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1、九年级(上)英语期中考试卷教师:严观英、听力(略)II、单项选择题(共10题,每小题1分,共10分)21.Whats date today? - Its November 15.A、 a B、 不填 C、 the D、that22.-What do you think of George?- Hes a man of _ words. He always stays alone. A. little B. much C. few D. many23. - Is this your e-dictionary? - No, is in the schoolbag.A、 his B、 yours C

2、、 hers D、mine24. - You didnt send me an e-mail last night, did you? - Sorry, my broke down. I couldnt get online.A、 computer B、 car C、 clock D、camera25、I dont know _ tomorrow. Can you tell me? A.when we started B. when did we start C.when we will start D. when will we start26、 Which ocean is _, the

3、Atlantic or the Pacific?- The Pacific.A. deep B. deeper C. deepest D. more deeper 27、一Are you going to see the film with us?一No,thanksI itAsaw Bhave seen Csee Dwas seeing28、The woman and her husband in the same officeAwork Bworks Cis working Dhas worked29、一Your hometown has changed a lot -YesTake a

4、look at these tall buildingsThey _ last yearAbuild Bbuilt Cwas built Dwere built30、Many boys and girls are made what they are not .III、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)As I have learned English very well in the university, I have a good chance to stay as a teacher in the university where I am 1 . Most of my friends

5、and my parents think that its the best of a girl to be a university teacher.But I dont know 2 to do. It isnt that I wouldnt like to be a 3 . But I dont want to stay, not now, because I need some experience to tell my students how to turn their textbook 4 to use.I once taught business English at a ni

6、ght school, yet I had ever done any 5 . Though I tried hard to give my lessons, I still 6 to create a “real” situation for my students to practice with. Well, its not time for to work here and spend my life in a university. I want to work in a place where I can 7 . What Iv learnt: my knowledge of En

7、glish and French, and also of the Computer. And I want to know more about other things.I know that 8 I leave the university, I shall 9 from the beginning in some way, but Im 10 to learn, to work hard to keep up with others and then, if possible, surpass(超过) them. English can be a good tool to help m

8、e. It is a way to an end, but not the end itself.31. A workingB playingC studyingD visiting32. A whatB howC whyD whether33 A studentB friendC teacherD parent34. A coversB pagesC knowledgeD pictures35. A homeworkB readingC businessD shopping36. A enjoyedB neededC decidedD failed37. A finishB useC wor

9、ryD learn38. A ifB untilC evenD before39. A stayB stopC spendD start40. A readyB politeC slowD freeIV、阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分) AThe job of an air hostess(空姐)is not as easy as it looks. Most people that travel by air read, or sleep, or look out of the window. They dont trouble the air hostess much. But some

10、people ask questions and complain from start to finish, and are very difficult to please.There is the man who wants to know exactly where he is all the time.“Can you tell me where we are?” he asks. “Its getting rather dark outside and I always like to see where we are on the map.”“Well, were over th

11、e Atlantic,” the hostess answers, “so there wouldnt be much o see even in the daytime.”“Do you think wed be somewhere about here on this black line?”“I should think so, yes. About there.”What else can she say? The plane has been in the air for an hour. How far has it traveled in that time? There is

12、no time to work it out, for an old lady is having trouble with her evening meal.Another gentleman asks what time will be when the plane flies over the American coast; yet another wonders whether it is as dangerous in New York as he has heard it is; and a third asks whether he plane is traveling forw

13、ards in time or backwards.As night falls and lights are going out, the air hostess decides that there are three sorts of people in the world; those who can not sleep and those who will not sleep. The nonsleepers are the reason why the job of an air hostess is difficult.41. According to the article,

14、passengers are difficult to please.A manyB someC fewD all42 .What kind of passenger makes the air hostess are difficult ?A. Those who put the lights out as night falls.B. Those who give the hostess a present.C. Those who think that an air hostess job is easy.D .Those who cant or will not sleep.43. One gentleman asks the air hostess .A what time it will be when the plane lands in New YorkB whether they are flying towards the American coastC whether it is as da



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