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1、一牛津英语中考重点词汇的应用1、a bit 有点儿 a bit of 后跟名词a bit of housework= a little housework2、accept vt. 接受 辨析:receive 收到 yesterday I received a gift, but I didnt accept it.3、achieve vt. 获得 achievement n. achieve a balance betweenand 在和之间获得平衡4、action n. 行动 take action(s) to do采取行动5、active adj. 积极的,活泼的 反义词:inactive

2、 take an active part in 积极参加6、activity n. 活动 after-school/outdoor/indoor activities 课外/户外/室内活动7、advise vt. 建议,劝告 advise sb.to do sth. 建议某人做某事 advice n. U 建议,劝告,忠告 give sb. some advice 给某人提一些建议 suggestion n. (C) 建议 offer sb. some suggestions8、affect vt. 影响 affect our moods 影响我们的心情 Do you know that co

3、lours can affect our moods?你知道颜色能影响我们情绪吗? effect n. 影响,作用 have a good/bad effect on sb. 对某人有好的/坏的影响9、afford vt./ vi. 买的起,能做 afford sth. 买的起 afford to do sth. 有能力做某事10、age n. 年龄 at the age of 在岁时11、agree vi. 同意,赞同 agree with sb. 同意某人的看法 agreement n. 同意,协议 反义词:disagree reach an agreement12、allow vt. 允

4、许 allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事13、alone adv./ adj. 单独,单独 be at home alone, live alone lonely adj. 孤独的,寂寞的 feel lonely14、get along(well) with 与相处融洽,在取得大的进展15、among prep. 在中间 三者或以上 between prep. 在之间 两者 16、another adj. 另一个,别的 后跟可数名词单数 other 后加可数复数 onethe other两个中的 一个另一个 other people= others17、answer n.

5、答案 the answer to 的答案 reply n./v. 答复,答复 reply to a question18. appearance n.出现,相貌 对应名词: appear 反义词:disappear19、argue vi. 辩论,争辩 argue with sb. 和某人争辩20、arrive vi. 到达 arrive at/in ,get to,reach a place 到达某地 arrival n. 到达 time of arrival 到达的时间21、asleep adj. 睡着的 fall asleep 入睡。 sleep vi./n. 睡觉 go to sleep

6、 , get enough sleep sleepy adj. 欲睡的,困倦的 feel sleepy 感到困倦22、attention n. 注意,专心 pay attention to doing 注意 attract ones attention to do 23、beauty n. 美,美丽beautiful adj. 美丽的 beautifully adv.When Hepburn died in 1993,the world mourned the loss of a great beauty,a great actress and a great humanitarian.24、

7、begin/start vi./vt. 开始 begin/start to do sth./doing sth. at the beginning of 在开始began begun25、breath n. 呼吸 out of breath 上气不接下气 breathe vt./vi. 呼吸 breathe heavily 呼吸急促 A witness reported that he was breathing heavily and had blood on his shirt.26、bring vt. 带来,拿来 brought take vt. 拿走 took taken27、busy

8、 adj. 忙的,忙碌的 be busy with /doing sth. 忙于做某事28、buy vt. 买 buy sb. sth. /buy sth. for sb. bought bought 29.calm vi.平静下来,镇静下来 adj.平静的 calm down 静下来 Some colours like blue and white make us calm and peaceful 蓝色和白色等颜色使我们安静。 We should calm down when the earthquake happens. 当地震发生时,我们应该镇静。30.care v. 介意,在乎 I

9、dont care about money. 我不在乎钱 careful adj.小心的 Be careful with小心carefully adv. 小心地,仔细地,认真地 careless adj.粗心的 carelessly adv. 粗心地 carelessness n.31.cheer vi.欢呼,喝彩 cheerful adj.令人快乐的,快乐的 32.child n.孩子 Childrens Day儿童节 33.choice n.选择 choose-chose-chosen choose to do sth.34.Christmas n.圣诞节 at Christmas/ on

10、 Christmas Day 在圣诞节 35.clap vt. 鼓掌 clapping clapped fortable adj.舒适的,舒服的 uncomfortable 不舒适的 comfortably munication with , communicate with n.交流,交际 38.consider vt.认为,考虑 Gong Li is considered as a great actress.巩俐被认为是一位伟大的女演员。39.control vt.控制,支配 under the control of 在 控制下out of control 失去控制 40.cook vt

11、. 烹饪,煮 n.厨师 41.corner n.角落,拐角 at/in the corner of在的拐角 42. cover vt覆盖,包括,报道 be covered with 被覆盖 be covered live直播/bring sth. alive on screen 43.crazy adj.着迷的,狂热的 be crazy about 痴迷于 44.crowded adj.拥挤的 be crowded with被拥挤 The earth is becoming more and more crowded and polluted ,maybe we can move to the

12、 Mars one day. 45.danger n. 危险 dangerous adj. 危险的 in danger 处于危险中 out of danger 脱离危险 in safety safe adj.平安的 endangered 濒临灭绝的 endangered animals46.date n. 日期 What is the date today?今天是几月几日?47.deal vi. 处理,应付 deal with/ do with I dont know how to deal with the matter. I dont know what to do with the ma

13、tter. 我不知道如何处理这件事。48.decide vt./vi. 决定 decide to do sth 决定做某事 decision n. 决定 make a decision 作决定 49.develop vt./vi 开发,开展 developed country 兴旺国家 developing country 开展中国家 50.devote vt.献身于,致力于 devote to doing sth 致力于做某事51.difference n. 差异,不同 different adj. be different from 与不同 The weather in Beijing i

14、s very different from that in Nanjing. 北京的气候和南京的不同。52.difficult adj. 困难的 difficulty n 困难 hard adj. 困难 have difficulty doing sth 在做某事方面有困难 53.direction n. 方向 in all directions 各个方向 54.disturb vt. 打搅,扰乱 My cousin always makes a lot of noise and disturbs me when Im studying.当我在学习的时候,我的表弟总是发出噪音打搅我。55.divide vi./vt. 划分 divideinto 把分成 be divided into 被分成 56.doubt vt./n. 疑心 I ofte



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