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1、word目录一 人物BobBranson二 人物 Andrea,James三 找室友四 工作amusementpark,intern,landscapingjob五 工作workingasatutor,inarestaurant,foramarketingpany六 借东西 相机,蓝色西装,车七 三角恋八 三个故事撞鲸,抢银行,卡烟囱,耍蛇,救警察九 丢钱包十 四个烦恼 开车快,狗叫,放广告,销售员十一 换衣服,衣服褪色十二 找宿管换灯泡,狗叫十三 地区习惯吃东西有声音,睡得晚,中东服饰十四 GreenerWorld十五 垃圾填埋场,臭氧层十六 化工厂倾倒废弃物,找证据十七 算命十八 克制害羞

2、十九 舞蹈课,厨艺课二十 转折点工作后,有狗了,有自行车二十一 转折点学语言,获奖二十二 后悔专业选择、大学生活二十三 迟到,狗生娃二十四 戴安娜,比尔盖茨二十五 在家中工作,交通形势二十六 心理医生,露营顾问Lesson1AA:Doyouhaveadateforthepartyyet?B:Actually,Idont.Doyouthinkyoucouldhelpmefindone?A:Hmm,whatkindofguysdoyoulike?B:Oh,Ilikeguyswhoarenttooseriousandwhohaveagoodsenseofknow,likeyou.A:Ok,Uh,wh

3、atelse?B:Well,IdprefersomeoneIhavesomethinginmonwith- whoIcantalktoeasily.A:I think Iknowjusttheguyforyou.BobBranson.Doyouknowhim.?B:No,Idontthinkso.A:well,letmearrangeforyoutomeethim,andyoucantellmewhatyouthink.BChris:So,whatstheVerdict?WhatdidyouthinkofBob?Kim:Well,Iwasworriedatfirstespeciallywhen


5、inner.Ithinkthepeoplesittingnexttousintherestaurantthoughtwewerecrazy.Chris:So,areyoutwogoingtogettogetheragain?Kim:Definitely,infact,weregoingtoaconcerttomorrownight.Chris:Thatsgreat.Lesson2AA: So, have you seen Andrea lately? B: Yeah, I see her pretty often. We work together at a caf latt. A: Hows

6、 she doing, Ive been meaning to call her. B: Well, to be honest! Ive always thought shes a little difficult. But these days, I find her impossible.A: What do you mean? B: Oh, you know how she is. She has strong ideas about everything. And If you dont agreeWith her, she lets you know what she thinks

7、of you. A: Yes, thats true. But thats why we love her, right? B: Yeah, I guess so. But shes changed a lot since she started college. She talked about herself all the time and she always manages to mention how good she is at everything she does. A: Hmm. Maybe I wont call her after all.B A: Are you go

8、ing to Jamess party on Saturday? B: Of course, James always gives the best parties. And there are always lots of interesting new people to meet. A: Thats true. I dont know where he manages to find them all. B: Well, you know what hes like. He makes friends really easily. He really likes talking to p

9、eople, and he loves inviting people over. A: Ur Ur, he invited me for dinner last Saturday, what a feast! B: Yeah, hes a great cook too. A: After dinner I offered to help clean up, but he told me not to worry about it. He said hed take care of it in the morning. He was like, its nothing, no big deal

10、. B: Yup, that sounds like James. CA:Haveyoumetthenewapartmentmanager?B:Mr.Johnson?Hmm.Yeah,Imethimlastweek.Hesalittlestrange.A:Yeah,heis.ImnotsureIlikehim.Heshardtopredict.Sometimeshes pretty cheerfulandtalk active,andthe nextdayhedoesntevensayhello.Ithinkhemusthavepersonalproblemsorsomething.B:Ith


12、re.Jim:Oh,good.Imreallyinterested.Dave:Well,therearefourofus,and itsafairlysmallhouse,sowewantsomeonewhoseasytogetalongwith.Jim:Imprettyeasygoing.Dave:Great!SocanIaskyouafewfairlystraightforwardquestionsaboutyourself?Jim:Noproblem.Ilikeitwhenpeoplearedirect.BD:Whatdoyoudo,Jim?J:Oh,well,Ivehadalotofd




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