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1、2023英文抱歉信关于英文致歉信汇总10篇在现在的社会生活中,越来越多人会去运用致歉信,致歉信都有实事求是,简明扼要的特点。怎么写致歉信才能避开踩雷呢?下面是办公室王秘书为大家整理的英文致歉信10篇,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有须要的挚友。英文致歉信 篇1Dear Miss ,Im your student Tian Chen. Today Im writing this letter to apologize for my absenteeism in your class with the mood of repentant and ashamed. I have already kn

2、own my mistake and promised that it will never ever happen again.When I got my steps into this campus, you and other teachers warned us have to attend classes on time and there was not allowed absenting. Meanwhile I also was told that if I really have any reasonable reasons I suppose to ask for leav

3、e first. Only after I got permission can I be out of the class. I have to explain why I was out this time. One of my friends came to visit me. That friend is someone who I really care about somehow lost touch with me for quite a long time. When he arrived here was the time happen to you class began.

4、 I chose to give up that class because I cant wait to meet him after the class as well as in my opinion there is no need to ask for leave to you just for that inadequate excuse. Even though I did that with deep compunction I still did that. Thats why the letter came to you: Im showing my introspecti

5、on of making such this mistake!I do apologize for my absenteeism. The mistake I made run counter to my principals. I know you are angry with me. Im so sorry to disappoint you. Moreover, as a student, to attend every class without any stupid excuses is our liability and I didnt perform the responsibi

6、lity of being a student. After that I thought for a long time and its going to my time to pay the price for my impulsion. I have deadly wrong information in my mind which includes three reasons:First of all is that I dont have much thought consciousness. If I really interested in this class would I

7、will be absent Definitely not. I should focus on study more meanwhile value the resources available for us right now. We will not have any classes like in campus when we go into society. How can we despise the precious chances!Secondly, lack of respect to either you or this class which is cannot be

8、forgiven. From now on I going to show more respect to you and the knowledge as well as pay more attention to important affairs. The lazy in my body have to be gotten rid of.The last one is that I made a bad influence upon other students. If everyone could be absent to the class then the situation wi

9、ll be out of control. There is no more discipline, no more regulation, will absolutely disturb the normal instructing.Above all, I already aware its a severe mistake. I promise I will behave myself much better in the future and completely eradicate this kind of things happen again. Please forgive me

10、 this time and trust me in my future!Sincerely faithful,Your student: Tian Chen.英文致歉信 篇2Dear David:I am afraid that you will think me unpardonably negligent in not having answered your letter dated 7, December sooner, but when I have told you the reason, I trust you will be convinced that the neglec

11、t was excusable.When your letter arrived, I was just in Hong Kong. As my family could not forward it to me during my absence, it has been, therefore, lying on my desk until the moment when I took it up.Now the first thing I have to hasten to do is to write to you these few lines to express my deep r

12、egret.I enjoyed many pleasant sights during my trip. I shall be pleased to give you an account to of them when I see you next.英文致歉信 篇3Dear Kate:Excuse me for my long delaying in returning to you your Robinson Crusoe which I read through with great interest.I had finished reading the book and was abo

13、ut to return it when my cousin came to see me. Never having seen the book, She was so interested in it that I had to retain it longer.However, I hope that in view of the additional delight thus afforded by your book, you will overlook my negligence in not returning it sooner.Thanking you again for t

14、he loan.Sincerely yours,英文致歉信 篇4游客挚友们:首先我们真心感谢桅子花开、海星以及马来吸呀等几位网友给我们所提的看法,今年在政府论坛上有两封公开指责我们的帖子,说实在的,刚刚看到的时候,心里确实是堵得慌的,不兴奋的,总觉得目前国内旅游市场大环境就是这个样子,大社不强,小社散差,从业人员效劳意识、技能普遍不强等等,刚起先,我们确实给自己找了一些自我劝慰的借口。现在再仔细思索这个问题,我们觉得,做为从业人员有责任、有义务,也必需为游客供应更为轻松、欢乐的旅游时间。坦诚的说,今年7、8两个暑期月份下来,在我们质检回访过程中,所觉察存在质量问题的,游客投诉到公司的.也绝不仅





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