2022高中英语 单元质量检测(一)Unit 1 Nothing ventured nothing gained(含解析)新人教选修1 0

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1、2022高中英语 单元质量检测(一)Unit 1 Nothing ventured nothing gained(含解析)新人教选修1 0.单词拼写(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)1By _(不屈不挠),the disabled boy learned how to swim.2We need to establish the legal _(结构)for the protection of the environment.3The children _(涂黑) their faces with charcoal and began to play games.4Water the plan

2、ts r_,and never let the soil dry out.5He tried to g_ anything that might help him.完成句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)6One afternoon she _ (出发) from the coast in a small boat but then was caught in a storm.7The children _(正受之苦) a widespread disease.8Now that you have stopped smoking,you must _(坚持)9Trees _(释放出大量水分

3、) and serve as cooling agents.10We _(对感到厌倦)his story.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)11Cold air is on its way.Its no wonder_it suddenly bees cold.AwhenBwhereCthat Dwhether12Oh,doctor,I feel Im dying.Just a cold.Nothing serious and_.Acheerful Bcheer onCcheers Dcheer up13As we can no longer wait for the delive

4、ry of our order,we have to _it.Adelay BrefuseCcancel Dpostpone14We thought of selling this old furniture,but we have decided to_it.It might be valuable.Ahold on to Bhold offChold out Dhold back15Though he was not clever,he_in his study,and at last he was admitted into a famous university.Apersevered

5、 BinsistedCstayed Dkept16What will you buy for your husbands birthday?I want to buy a _wallet for him.Ablack leather small Bsmall black leatherCsmall leather black Dblack small leather17Mike,what did our monitor say just now?Every boy and every girl as well as teachers who _to visit the museum_asked

6、 to be at the school gate before 630 in the morning.Ais;is Bare;areCis;are Dare;is18Ten minutes earlier_we could have avoided the accident.Aor BbutCso Dand19After the president made official announcement,she expressed her_opinion.Apersonal BprivateCsingle Dindividual20On a_ cold day,the boy_10 saved

7、 one of his classmates from the river.Afreezing;aging Bfreezing;agedCfrozen;aging Dfrozen;aged21It is said that all the crew_ were killed and sank into the sea with the ship.Aabroad Bon boardCon aboard Dbroad22I do every single bit of housework_my husband Bob just does the dishes now and then.Asince

8、 BwhileCwhen Das23Once I was _ steward on _Endurance.Aa;不填 Ba;theC不填;the Da;an24Im_to say I havent been to church for three years.Ashy BregrettableCshameful Dashamed25What do you think of the new movie directed by Jackie Chan?Well,most people think it is wonderful.But_,it is just a new one,nothing s

9、pecial.Apardon me BI agreeCin my opinion Dit is all right.完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)I remember a very special doctor named William RVincent.When I was eight years old I was with a(n)_26_heart problem and I needed heart operation.My mom did not have the _27_to have it done,but without the operation I_28

10、_not live to be 13 years old.After _29_in touch with several organizations,Dr Vincent was _30_to get financial(金融的)help for me.Dr Vincent was very _31_ and caring.I remember when I was in the hospital for a _32_ before operation,I was crying loudly.So the medical workers _33_Dr Vincent to calm me do

11、wn,and he was able to _34_me when no one else could._35_ the time came for me to have heart operation;there was a fiftypercent chance that I would not make it through the operation._36_I was only the second or third person to have it.I was really _37_,and again Dr Vincent reassured me he would see t

12、o it that _38_would be all right.Fortunately,the operation was _39_ painful but very successful.Dr Vincent came to see me and _40_me a lovely animal.I was so surprised to get this _41_from Dr Vincent;I gave him a hug.I had a wonderful doctor who _42_the time to help a scared little girl who felt all

13、 _43_.This was 28 years ago,but wherever Dr Vincent are,I want to thank him for not only _44_my life,but helping me live a(n)_45_productive life.26A.serious BdeadlyCheavy Dstrange27A.will BpatienceCmoney Denergy28A.should BwouldCshall Dmust29A.keeping BlosingCholding Dgetting30A.able BreadyCeager Dh

14、appy31A.quiet BrichChonest Dgentle32A.check BresearchCtest Dwatch33A.called on Bcalled atCcalled up Dcalled in34A.prevent BfortCprotect Dmove35A.Later BHoweverCInstead DLuckily36A.At times BIn timeCAt the time DIn no time37A.surprised BfrightenedCsatisfied Ddelighted38A.nothing BanythingCsomething Deverything39A.extremely BspeciallyCfairly D



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