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1、气体泄漏超声检测系统的设计摘 要随着工业的发展,各种气体包括易燃易爆、有毒气体的种类和应用范围都得到增加,传统的气体泄漏检测方法,如压差法、气泡法等,有其局限性,不仅操作复杂,对技术人员要求较高,而且不具有实时性。迫切需要各种方法简单,准确性可靠的检测方法。本文介绍了一种气体泄漏超声检测系统,在分析小孔气体泄漏产生超声波的原理的基础上,阐述了该检测系统的原理及设计方案。该系统能对各种压力容器的孔隙泄漏所产生的微弱超声信号进行精确检测。该系统利用技术对泄漏所产生的超声波信号进行分析处理和声压级计算,从而实现对泄漏的检测及泄漏量的估算。通过超声波检测,正确地判断和定位产生泄漏位置,对于提高企业的生

2、产效率,节约能源,确保安全具有重大意义。 在通过对超声波性质的研究中,我们发现超声波是一种高频短波,并且它在空气中传播具有很强的方向性。基于此特性,我设计了一套超声波检测电路,该电路包括了模拟电路与数字电路,其中模拟电路包含了信号放大电路和音频处理电路;数字电路由单片机和LCD、键盘等外围设备组成。在对超声波信号的处理的过程中,信号经过放大滤波以后,一路交给单片机处理,并在显示屏上读出信号的强度与流速;另一路通过降频转化为可听声,从而实现检测的目的。关键词:单片机 ;声压级; 本底噪声; 泄漏超声波AbstractAlong with the industry development, eac

3、h kind of gas including is flammable explosive, the virulent gas type and the application scope all obtains the increase, the traditional gas divulges the examination method, like presses the method of difference, Air bubble method and so on, has its limitation, not only operates complex, requests t

4、o the technical personnel high, moreover does not have timeliness. Urgent need each method is simple, accurate reliable examination method. This article introduced one kind of gas divulges the supersonic examination system, divulges in the analysis eyelet gas has in the ultrasonic wave principle fou

5、ndation, elaborated this examination system principle and the design proposal. This system can divulge the weak supersonic signal to each kind of pressure vessel hole which produces to carry on the precise examination. This system to divulges the ultrasonic wave signal using the technology which pro

6、duces to carry on analysis processing and the acoustic pressure level computation, thus realizes to the examination which divulges and divulges quantityestimate. Through the ultrasonic wave examination, correctly the judgement and the localization produces divulges the position, regarding enhances t

7、he enterprise the production efficiency, saves the energy, guarantees safely has the great significance.In through to the supersonic wave archery target research in, we discovered the ultrasonic wave is one kind of high frequency short wave, and it disseminates in the air has the very strong directi

8、vity. Based on this characteristic, I have designed a set of ultrasonic waves examinations electric circuit, this electric circuit has included the analogous circuit and the digital circuit, analogous circuit has contained the signal enlargement electric circuit and the audio frequency processing el

9、ectric circuit; The digital circuit by auxiliary equipment and so on the monolithic integrated circuit and LCD, keyboard is composed. In to the ultrasonic wave signal processing process in, the signal after enlarges after the filter, a group gives monolithic integrated circuit processing, and on dis

10、play monitor read signal intensity and speed of flow; Another group through falls the frequency to transform for may listen to the sound, thus realization examination goal.Keywords:Monolithic integrated circuit; Acoustic pressure level; Background noise; Divulges the ultrasonic wave目 录引言 11 方案的选择与论证

11、 11.1 方案一 11.1.1 绝对压力法 11.2 方案二 21.2.1 压差法 21.3 方案三 21.3.1 超声波检测法22 气体泄漏检测的设计原理 22.1 气体泄漏产生超声波22.2 声压与泄漏量的关系33 超声检测电路设计原理与各单元电路的概述 43.1 电路系统的硬件实现过程43.2 各单元电路的介绍 53.2.1 超声探头的原理 5 3.2.2 前置放大电路 63.2.3 带通滤波器 73.2.4 精密检波电路 93.2.5 A/D转换电路 93.2.6 单片机与LCD、键盘的连接电路的设计 103.2.7 本振电路 143.2.8 混频电路 153.2.9 低通滤波 15

12、3.2.10 音频功放电路173.2.11 整流滤波电路与稳压电路174 超声检测的软件设计 245 电路的调试过程 256 结论 26谢辞 27参考文献 28附录 29引言 传统的泄漏检测方法是将待测物品充入水或其它介质,通过观察,测量在特定时间内充入介质的减少量(如通过检测液面的降低等)来实现的,这是一种直接的测量方式。基于这种方法又派生出另一种方法,即将待测物品充入一定压力的气体介质(通常为压缩空气),而后置水中观察,以被测物品周围是否产生气泡作为是否泄漏的标准。随着技术的进步及检测方法的改善,所谓“绝对不漏”或“无泄漏”只是一个数量上的概念,这一观念,已被人们所接受。判别一个测量物品漏

13、或者不漏需要一个更为准确的、数量上的标准,特别是对一些需测量微小泄漏的场合。泄漏检查仪的出现为以上问题提供了一个较好的解决办法,它使得泄漏检测过程更加便捷,测量结果也更为可靠。在采用泄漏检查仪的基础上,再辅以上、下料机构、自动密封装置及电气控制、液压、气动系统等等即可组成一个可用于加工生产线上的泄漏检查设备试漏机。试漏检查仪的出现使得零部件的泄漏在线检测成为可能,采用这种装置可满足批量生产中对零部件泄漏情况检测的要求,大幅提高产品的品质质量。本课题主要设计一种气体泄漏检测系统。1 方案的选择与论证1.1 方案一1.1.1 绝对压力法绝对压力法测量系统如图1-1所示,由气源、空气过滤器、压力表、充气阀、压力传感器等部分组成。测量过程如下:图1-1绝对压力法测量原理充气:充气阀开启,向待测件内充入规定压力的气体;稳定:充



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