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1、课 题Module 3 Famous peopleUnit5 Dr Sun Yatsen (Lets talk)课 时Period 1课型新授课授课老师陈慧华教学内容分析本模块是以“名人”的生评为主线的话题。通过模块的学习能用流利地语言简述人物生平和评论人物。本节课的语言焦点是 Dr Sun Yatsen,通过听说读写的语言活动训练一般现在时、现在进行时、一般将来时和一般过去时态的综合运用能力。教学对象分析六(1)的学生爱学习英语,通过六年的英语学习,累积了一定的语言储备,具有基本的口头表达能力。而且,本模块的主题比较有话可聊,学生对话题的兴趣浓厚,容易通过多种渠道获得想要的知识。教学目标知识

2、目标1. 能正确朗读和理解职业类的单词及相应动词:leader, writer, inventor, actor, musician, painter,invent, paint;还有本课相关的词组:famous,person,history,bulb,light bulb,movie。2. 四会词组:free people 给人们自由,make ones life better 改善某人的生活,make funny movies 制作电影,in Chinese history在中国历史上,write books, make movies, write/play music。3. 年份的读法4

3、. 会表演课文。能力目标1. 会用一般过去时简单描述人物的生平。情感目标1.学会用英语思考问题,增强英语学习的自信,敢于开口表达。2.鼓励学生表达自己对人物的看法,思考人物的事迹对于自已的启发,培养善思的思维品质。教学重点1.本课的单词、词组及短语: leader, writer, inventor, actor, musician, painter,invent, paint,famous,person,history,bulb,light bulb,movie, free people 给人们自由,make ones life better 改善某人的生活,make funny movie

4、s 制作电影,in Chinese history在中国历史上,write books, make movies, write/play music。2.理解并流利朗读句子:Hes a very famous and important person in Chinese history. He tried to free the Chinese people and make their lives better.He loved the Chinese people and the Chinese people love him.Today many streets,schools and

5、 parks have his name. He was a great leader.教学难点 1. 用一般过去时简单描述人物的生平。 2. 理清描述人物生平的先后顺序及层次。教学策略1. 运用关键词和PPT学习长句。2. 运用图片表演课文。3. 运用思维导图描述人物生平。教学媒体多媒体课件、金太阳视频、阳光学业评价教学过程教学环节设计意图Step 1 warming up(5 mins) 1. See a short movie.2. Free talk. 3. Quick response1.用热点电影引出“名人”话题。2.预热话题,充分激发学生的参与热情。3.用游戏调动学生的注意力,为

6、长句的学习“扫雷”Step2 Presentation (12 mins)1. Match and guess 2. Know the famous people.3. Know the famous people of Dr Sun Yatsen.4. Read and match5. Guessing game.1.通过人物与事迹的匹配,正式进入人物的学习。2. 通过对课本小词条的学习,基本搭建表述人物的语言框架。3. 丰富 Dr Sun Yatsen的生平介绍,开启长句学习的大门。4.通过联词成句的训练,解锁长句的语言输入,降低学习的难度,为流利讲人物生平作好准备。5.简单的猜迷游戏,把

7、学生引回到课文的情境去,准备进入课文学习。Step3 Practice ()1. Listen and answer.2. Fill in the missing word.3. Read after the tape or teacher.(3)4. Read in groups. (4)5. Rolling play.6. Make a dialogue.1. 通过整体感知课文,理解课文内容,对老师提出的问题作答,以此检查学生对课文的理解程度。2. 通过再次的听课文,找出有关Dr Sun Yatsen的信息,并填写缺漏的单词,巩固所习得的语言知识。3.通过跟读录音,小组读,掌握课文,提高朗

8、读技巧。4. 学生展示对话,检查学习反馈。5.词条替换练习,巩固学习成果。Step4 Summary () Summarize how to write “Famouse people”.(2)1.运用小结及思维导图的训练,让学生找到写小作文的方法。Step5 Development. Finish the postcard of the famous people.1.学以致用,小练笔。Step6 Homework 1. 熟读并背诵课文及单词。 2. 2. 完成活动手册P24 内容。 3. 3.完成postcard。 4. 4.打卡(介绍一个名人)。 板书设计Module 3 Famous

9、peopleUnit5 Dr Sun Yatsenfamous Dr=Doctorperson historyleader freeinventor inventbulb light bulbactor moviemusician Hes a very famous and important person in Chinese history. He tried to free the Chinese people and make their lives better.He loved the Chinese people and the Chinese people love him.Today many streets,schools and parks have his name. He was a great leade



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