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1、Unit 5 Exercise 1一根据提示及句意完成单词。1. Mr Wu plans to visit Taiwan, a beautiful island(岛) in s_ China soon. 2. Wolong n_ reserve in Sichuan is an ideal place for giant pandas.3. Winter is coming. But those survivers still have no _(住所)to live.The Chinese _(政府) decided to take actions to help them.4. The c

2、ompany(公司)_(give sth to sb) lots of money for water project. 5. A coach fell into the river and many _( people who are traveling)died.二用所给词的适当形式填空。easy, important, wet, danger, south 1. Some students dont know the _of English, so they dont work hard. 2. Amy is good at computers, and she worked out t

3、he problem _. 3. After a heavy rain, the ground became even_ than before.4. Australia is a country in the _ part of the earth. 5. To our surprise, few people know how to protect the _ animals. 三用所给动词的正确时态填空。not be lose have give climb arrive 1. Dad will call me when he _ in Beijing.2. If it _ rainy

4、tomorrow, we _ the hills.3. On the way home yesterday, he _ his purse.4. Be quiet! We _ our class meeting soon.5. -Who _ them a report now? -Mr Smith is.四选择题。( )1.The scientists are study the changes _the numbers of the birds. A. at B. in C. for D.by( )2.There is _space for the wildlife, we must tak

5、e actions at once.A. more and more B. fewer and fewer C. bigger and bigger D. less and less ( )3.He had _ and is now _. A. enough food, enough full B. enough food, full enoughC. food enough, enough full D. food enough, full enough( )4._ number of birdwatchers _ to Zhalong every year. A.A, go B. A, g

6、oes C. The, goes D. The, go( )5.Our school is a mixed one ,_theirs is a school for only girls. A. and B. so C. while D. when( )6.The teacher told his students to join in after-school activities _. A. actively B. comfortably C. sadly D. really五完成句子。1. Many of us plan to go to Beijing _(作短暂逗留)next yea

7、r.2.The crane is _(最美的鸟类之一)。3.Members of the club_(每年数鸟一次)。4.There are enough fish in the wetlands, so its _(理想的生活地区)for the birds. They can _(捕它们为食)_(全年)。六完形填空。It was too late 1 when an old man came to a small town .He found a hotel and wanted to stay there for the night.After he 2 his room, the ow

8、ner said to his wife, “Look at his bag.There must be 3 money in it. Lets 4 when he was sleeping.” “No,” said the woman. “If he cant find his bag tomorrow morning,hell telephone the police.” They thought for a few minutes . Then the woman had 5 . “We have forgetful grass.Why 6 some forgetful grass in

9、to his food? If he has the food,he will forget to take his bag away.” The old man had the food 7 the forgetful grass and went to bed. The next morning when the owner got up,he found the old man went away with the bag.He said to 8 , “Your forgetful grass isnt useful at all.” “No,I dont think so! He 9

10、 forget something,” his wife said. “Oh, I 10 now!” said the man. “He forgot to pay for the night.”( )1.A.at nightB.in nightC.in the eveningD.in the afternoon( )2.A.came overB.went toC.came backD.went out( )3.A.littleB.noC.muchD.a few( )4.A.put it downB.take it awayC.ask for itD.put it away( )5.A.a r

11、eplyB.a roadC.a hopeD.an idea( )6.A.not putB.not to putC.not puttingD.dont put( )7.A.inB.ofC.fromD.with( )8.A. the manB.his wifeC.the policeD.the owner( )9.A.mustB.doesntC.neverD.can( )10.A.finishB.needC.rememberD.hopeUnit 5 Exercise 2一、 词汇。根据中文、英文解释及句意完成句子。1. My cat always sleeps in the _ and catch

12、es _ (老鼠) at night.2. The _ (丧失) of her son made her mad (发疯的).3. He was so _ that he drank two big cups of water at a time.4. How _ (taste) the food tastes! Help _ to it, Amy!.5. Dogs dont hate snowy days because they have _ hair to keep warm.6. Mum always _ (support) me to study hard when I was a student.7. He decided not to take the _ (药) any more for its not useful for his stomachache.二、 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Dont _ the birds. (frightened) 2. He _ (drop) litter everywhere and made his room dirty.3. He becomes even _ when his mother shouted at him _. (angry) 4


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