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1、 Unit 5单元试题Part A Vocabulary and grammar. Fill in the missing words according to the sentences.1. The talent show is really f and I like it very much.2. Which TV p do you like best?3. Children like c very much because they are funny.4. My grandfathers f is Peking Opera.5. Do you often go to the c ?

2、Yes, I go to see a film every week. Choose the proper Chinese meaning for the underlined parts.1. She is proud that both her children have a talent for music A. 知识 B. 天赋 C. 气质 D. 爱好2. The actor talks about his career in comedy. A. 表演 B. 创作 C. 编剧 D. 喜剧3. He became famous as a great magician after the

3、 performance A. 魔术师 B. 音乐家 C. 导演 D.编剧4. What you have said sounds true. A. 声音 B. 声响 C.听起来 D.看起来5. Parents can programme the machine so that it wont turn on at certain times. A.做节目 B. 编程 C. 计划 D. 做项目6. What do you think of the time-travel party last night? A. 穿越式聚会 B. 时间旅游晚会 C. 消耗时间的聚会 D. 太空旅游晚会7. Th

4、ey try to find some creative ways to solve the problems. A. 娱乐性的 B. 实践性的 C. 创造性的 D.有效的8. His plays were very good, very witty. A. 风趣,诙谐 B. 古怪的 C. 冒险的 D. 奇妙的. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words given in the box. fashion show horror film action film street dance pop song romance fil

5、m magic show talent show 1. Jackie Chan, Jet Lee are popular Chinese actors in _.2. What do you think of the _? How did a cap turn into a bird?3. Nowadays young people are in favor of _. They are easy to learn and sing.4. Dont take the baby to see the _. He may get scared at it.5. This dress was uni

6、que in the _ which was held in Paris.6. _ is good for young men to practice their body.7. Are you crazy about singing, dancing or playing guitar? Come and join the _.8. This _ was made according to a love story. Choose the best answers.( )1Hefeels_todaythanyesterday.A.tired B.moretired C.tireder D.m

7、uchtired( )2.Whichdoyoulike_,coffee,teaormilk?A.theworstB.worseC.theworseD.worst( )3.Ofthetwotoys,thechildchose_.A.theexpensiveoneB.onemostexpensiveC.aleastexpensiveD.themostexpensiveofthem( ) 4. He _ to us as soon as he gets there. A. writes B. has written C. will write D. wrote( ) 5. If it _ tomor

8、row, well go roller-skating. A. isnt rain B. wont rain C. doesnt rain D. isnt fine( ) 6. _ your brother _ a magazine from the library? A. Are; going to borrow B. Is; going to borrow C. Will; borrows D. Does; go to borrow( )7.Shelooks_thanshedoes.A. themoreolderB.veryolderC.mucholderD.moreolder( ) 8.

9、 Shall I come again tomorrow afternoon?_ (好的). A. Yes, please B. Yes, you will. C. No, please. D. No, you wont.( )9.Theycompeted(比赛)toseewhocouldwork_.A.thefastestand well B.thefasterandthebetterC.fastestandbetter D.fasterandbetter( ) 10. Lets go out to play football, shall we? OK. I _. A. will comi

10、ng B. am going to come C. come D. am coming. Complete the following sentences according to the Chinese given. 1. _(你觉得如何)the new movie?2. Peter_ (喜欢弹吉他), while his brother likes street dance.3. I usually play badminton on weekends. _(你呢)?4. We often get some _ (兼职工作 ) during weekends.5. Joan likes _

11、 (有创造性的工作).Part B Language practice. 以下是某电影院的一周影讯,请根据以下几个人的爱好和时间安排,给他们提供合适的影片和时间。1. Global Cinema CenterMovieDateTimeMovie DateTimeThe Kings SpeechWednesday6:30pm8:30pm10:00pmSleepless in SeattleFriday2:30pm4:00pm8:00pmLife as a houseThursday2:30pm8:00pmHarry PotterFriday2:00pm5:00pmBrave HeartMonda

12、y5:30pm8:00pmLion KingSaturday1:30pm6:00pmForrest GumpTuesday4:30pm7:30pmHome AloneSunday5:00pm7:00pm2. Who wants to see the movie?Tim Age : 8Free from 12:00- 8:00pm weekends LeoAge: 25Free after 7:00 every evening LisaAge: 16Free from 2:00pm to 8:00pm on Friday, Saturday, Sunday3. Which movie can they see?TimLeoLisa. 用大约60个单词介绍自己最喜爱的一部电影或者一个电视节目,并写出理由。Unit 5 单元试题答案Part A Vocabulary and grammar. fantastic 2. programme 3. ca



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