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1、2019-2020年九年级英语Un it 1 Star sig ns同步测评3牛津版i. 单词拼写1. He sat down and ate h ; he hadn t had anything for a whole day.2. She is gwith her money.3. Your room is ttha n mine.杂志).长度)of her hair.4. This is one of the most in terest ing(5. Mark Twain was a writer with h6. Can you tell me the_(7. My father h

2、as a good s8. He is always_(_of direct ion.愿意)to help others.9. I have poor _( 视力).10. Good health is more_( 重要)than money.n.汉译英1. 投票选某人 3. 方脸5. 适合某人 7. 户外活动 9. 愿意干某事 川.单项选择1. Kate ofte n helps usEnglish.A. to lear ningB. learn2. Less on 4 istha n Lesson 5.A. very easyB. very easier3. Is Tom s watch

3、 cheaper than _A.youB.your2. 需要帮助的人4. 擅长干某事6. 了解8. 给我一些警告10. 面带笑容C. learni ngD.lear nedC. much easyD.much easier?C. your sD.yours4. She is bettersinging than you.A. atB. inC. ofD. by5. Who is , Lily, Kate or Jack?A. oldB. olderC. oldestD. the oldest6. Would you pleasethe window? It s too cold.A. clo

4、seB. to closeC. closi ngD. closes7. Do you likeTV?A. see ingB. looki ngC. watch ingD. readi ng8. Sandy can pick than Sue.A. many applesB. more apples C. much apples D. more apple9.an imal do you like best?A. WhereB. HowC. WhichD. How many10. The boata duck.A. look likeB. look the sameC. looks likeD.

5、 likesIV. 综合填空用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空,使短文正确、通顺(每个词语限用一次)。ano ther,big, climb,dan gerous,forest,frien dly,give, other, sleep,in terest ing, small, stayThere is a big zoo in our city. There are many animals, like elephants, tigers,mon keys, bears, sn akes, dolph in and 1 on es. Tigers, bears and some sn akes

6、have to 2 in cages because they are dan gerous.Elephants are the 3 animals on the land. There are two elephants in the zoo. They are very 4 . They eat grass every day. They like childre n because they sometimes 5_them bread and banan as. They like bananas very much.A tiger is one of the most 6 ani m

7、als in the world. They usually live in 7 andmountains. They eat 8 animals like rabbits and deer. There are two tigers in the zoo.You can see many mon keys. They are very 9 . They 10 up ropes(纟绳)and play witheach other like small childre n.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. _7. 8. 9. 10.V. 完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四

8、个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Bruce was from an English family. He 1 born in 1975. When he was a small child,he left England 2 America with his family. But two years 3 the family came back because they 4 like liv ing there.5 first Bruce went to work in a factory. The n he 6 a job(工作)in a paintingshop. After he worke

9、d there for more than half a year, he moved to a bookshop. Heworked for the 7for three years.I m enjoying8 very much, ” he said.he began to write. He becameHe kept 9 while he was work ing. He read so much thata great 10 at last.Alice is twenty-threeyears old. She isa nurse at a big hospital.She is v

10、ery kind.)1. A. is)2. A. forB. hasB. andC. wasD. wereC.toD. of)3. A. afterB. laterC. agoD.late)4. A. didB.doC.didn tD. doni t)5. A. OnB.AtC.OfD. The)6. A. foundB.findC.fin dsD.foun ded)7. A. shopB. factoryC. painting shop D. bookshop)8. A. workB. to workC. worki ngD.works)9. A. readB. to readC. read

11、i ngD. to readi ng)10. A. playerB.workerC. con ductorD. writer(W .阅读理解and all of her patie nts like her very much.One day she was out shopping when she saw an old womanwaiting to cross a busy street.Alice wan ted to cross the street, too, so she went over to help the woma n cross.When Alice was n ea

12、r her, she shouted happily, “ Mrs Herma n! You were my patie ntlastyear. ”“Oh, thank you very much, Alice, ” Mrs Herman said, and stepped forward.“No, no, Mrs Herman, ” Alice said quickly,“the light s still red. ”“Oh,” Mrs Herman answered as she stepped back. “ I can easily cross the streetalone whe

13、n the light s green. ”1. Alice is a youngA. doctorB. nurseC. teacherD. farmer2. Why do Alice s patients like her a lot?B. Because she is seriousD. Because she is their auntB. didn t know Mrs HermanD. didn t see Mrs HermanA. Because she is very hadC. Because she is very kind3. Alice before she met he

14、r in the street.A. knew Mrs Herma nC. lived with Mrs Herman4. Alice told Mrs Herman .A. to cross the street un til the light was redB. not to cross the street un til the light was redC. to cross the street un til the light was gree nD. not to cross the street un til the light was gree n5. How many people in all are there in the passage?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.D. Four.BPeter is eight years old, and he goes to a school n ear his house. He always goesthere and es home on foot. He usually gets back on time, but last Friday he camehome



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