1、内蒙古科技大学毕业设计说明书包头市某淀粉厂污水处理工艺设计摘 要本设计的目的是处理包头市某淀粉厂的废水,其中主要污染指标为:化学需氧量COD16000mg/L,生化需氧量BOD9000 mg/L,固体悬浮物SS4000mg/L,pH值4.05.0,污水流量为4500m3/d。处理后要求达到的水质标准为:化学需氧量COD150mg/L,生化需氧量BOD60mg/L,固体悬浮物SS100mg/L,pH值6.09.0。由于本设计要求出水水质很高,所以需要进行二级处理工艺。由于淀粉废水是高浓度有机废水,拟采用厌氧与好氧相结合的方法。本次设计过程包括了废水处理工艺流程的确定和设计计算。主要有格栅、调节沉
2、淀池、UASB、预曝气沉淀池、SBR反应池及污泥处理部分设计,通过以上设计及处理,使废水处理达到排放标准。本设计经计算后确定了格栅、调节沉淀池、UASB、预曝气沉淀池、SBR反应池及污泥部分的构筑物尺寸,并在附图中对必要的构筑物进行描述,成果图有污水厂平面图、污水厂高程图、调节沉淀池图、UASB图、SBR反应池图及浓缩池图。关键词:淀粉废水;UASB;SBR反应器A sewage treatment project press design of a starch factory in BaotouAbstractThe purpose of the design is starch wast
3、e water treatment. Its main pollute parameter include: Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) 16000mg/L, Bio-Chemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) 9000 mg/L, Suspended Solid (SS) 4000 mg/L, the value of pH 4.05.0. The water discharge is 4500 m3/d. The treated water is required to reach the following standards: Chemica
4、l Oxygen Demand (COD) 150 mg/L, Bio-Chemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) 60 mg/L, Suspended Solid (SS) 100 mg/L, the value of pH 6.09.0 As the effluent quality requirement of the design is strict, so the waste water need for secondary treatment. Because starch waste water is high concentration of organic wa
5、stewater, I want to use the method of obligate and aerobic. The design process, including determine the wastewater treatment process and design calculationsThe main parts include the screening, the adjustment precipitates, the Up flow Anaerobic Sludge Bed (UASB) , the Pre- aeration sedimentation, th
6、e Sequencing Batch Reactor ( SBR ) tank and the part of the sludge treatment. According to the above of design and treatment, make waste water treatment attain the exhaustion standards. This design determines the size of the above series of treatment building .And this design make the description of
7、 them in diagram. Keywords: starch waste water, Up flow Anaerobic Sludge Bed (UASB), Sequencing Batch Reactor ( SBR ) tank目 录摘要Abstract.第一章前言.11.1研究背景.11.1.1一级处理工艺.21.1.2二级处理工艺.31.2设计过程和方法.31.2.1设计过程.31.2.2设计方法.31.3设计说明书结构.4第二章污水处理方案的选择及可行性分析.52.1污水处理工艺流程选择的一般原则.52.1.1污水应达到的处理程度.52.1.2污水处理工艺的投资和运行费用