2023年六年级上英语知能提升作业UnitIs this your pencil Section A鲁教版.doc

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1、知能提升作业(十一)Unit 6 Section A(20分钟 50分). 根据句意及图片提示完成单词(5分)1. Is this your _ ?2. That is a _.3. The white _ is Helens. 4. These are Annas _ .5. Are those your _ ?. 用所给词的适当形式填空(5分)1. This is _ (I) cup. 2. The blue schoolbag is_ (Grace). 3. The red pencil box is _ (her). 4. Are these keys_ (your)? Yes,the

2、y are. Theyre _ (my). 5. Those are his _ (pen). . 单项选择(10分)1. Is this your ruler? _. A. Yes, this isB. Yes, itsC. Yes, it isD. Yes, they are2. Are those her erasers? _. A. Yes, it isB. No, it isntC. Yes, these areD. No, they arent3. Is that _ pencil box? No,it isnt. Its _. A. your;herB. your;hisC. h

3、is; herD. her; my4. Excuse _. Is the blue pen yours? A. IB. meC. myD. mine5. Thank you for your help. _. A. Yes, it isB. No, it isntC. Youre welcomeD. OK. 句型转换(10分)1. That is his pencil box. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ his pencil box? 2. Are those your erasers? (作否定回答)_,_ _ . 3. This is her red pen. (改为同义句)The red

4、 pen_ _ . 4. This is my key. (改为复数句)_ _ my _. 5. this, green, pencil, yours, is(? )(连词成句)_. 将句子配对,组成对话(10分)1. Is this Marys eraser? 2. Is that his black pen? 3. Are these Erics books? 4. Are those Annas rulers? 5. Is that your schoolbag? A. No, they arent. Theyre mine. B. No, it isnt. The blue pen i

5、s his. C. Yes, they are. Theyre hers. D. Yes, it is. Its mine. E. Yes, it is. Its hers. . 任务型阅读(10分)Hi! How are you?My names David Smith. Im a boy from England. Im nine. This is my schoolbag. Its blue and white. My pencil box is in it. Its yellow. My pen and pencil are in the pencil box. Whats that?

6、 Oh, its an e-book. Is it my e-book? Yes, it is. Look!My schoolbag is nice, isnt it? 根据短文内容完成下列句子或问题1. The boys first name is _. 2. His schoolbag is blue and _. 3. The boys pen and pencil are in his _. 4. What color is his pencil box?_5. Whats the Chinese meaning (汉语意思) of “e-book”? A. 专用书B. 电子书C. 新书D. 漫画书答案解析. 答案: 1. dictionary2. ruler3. eraser4. books5. pencils. 答案: 1. my2. Graces3. hers4. yours;mine5. pens. 答案: 15. CDBBC. 答案: 1. Is that2. No; they arent3. is hers4. These are;keys 5. Is this green pencil yours? . 答案: 15. EBACD. 答案: 1. David2. white3. pencil box4. Its yellow. 5. B第 页



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