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1、最新高一英语阅读理解技巧 阅读训练策略及练习题(含答案)一、高中英语阅读理解1Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. The recession (衰退) of 2008-09 was remarkable in rich countries for its intensity, the following recovery for its weakness. The labour market has also broken the

2、rules, as new research from the OECD, a think-tank of mainly rich countries, shows in its annual Employment Outlook. Young people always suffer in recessions. Employers stop hiring them; and they often get rid of new recruits because they are easier to dismiss. But in previous episodes, such as the

3、recessions of the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, older workers were also kicked off. This time is different. During the financial crisis in 2008, and since, they have done better than other age groups. The researchers focus on movements in non-employment as a share of the total population in three age grou

4、ps between the final quarters of 2007 and 2012. This measure has the advantage of including not just unemployment, where people are looking for work, but also inactivity, where people are not seeking jobs. Whereas the average non-employment rate in the OECD has risen by four percentage points among

5、young people and by one-and-a-half points among 25-to 54-year-olds, it has fallen by two points among the 55-64 age group. Why have older employees done so well? In some southern European countries they benefit from job protection not afforded to younger workers, but that did not really help them in

6、 past recessions. What has changed, says Stefano Scarpetta, head of the OECDs employment directorate, is that firms now bear the full costs of getting rid of older staff. In the past, early-retirement policies provided by governments (in the mistaken belief that these would help young people) made i

7、t cheaper to push grey-haired workers out of the door. These have largely stopped. Many will argue that older workers have done better at the expense of the young. That view is wrongheaded. First, it is a fallacy that a job gained for one person is a job lost for another; there is no fixed amount of

8、 work. And second, as the report shows, young and old people are by and large not substitutes in the workplace. They do different types of work in different types of occupation: younger people are keen on IT firms, for example, whereas older folk tend to be employed in more traditional industries. T

9、here are plenty of things that should be done to help the young jobless, but kicking older workers out of the workplace is not one of them.(1)By saying The labour market has also broken the rules, the author means _. A.young employees were protected by the governmentB.young employees suffered modera

10、tely in labour marketC.old employees suffered very little in the labour marketD.The recession had little impact on labour market(2)What do we know about early-retirement policies mentioned in the 4thparagraph? A.They proved to be little use and nearly no longer in effect.B.They have effectively help

11、ed young employees.C.They financially supported the elderly people.D.They have gain popularity in southern European countries.(3)The word fallacy (in the last paragraph) probably means _. A.common beliefB.wrong conceptC.acceptable assumptionD.wise statement(4)Which of the following might the author

12、agree with? A.Early-retirement policies should have been well adoptedby governments.B.Young people should be encouraged into traditional industries.C.Supportive policies should be made to help elderly people when crisis occurs.D.Old peoples remaining in jobs doesnt necessarily threaten young peoples

13、 jobs.【答案】 (1)C(2)A(3)B(4)D 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了研究显示2008年金融危机期间以及此后,老员工的表现都优于其他年龄段的人,很多人会认为,老员工做得更好是以牺牲年轻员工为代价的,事实上这种观点是错误的。 (1)考查句义猜测。根据第二段中的But in previous episodes, such as the recessions of the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, older workers were also kicked off. This time is different. During the financi

14、al crisis in 2008, and since, they have done better than other age groups.可知,在上世纪70年代、80年代和90年代的经济衰退中,老员工也被解雇了,但这次不一样了,2008年金融危机期间以及此后,他们的表现都优于其他年龄段的人,可知,作者所说的劳动力市场也违反了规则的意思是老员工在劳动力市场上受的影响很小(没有被解雇),故选C。 (2)考查细节理解。根据第四段中的In the past, early-retirement policies provided by governments (in the mistaken

15、belief that these would help young people) made it cheaper to push grey-haired workers out of the door. These have largely stopped可知,过去,政府的提前退休政策(错误地认为这些政策有助于年轻人)使得把老员工赶出家门的成本更低,现在这些政策已经基本上停止了,由此可知,事实证明,提前退休政策的用处不大,而且几乎不再有效了,故选A。 (3)考查词义猜测。根据最后一段中的Many will argue that older workers have done better at the expense of the young. That view is wrongheaded.可知,很多人会认为,老员工做得更好是以牺牲年轻员工为代价的。这种观点是错误的,此处解释为什么这种观点是错误的,说的是认为一个人得到的工作就是另一个人失去的工作本身就是一种谬论,由此可知画线词词义为错误的观念,故选B。 (4)考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的young and old people are by and large not substitutes in the workplace. They do different types of work in diffe



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