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1、植树节英语演讲稿植树节英语演讲稿植树节是一些国家以法律规定宣传保护树木, 并动员民众参加以植树造林为活动内容的节日。准时间长短可分为植树日, 植树周或植树月,总称国际植树节。下边我们来看看植树节英语演讲稿,欢迎阅读借鉴。植树节英语演讲稿 1Good morning teachers and students:"Plantingtreesisakindoffun."Justfinishedtheparent-child tree-planting activities I said to myself.Originally,ourschoolorganizesthestude

2、nttoattendtothefamilyas the unit of parent-child tree planting activities, I've alwayswanted to trythe taste ofplantingtrees,thistimethe opportunitycame,of course, can't let the opportunity slip away. I, a sign up for thehead.That day Icheerfullywalked intotown 18 arhatsDaGangforestpark,the

3、appearance of the dream has been planting in my heart, can want toreturnto,are far from reality.Just where you can see treesat a distance,I heard someonesay: "wow, soeasy,even dig apit." I hurriedtothetree,pickedtwo talland strong. And leavesthe saplings.Becauseitisa biggirlsedan chair-for

4、thefirsttime,Idon'tknow whereto start. Or old spicy ginger, my mother put the bucket to side, in onehand and a shovel fillingholes. My mother shoutedatme: "quickputthesaplingsbalance."Once I listento,finallyhave somethingwantmetodo, Idrew the sapling.Iam unwillingtodo so littlework, ho

5、wever,rather than take the appearance of a small shovel also learn to her tofillin thepit.Althoughfar frommy mother quickly,but finallyno less.Finally the hole fill out, I quickly put the water into the root of thetree, it was I done a small tree. I excitedly left running right jump,slide due to the

6、 mountain, I almost rolled down. Thanks to my motherarrived in time to, or lead to the consequence is unimaginable.I'm glad to do the same thing again WuKeShu, happy although Iclothes, hand, all dirty shoes, also ignore.The parent-childtree-plantingactivitiesgivemethe feelingand the / result is:

7、 the parent-child tree planting is really works, then, canpromote themother and child,feelingsbetween fatherand son,friendship.Both can afforestation,againforour green guangzhou outofa force.Andalso can clean our air, beautify our environment. Three can be fosteredour labor concept, can also help us

8、 form the environmental awareness ofgreen hills.植树节英语演讲稿 2Good morning teachers and students:Spring is the best season to plant trees, in China, the governmentis planting treesday is onSaturday,the school did not organize peopleplanting trees activities, one is the school can plant trees plantedever

9、ywhere,thesecond is:offcampus greeningcollectivehavethecultivationplanning,relevantdepartments and we can'thelpyou. Soin the Arbor Day, as a student what should we do? That is love tree!Love every inch oftheschool.Our schoolischangshu green schools,the school, thereare more than70 different kind

10、s oftrees and flowers,green area of 19126 squaremeters,giveuscreateabeautifulandcomfortablework environment.Throughout the campus every inch,a flowerleaf workers condensed the campus flower sweat and effort, hard-won, weshould hold dear.Tree of love is to cherish life. You know, there are green plan

11、ts,from which the animal life,fromthebirthofhumanancestoraustralopithecus, to the evolution of modern apes, spent more than 100in the forest at least ten thousand years, can say that the human is thecradle of the green growingup gradually.Haze of the forest,singingsongs,weeds flower, animals and bir

12、ds, make our ancestors. In each of us cellgenes, how many green life hidden secret! Modern society, we often hearthat many childrenhad strangewhat game syndrome, childrenwithautism,children, such as highblood pressure,televisioneye, high-risesyndrome,and adults, highoriginal sitemore articles' i

13、nformation pressure,coronary heart disease, diabetes, peptic ulcer, neurasthenia, such ascancer incidenceincreasedyear by year, theseallrelatedtopeople'sliving environment, the lack of green plants, so take care of the greenenvironment,green environment,alsocherishhealth,cherishlife,returnto the nature, find lost precious human nature.植树节



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