、磁带等

3、。五、教学过程:Step:1Warm-up ( 2 minutes) 师生对话:T:What day is it today? S:ItsWednesday.T:What classes do we have on Wednesday? S:Letme see.(看课表:We have .)T:What time is it now? S:Its-T:What are you doing now? S: We are having English class.T:Yes.We are having English class now.What classes are you going to

4、have this afternoon? S:We are going to have. Step2:Review (3 minutes)让学生回忆我们之前学的现在进行时特殊疑问句和陈述句的句子结构(老师板书:What are you doing? I am writing.)为接下来的新课做铺垫。Step2:Presentation (20 minutes)1、T:Please turn to page 26.Look at the pictures .If you are Zhang Peng,can you tell me what are you going to do? S:Visi

5、t grandparents,clean my room,watch TV,play footballT:Yes,its a busy day.T:Suppose ,today is Staurday.Guess!What am I going to do?(学生用以前学的动词短语猜测)Now ,let me tell you.2、A:老师做戴帽子的动作并背上背包问学生:What am I going to do ?Im going to take a trip.(板书take a trip,领读并讲解trip的发音规则) B :老师出示杂志做读杂志的动作并问学生What am I doing

6、 ? Im going to read a magazine.(板书read a magazine,领读magazine.讲解magazine发音规则)。 C:老师出示单词卡问:What are they going to do ?引导学生回答They are going to the cinema.(板书go to the cinema领读go to the cinema齐读go to the cinema。3、T:Please turn to page 28.找到刚学的三个短语。Listen to the tape carefully! Read after it!(放录音,跟读单词三遍)

7、4、游戏:传杂志。当听到老师说stop 时,手拿杂志的人起立,全班同学向他发问:What are you going to do?该生回答:Im going to read a magazine.当我们想知道别人打算干什么时,我们就用句型What are you going to do?向他提问。(板书:What are you going to do?)5、What day is it tomorrow? (Tomorrow is Thursday!) 学习单词:tomorrow。6、如果想知道对方明天想干什么,我们怎么问呢?(What are you going to do tomorro

8、w?)对了,我们就可以在What are you going to do 的末尾加上时间“tomorrow”。Pleaselookat page 28.这里有几个表示时间的短语,请大家试着读一读。(循环出示时间短语词卡,认读)7、当我们想知道某人在某个时间打算做什么时,我们就在What are you going to do 的末尾加上时间。(替换时间短语,巩固句型。) 8、板书:Im going to -(替换动词短语,巩固句型。)Step:3 Practice (10 minutes)1、循环认读动词短语和时间短语。 2、补填字母并写出该单词、词组的中文意思。 (1)t_m _rr _w(

9、 ) (2)t_n_ght( ) (3)t_k_ a tr_p( ) (4)n_xt w_ _k( ) (5)c_n_ma( ) (6)m_g_zine( ) 3、根据表格造对话:动作短语Take a trip Go to the cinemaRead a magazine时间短语tomorrowtonightthis evening Step5:Summary (4 minutes)1、说一说,今天所学的新知识,利用板书总结所学的单词和句型。2、今天这节课同学们表现不错,发言积极主动,小组活动热烈有序,希望下节课同学们依然保持这样的学习热情。 Step6:Homework (1 minute

10、s) 1、抄写四会句型。 2、抄写四会单词。 3、用所学句型调查你的朋友周末的行动计划。板书设计: Unit3 What are you going to do? What are you going to do - next week this morning/afternoon/eveningtomorrow/ tonight? Im going to - take a trip go to the cinemaread a magazine.教学反思:根据本班学生的实际情况,教案设计紧扣课本,课堂实施情况难易适度,学生掌握不错,基本上能替换be going to do 句型中的动词和时间短语,对将来的活动进行表述,对一般将来时态有了初步的了解,并能运用所学的be going to do 句型根据所提供的信息进行语言训练。


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