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1、Lesson Plan Please complete all sections of the plan before teaching the lesson. You must provide a copy of the lesson plan & all materials for the tutor. You can also share your lesson plan & materials with your TP colleagues.Name (English)MichelleLesson No.TP3 (Unit 2)DateSeptember 9th 2015Name (P

2、inyin)Shi ShiLevelGrade 9/ IntermediateMain Lesson Focus(Please tick) Grammar Lexis Functions Reading Listening Speaking Writing Candidate No.009No. Students43 Which lesson shape/framework are you using? PPP T-T-T Guided Discovery TBL SchoolJianping West Middle SchoolLesson length40 minMain Lesson A

3、im(s) For students to (review, use, develop, practise) Subsidiary Aim(s) For students to (review, use, develop, practise)To develop students speaking ability by describing people.To learn some new words and expressions about peoples appearances.Personal Aims Which teaching skills do you want to impr

4、ove on in this lesson? Consider feedback from your previous observed lesson(s)1. To give shorter and clearer instructions to students by using an example or ICQs.2. To set and a more interesting context for students to practice the TL.Assumptions What do your students already know (about the languag

5、e, an activity, the topic) that will help them in this lesson?Students are already familiar with some simple words to describe people, such as fat/thin/slim, tall/short/of average height, young/old/middle-aged/elderly, etc.Class profile and Timetable Fit Information about your class: age, level, num

6、ber, motivation, etc. and how this lesson fits with previous and future lessonsClass 6, Grade 9 is a mixed-ability class which is composed of 43 14-year-old students. About 10 of them are quite confident about their English ability and usually take an active part in class activities. However, about

7、10 of the students are rather poor at English and not willing to speak English. The rest of the class sometimes know what to say, but are not confident enough to speak to others in English for fear of making mistakes.In the previous lesson, students have learned a reading text about a fisherman who

8、made a living by cormorant fishing. In this lesson, students will have the chance to practice describing people in English and therefore develop their speaking ability and sub-skills. In the future lesson, students will try to write a short passage to describe someone.Anticipated Problems and Soluti

9、ons Very specific problems and solutions related to materials for use in class. ProblemSolution1.Students may not be able to remember all the new words they need to use during the activities.l The teacher may teach new words on the PPT and give students some cards with new words on it during the act

10、ivities.l The teacher may give students some time to take notes about new words.Anticipated Problems and Solutions Very specific problems and solutions related to sub-skills practice in class. ProblemSolution1.Students may be afraid to speak in English.The teacher may give students enough time to th

11、ink and then to talk. Meanwhile, the teacher may give encouragement while monitoring.2.Students cant think of new ideas.The teacher may give students some clues, such as some new words to describe people.Anticipated Problems and Solutions Very specific problems and solutions related to classroom man

12、agement. ProblemSolution1.Students will try a new activity they have never tried before (speaking and taking notes)The teacher will use ICQs to check instructions.2.Students may not understand the teachers instructions clearly.The teacher may give an example and sometimes may tell instructions in En

13、glish, then in Chinese.3.Students may speak in Chinese or talk about other things not related to the topic.The teacher will monitor during the activities and keep telling students to talk in English and to stay close to the topic.Language Analysis SheetWhat new language are you teaching / covering?

14、Why is it important to teach this language in relation to the sub-skills you will practise?What is the context for the new language? What language will you teach?Context: Suppose everybody is in a police station. Students need to act as witnesses and try to describe somebody to the policeman.Languag

15、e: How to describe people.How does it relate to practise of sub-skills?People need to describe people in a police station if they are witnesses of some cases. This is a situation in which students may show interest and where students may practice speaking ability and sub-skills while having fun.Procedure section Please include all stages, and enough detail for the reader to understand exactly what the teacher and students doS



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