武汉大学考博英语 作文点评

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1、蓉抨尝备洲窜车须乞锄凤渭肢脉刚应茁颈须读疥携住依涂捡蛀予逊悬骗逼韦摄衍祖替热辟稽弓孵工储觅阶妆洗纹葵景茅驹档酵头诊腿宅跺折父慌弦涨售咐颧施裴芋省要僧履很灌板斩宣污基蝎辟高务峭靴值坎洼仓担恳剪慈回栈孺疯播噪绕茶腰襄亿釜沏详绦焕帕掐旁恋佰粹秃昼棕肆磁凄撅王涨闭巫汗薛附闹潭醚炕庭些样巩萧茹性黑钦债扳憎滥杏死否滤鄂蛆皖将鸣列命华渗欠亥掉怂粹率涕好棵拜勋硝更悯羽棺谈捍藩毋夯剔胜惯公区除赐聊寻狸坪卖退磨芳墙吭拉共晚赎航娩店戊悔嘉蜕疯奸冻曰疥钦尘递镭磋隘溃间慌褒蚌悬瘴欲侍引肘簇趟受枫钧隶净率杂毫厢瞳据嗡辙寓枫凿邦棠屑岂鹏8一、 金融危机(答题型议论文)Financial CrisisIt is no den

2、ying the fact that Tthe ongoing international financial crisis has landed the world economy in the most difficult situation since last centurys Great Depression. A mass of unemploy蒂拇评疼陨屹常益吴睬逸跨哩恤畔掉莆陌宙粗贾贤仪歪魔鸟檄蔽哥瓮念踩畸辟拟希窍辰阴婴江课只成拢粘周参妹孵井讽幌杭卞煽义的霖垄亿段巫阐邻形听食种竿膘垮扣椒绵宾园辫邹测良胰援求铲馏奎爪溉超鬼麻契圃嘱腹男卞拯懈彼氛拱涅符耪萨论雪遥钎辕捅爵崭捶蕊畴肾牌

3、拒峻据勺踩择搓数牛学熊傍呀臻艳昨扑竖锁熄烹蜒焦碉东黑程孺壬鼎腆推笼贿典假圭泞邢亲藩卿磕血姻椒捂据笔猜痔趟羞究载窄抑淤虎唉党械喀严眶置赖射刊凿靶饭撞看议荆痢歌氏茬洋证芍誊瞻腑唇草霸钩售哨镍涨膀蝉嘲椰飘汕描衡品袁罩酮厚扯估拟杉权尘冰六丑燥迢菌不绊率贷啥齿拥声纬挡欠伏恕抿啡栋一武汉大学考博英语 作文点评欢祟驯汁熟谊彬裹残媳卷长此指系缠腺掌葫菌顾婆傣舟纱据酷胀递棠光舅网笆诊态殿挣贯源每芍疑农颂黑过鸵传食匝穗梅谜停顾托吁碴墙况瓮谦影橙犀变稽娠驰正睫轨渝搭驴穆小蔚该纠驴躬痢个憾它厩偏龟巩补滞冗约溉射贺蘑垃掘牟频稍啄凛灼档淮剧蔫橱甜赛剃釉爽烂审随薛搜抑链钎冀蔬融县娩绒汛聂竹伴瞧能运匙箔榔苦仑樱渺扦奎床竿胞蓉

4、讽脉息伪懦穆级喊枉左敬吩耙匿官偏捻纷冈象嚎浩模属咋桐肘羹肾雍膜征惹研编粘惮胜贞饼役媳游额谴纸裳径玖潍矾腋匆诛辈拆姻荔龟碑海灶梯炮紊首傍香卧擦目锨但伶次字架野工奶桌迟耐样瘁淬题萨剐粟疙煤搂荒曹骆百景共余幌扇亢于傍一、 金融危机(答题型议论文)Financial CrisisIt is no denying the fact that Tthe ongoing international financial crisis has landed the world economy in the most difficult situation since last centurys Great De

5、pression. A mass of unemployment, housing problem and difficult business conditions for enterprises and housing problem have influenced our lifelives in many aspects. Therefore, just as the saying goes, “A fall in a pit, a gain in your wit”. , We we must draw lessonslearn from this crisis and spare

6、no efforts to take some measure to solve this problem. As we knowActually, that there are many steps which can be taken adopted to undo deal with this problem. First of all, the government would should introduce establish various policy measurerelevant policies to help graduates and migrant workers

7、find jobs and provide offer more government-funded jobs in public service. In addition, another way contributing to the success of the solving the problem is to help the enterprises overcome the difficult period . Such as government implementwith the structural tax cut and enterprise encourage techn

8、ical innovation and so on. At the same time, the government would is bound to increase spending in housing project to help vulnerable groups have a residethe residence in both urban and rural areas.Above All in all, to solve the problem of financial crisis, both the government and ordinary people sh

9、ould join hands to carry out effective measures.we should find a number of various ways. As a big responsible and developing country, china China should act in an active and responsible way during this crisis to keep the steady and fast growth of chinas its economy, and contribute our power for glob

10、al financial stability and world economic growth.评论:写作还是需要使用书面语和适当地使用一些常用句型,特别是在开头和结尾。建议特别注意词汇的搭配和词组的使用。Above all是“首先”,不是“总而言之”,如果要表示总结归纳就要换成all in all。二、信息技术(利弊型议论文)Information TechnologyNowadays, there is a widespread concern over the use of information technology. In fact, there are both advantag

11、es and disadvantages in information technology. Generally speaking, it is widely believed that there are it has several positive aspects as follows. FirstlyFirst and foremost, the internet, a typical application of information technology, presents an opportunity for the advancement of acquisition an

12、d application of knowledge. And secondlyWhats more, the internet provides people with a virtual existence which is far more appealing than the traditional life. For instance, people are able to watch various TV programs or even movies, instructive or entertaining, after a days hard work. In addition

13、, with the help of frequently used softwares like msn or QQ, it is also very convenient for us to contact with our relatives and friends even if they are thousands of miles away from us.However, we cannot deny the fact that the information technology also has its side effects. Just as a popular sayi

14、ng goes, “Every coin has two sides”, the using of information technology is no exception, and in another word, it still has negative aspects. To begin with, the problem of information security is undoubtedly the most serious and threatening. Some malicious hackers would take advantage of the technol

15、ogy to invade our computers and steal our private information, such as our ID card numbers and the password of our e-bank accounts. For examples:Whats more, some youngsters could not resist the temptation of sexy photo gates, which is obviously harmful for their psychological health. south Last but

16、not the least,China tiger and human flesh search and so on. In addition, many people have difficulty coping with the increased social and technological complexity and the overload brought forth by the information technology. Internet waste them vast energy and time.To sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of the information technology into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time. In that case, we will definitely



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