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1、Body Dysmorphic DisorderAre you unhappy with your body? Learn about body dysmorphic disorder on this Moment of Science.Psychologists estimate that one to two percent of the population has what is called body dysmorphic disorder. These people obsess over what they perceive as a terrible defect in the

2、ir physical appearance.In contrast to the case with eating disorders, where peoples concern over their physical appearance typically involves their body image as a whole, people with BDD are concerned about specific physical features. The concern often has to do with the face or head, but BDD can in

3、volve any body part.A person with the disorder might think her nose is too big or his chest not(1)muscularenough. Sometimes the(2)perceiveddefect is invisible to anyone else. In other cases, such as is the case with thinning hair, the individuals perception of that body part is extreme, far from wha

4、t an objective observer sees.People with body dysmorphic disorder spend at least an hour a day, sometimes much longer, thinking about that imperfection. Theyre often so(3)self-consciousabout how they look that they may avoid social activities, even work.They may suffer extreme anxiety and depression

5、. Much remains to be learned about BDD, but if you suspect that your cousin may have the disorder, you should advise him/her to seek help from an(4)therapistwith experience with it.译文:身体畸形恐惧症心理学家估计一到两成的人口有所谓的身体畸形恐惧症。这些人认为他们的外表有非常严重的缺陷,并为之困扰。与饮食失调症形成鲜明对比的是,身体畸形恐惧症的患者更关心某一特殊的外表特征,而不是关注他们身体外观的整体形象。他们通常

6、只关心脸或头,但是也可以涉及全身的任何一个部位。身体畸形恐惧症的人可能会认为她的鼻子太大,或者他的胸肌不够发达。有时候这些被他们感知的缺点是别人根本不会注意的。在其他情况下,如头发稀疏,个人对自己身体的感知是极端的,远不如客观的观察者所见。身体畸形恐惧症的人们一天至少会花一个小时,有时甚至更长的时间来思考他们的瑕疵。他们经常感觉自己的外表不自然,以致于避免社会活动,甚至工作。他们可能遭受极端的焦虑和抑郁。关于身体畸形恐惧症仍然有许多问题亟待了解。如果你怀疑你的表兄弟姐妹患有此病,应该建议他/她去向一个有经验的治疗师寻求帮助。Notes:(1)muscular mskjul adj.肌肉的;肌肉

7、发达的;强健的He is a muscular young person.他是一个强壮的年青人。(2)perceived v.感知;认为(perceive的过去分词);领会 adj. 感知到的;感观的Similar perceived health benefits have also been attributed to beer.对于啤酒对健康的好处也有类似的认知(3)self-conscious adj. 自觉的be self-conscious: 感觉不自然He hated that, felt self-conscious; but it was the standard procedure in small towns. Someone new!他讨厌这样,觉得不自在,但这是所有小镇的标准程序有个新来的(4)therapist erpist n. 临床医学家;治疗学家Even the best therapist cant give you that.即使是最好的理疗师也不能给你这。


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