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1、绝密启用前1试H命制中心2022年高考押题预测卷01【新高考卷】(号邪小120分仲武卷涓分:150分)注量事项1 . Sttiit.与生务El己的姓名、准号i号巾写在答理卡上.2 .网答选杼盟时迭山好小题答奥后.用箱*6杷假设愿K上对应且目的答案标与流戈.如施改动.用松 废擦干净后.再选涂其他答案标号.回答非燧捧K时,将答案与在答II卡上,写在本试卷上无藏.3 .考试给柬后.桥本武右和存超仪一并交回.第一局部听力(共两节.总分值3。分)做咫时.请允将答案你在试卷上.录帝内容给束后.你将有两分神的时间将试卷卜的答案转注到汴阳 卡上,第一节(共S小SL每题IS分,耦分74分)布下面5 段对话,初段

2、对讯后有一个小鹿,从畿中所给的A、B. C三个土顼中送出心住选项,听完 标收月话后,你都有I。杪钟的时间来假设盯关小也和仞送下一小脖,标段前送仪送一理,C.9. 15.C. Wee fbed.C. By mbway.M Ho* much is (he 制MA. 19. 15.B.9.18.答案是C.1. Whxti lpc“fooddg Ilie man eigy?A. Asian Ibod.B. Indian food.2. tlow will be uxitnin get u CUuinbu% Circle?A. By car.B. By bus.3. Where dix、the conv

3、cnatian probably take pl*:e?A. !n a %upcmurkct.4. Whai tc fu*?A. $13.B. $ 2?.C$30.听第7段材写I.目答第8、9 ,次 Whal doc, (hcitwn want io Jo?A. Go HighlMXin.B. Go UKipptng.C. Go hiking;9. Which lixir will the nuin lake?A. The morning lour.B. The afknxKHi HMir.C. The all-diy lour.喷第8废UW.口裨第10至I2JS.10. Wkit i% th

4、e relalionhip between the woman and ihe man?A. Husband and wife.B. Father and daughter.C. Teacher and student.11. Whut doe* the nun prefer?A. Wutercolor painting.B. RcaliMic pAinnn.C. Ahunici painting.12. What does the *?A. London.B. San Franciuro.C. New Yuck.14. How (mn m?A. Under !.B. Under 2.C. A

5、round 3.15. Why docx the “oriMin prefer an jkIc wui?A. SbcdocG like the bright uinhinc.B. It ciwvcnicm to go io c in undcin 业ydiving?A. You will skydive with your inurucior.B. Your frveldll *ill lau 60 sevunds.C. Yhi will (all al 200 miles per bexr.20. How much doo it cwt for a deoUpcd landcm %kydiv

6、in$ experience?A. $290.B.S 125.C. S 165.第二的分 仞读理解共两节,编分M分)第一节(共15小题;每题15分,桃分373分)阅i矣以下如文,从融物所给的A. B. CfODN个选项中,选出境住选项AAngkor Temple* Junuk Bikv RouteYmi1I be pickedfrvwn your IkicI al 8 am Given cwytlimg)ou need for viur lour.)vu1l begin in (hedireclKHi ot Angkor, (he tkniwi capiul of (he Khnier Emp

7、ire.Tlie fin4 ilup on your rouce will be lu Pruhm. Tlie cmvd ntone walls onhn deMnakd Wnld Hniage Site are just viable belwven the (xrrrwn rxxlx and brunches of the lumxindmg fbrcM. This m)lhicul Urnipk ws choM:n a scene the 6lmin$ M Tiwib Raider.Your nxitc will then (xmtinue lowjnh the kin city rf

8、Angkor Ibom. From here, youll head to Phiiat l)a)vin. known for it% famous towers.Vi the Terrace of Elcphrntk the over l,(MXl-fbni-lang viewing phlfcwin, and (he Tcmicc of the Ixper King.YimiII hike a Mc&k at a l a lunch of usiy (rAdiiHWul Cmbtxiiun dUhes. After lunch.)vm1I pin wur nxnc bock k) Sici

9、n RepDuration 5-H bnurkIfH-llxlcd : Knglixh-speaking guide. Bike and hclinet. Fkittlcd wutcr. First Aid kit. Lunch.No included t Snackt and frail.How ( biok?To reserve the activity, ctxxx ihc 1mc und cocnpMc ihc form on (he wcb“ie. You *ill receive your contnimtion imiivdiaicly.If 心 Mill ha*v nxHC q

10、uvMicmi. cluxk out our Q&A wxtkMi m frequendy asked queMicmi. If you need help 10 bock an activity Gllmg out a form online.C. By checking out (he Q&A sex-lion.D. Byshuwinj upMlhe agency l*v day* in advance.BA June stixni dumped six inches of rain over Columbu in MixMHiri with link warningcumins flood*uun.fnxn riw lo hum the hanks And overftow 7noes in be lumcl into pond%.When



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