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1、Step 1:Welcome to the unitI show some pictures which were taken when I travelled once. Then I ask the students :Where was I? Do you like travelling? Then I say today we will talk about travelling, the tourist attractions in the world. 一、 Travelling n.意为“旅行”, 是不可数名词。其动词的完全形式为travel. 泛指一般意义的旅行,即一般的旅行活

2、动。如:Travelling is much cheaper than it used to be. 旅行比过去便宜多了。travel, trip, journey的用法区别三者均可表示“旅行。journey 通常指远距离的陆地旅行,并且不一定要返回到出发地(即通常指单程)。如:I wish you a pleasant journey. 祝你一路顺风。trip 通常指近距离的为了办事或消遣而进行旅行,并且往往要回到出发点(即指双程),不过有时 trip 也可指远距离的长途旅行,可与 journey 换用,比 journey 更通俗。如:1、A:Where is John? 约翰在哪里?B:H

3、es on a trip to Shanghai. 他去上海旅行了。2、Hell make a round-the-world trip. 他将周游世界。二、Ive been there before.我以前去过那里。have been to意为“去过”,后面没有地点名词时,省略to.Have you ever been to Guangzhou? 你曾经去过广州吗?Jim has been there before. 杰姆以前去过那里。have been to表示“去过”(到过某地,从那里回来了或到了另一地方), have gone to表示“去了”(在路上或到了某地,但不在讲话的现场)和h

4、ave been in的区别 辨析:have been in, have been to, have gone to这三个短语都有“到某地去”的意思,但含义和用法各不相同。have been in强调“过去曾去过”之意,表示经验;have been to的意思是“过去到过而现在已返回”,它强调“最近的经历”;have gone to表示“动作的完成”,强调人已离开说话的地方。通过下列句子的对比,可以分清它们各自不同的含义:(1)They have been in Chicago. (2)They have been to Chicago. (3)They have gone to Chicag

5、o. (1)句的意思是“他们曾去过芝加哥”,此语强调过去的经历,但没有说明现在是否已回来。言外之意,他们到过芝加哥,他们知道芝加哥在何处,该城市有多大,人口有多少等等。 (2)句的意思是“他们曾到过芝加哥,现在已回来了”。此语强调的是往返的经历。(3)句的意思是“他们已到芝加哥去了”,此语的言外之意是“也许他们已经到达,也许现在还在途中”,它强调“去”的动作已经完成,所以人已不在说话的地点。【典型例题一】(A)用 have/has been to;have/has been in; have/has gone to填空1) Wheres Jim? he has _ Guiling.2) I h

6、ave _ the West lake, Look, I have taken many photos on it .3) They have_ Beijing for three months.4) We have_ the bookshop and bought many books.5) She has _ her homeland; she is coming to my home next week.6) I have_ Hong Kong twice.7) He has never _to Hangzhou, but he has_ Wuhan once.8) I havent s

7、een him recently. Oh, he has_ Fujian have gone to去了某地(还没有回来),常与 Wheres now ? 等提示语连用have been to去过某地(但现在已回来),常与ever/never/once/twice等连用来源:中_国教_育出_版网have been in已经在某地(呆了一段时间),常与for/ since/How long等连用went to 强调在过去的某一时间去了某地, 常与last/ ago等过去时间连用【典型例题一】(B)1. 用have gone to / have been to / have been in / we

8、nt to 填空来源:中教网1. _ you ever _ Disneyland?2. How many times _ you _ Disneyland ?3. I _ Nanjing since two years ago4. Mr. Li _ Hong Kong. And hell come back in two days.5. How long _ you _ Disneyland ? For three days. I _ the theme park last Sunday.6. My father _ Hong Kong two weeks ago. 7. My father

9、_ Hong Kong in 2005.8. My father _ Hong Kong since 2005.9. My father _ Hong Kong twice.10. My father _ Hong Kong and he hasnt come back yet.11. Wheres Lucy? She has_ to a restaurant for lunch.12. Have you _ to this park before.13. I have_ there only once this year.14. She has _ to the shop to buy a

10、notebook.15. Youre late, Lao Wang has _ to Guangzhou.三、Places of interest 名胜 interest n.兴趣,爱好;vt.使产生兴趣,使关注,常见短语为:places of interest 名胜。其形容词形式为: interesting,修饰某人。如:Have you ever been to the places of interest in China? 你曾去过中国的一些名胜吗?We are very interested in the interesting story.我们对于这个有趣的故事很感兴趣。Step2

11、:Reading一、I miss you so much!我是很想念你! miss v.意为“想念,思念”。如:I miss my parents.我思念我的父母 miss 作动词还可以意为“错过,没赶上”。如:Hurry up!or you may miss the bus.快点!否则你可能错过公交了。 miss 可作名词,意为“小姐”,后接姓氏时,常常大写。如: May I help you,miss? 小姐,我可以帮助你吗?This is my English teacher, Miss Li.这是我的英语老师,李老师。二、Were having a really fantastic t

12、ime here.我们在这里玩得很开心。 fantastic: adj.意为“美妙的;极好的”have a fantastic time= have a good/great/pleasant/nice/wonderful time; have fun; enjoy oneself三、We spent the whole day at Disneyland.我们在迪尼斯乐园呆了一整天。1) spend on sth. spend (in) doing sth.其它的几种花费:cost: sth. +cost sb. (some money)pay: sb. +pay (money) for s

13、th.take: It +takes sb. (some time) to do sth.【典型例题二】1. How many hours do you usually _ on sports?2. It _ me ten minutes to go to school from my home on foot.3. How much does this CD _?4. I _ 1000 yuan for this room each month.5. If you have 10,000, how will you _ it?6. The suit _ him 100 dollars.7.

14、He takes out some money and _ for the dress.8. It will _ you about half an hour to there.9. The coat _ me 400 yuan.10. He left the restaurant without _ the bill.四、It moved at high speed and was really exciting! 它运行得飞快,确实让人兴奋!speed n.速度,常见短语为:at high/low speed: 以很快/慢的速度。at the speed of, “以.的速度”。如:Ple

15、ase drive at a safe speed.请安全驾驶。at a speed of fifty kilometers an hour 以每小时50km的速度行驶。拓展:speed 可作动词,其词组为speed up,意为“加速”。如: You notice that your breathing has speeded up a bit.你注意到自己的呼吸加快了一些。 with speed: 迅速 with full speed:全速五、We were screaming and laughing through the ride.在整个旅程中我们尖叫着,大笑着。1、辨析cross, across与through的区别首先是词性的区别:across为介词,而cross为动词(动词为“



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