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1、Unit3 Lets paint Part A第2课时能力提高题一、 听录音,给每朵小花着上颜色,试试看吧。二、听录音,你能将正确的序号写在横线上吗?Yaya:Good morning,MiaomiaoMiaomiao: Yaya: Miaomiao:Im fine,thank youYaya,this is MaomaoYaya: Maomao:Nice to meet you,too。Miaomiao:OK,lets go to schoolYaya: AOKLets go!BGood morning,YayaCNice to meet you,MaomaoDHow are you? 三、

2、你会选择吗?( )1早晨,你见到人打招呼时,应该说:AGood morningBIm JohnCBye( )2当你想知道对方的姓名时,你应该说:AHow are you?BWhats your name?CGood morning( )3见到朋友时,你感到特别高兴,你会对他说:AHelloBOKCNice to meet you( )4你的同学向你说:“How are you?”时,你应该回答:AFine,thank youBHow are you?CHello!四、如果你是他们,你会怎么说呢?把正确答案的序号填在横线上。Mike:Good morning,Mrs WhiteMrs White

3、:1 How are you?Mike:2 3 Mrs White:Very well,thanksThis is TomMike:4 TomTom:5 AHow are you?BNice to meet you.CGood morning DNice to meet you,tooEFine,thanks五、你会连线吗?1How are you? ANice to meet you,too2Good morning BFine,thank you3Whats your name?CGood morning。4Lets paint DIm John5Nice to meet youEGrea

4、t六、根据图表提示完成句子。“ ”代表喜欢,“ ”代表不喜欢。ColourNameRedOrangePurplePinkLi LeiJimTomTutu1Li Lei likes(喜欢) and 2Who(谁)likes pink? 3 and like purple4Who dont like(不喜欢)purple? 七、用喜爱的颜色给奥特曼涂色,然后根据涂色填空。 Good afternoonLook! Here is my UltramanThis is the eyeIt is This is the noseIt is This is the mouthIt is This is t

5、he armIt is 八、配色:两种颜料放在一起,会成为什么颜色呢?小朋友们,动手又动脑,快来涂一涂。并将表示这个颜色的单词写在调色盘上。九、变了“色”的颜色。小朋友们,你们知道吗?有些表示颜色的词和其他一些词组合在一起时意思会变化,甚至会失去颜色的含义。下面让我们来看看吧。red man美国印第安人red meat牛肉、羊肉red gold纯金black tea红茶black flag海盗旗black and blue遍体鳞伤green apple未熟的苹果green hand生手、新手white coffee加牛奶的咖啡yellow dog卑鄙的人十、小知识。Blue(蓝色)在英语中,蓝

6、色通常表示不愉快,如:in a blue mood或have the blues表示“情绪低沉”“忧郁”“沮丧”“烦闷”等。在a blue Monday(倒霉的星期一)中,blue也表示类似的意思,即过了愉快幸福的周末,星期一又要上班或上学了,所以情绪不佳。参考答案听力原文:一、听录音,给每朵小花着上颜色,试试看吧。1.Colour it red. 2.Colour it green. 3.Colour it yellow.4.Colour it blue. 5.Colour it purple.二、听录音,你能将正确的序号写在横线上吗?Yaya: Good morning, Miaomiao

7、.Miaomiao: Good morning, Yaya.Yaya: How are you?Miaomiao: Im fine, thank you. Yaya, this is Maomao.Yaya: Nice to meet you , Maomao.Maomao: Nice to meet you, too.Miaomiao: OK, lets go to school.Yaya: OK. Lets go!一、1涂红色 2涂绿色 3涂黄色 4涂蓝色 5涂紫色二、B D C A三、1A 2B 3C 4A四、1C 2E 3A 4B 5D五、1B 2C 3D 4E 5A六、1red,purple 2Tutu 3Li Lei,Jim 4Tom and Tutu七、略八、1orange 2purple 3pink 4black 5Green 2 / 5



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