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1、2020届高三英语书面表达过程性训练材料五四川省成都市新都一中张世明Part A 写作基本理论 英文写作基础动词(一)写作的基础是词汇。词汇是表达思想的基本要素。动词文章是由句子组成的。每一个句子都少不了谓语。而担任谓语的是动词。对于一个很活跃的动词,我们应该掌握以下几个方面:一. 准确的读音和拼写听得懂,说得出是写作的基础。只有掌握了正确读音,才能做到这一点。只有正确的拼写才能准确无误地传达信息。太多的拼写错误会影响书面表达的得分。二. 基本意义三. 常用其它意义除了基本意义之外,这些词在其它语境中还会有不同的意义,有自己的使用范畴。因此,只掌握基本意义是不够的。四. 常见搭配我们所说的搭配

2、,不仅包括动词与介词副词的搭配,而且包括与名词搭配的意义。以动词make为例。make的基本意义是“制作”,而make beds意思是“整理床铺”,make use of意思是“利用”,make money挣钱,make a fortune: “发财”,make faces“做鬼脸”等等。五. 过去式与过去分词在书面表达中很少用到一般现在时,除非是表示规律性和反复发生的动作,当涉及时态时,就会用到动词的过去式过去分词和现在分词等形式。因此,熟练掌握一些常用不规则动词的过去式和过去分词是非常必要的。这里,我们为同学们列出书面表达中经常使用的一些动词的形式。为了记忆方便,将它们分成AAA,ABB,

3、AAB,ABA和ABC五种形式。一个字母代表一种形式。AAA: cut, set, cost, hurt, let, put, set, shut, spread, readABB: bend bent bent bring brought broughtbuild built built burn burnt burntbuy bought bought catch caught caughtdeal dealt dealt feed fed fedfeel felt felt fight fought foughtfind found found get got gothang hung

4、hung (挂)have had hadhear- heard heard hide hid hidhold held held keep kept keptlay laid laid lead led ledleave left leftlend lent lentlight lit lit lose lost lostmake made made mean meant meantmeet met met pay paid paidsay said said sell sold soldsend sent sent shine shone shoneshoot shot shot sit s

5、at satsleep slept slept spend spent spentstand stood stood stick stuck stucksweep swept sweptteach taught taughttell told told think thought thoughtunderstand understood understoodwin won wonAAB:beat beat beatenABA:become became become come came comerun ran runABC:bear bore born begin began begunbit

6、e bit bitten blow blew blownbreak broke broken do did donedraw drew drawn drink drank drunkdrive drove driven eat ate eatenfall fell fallenfly flew flownforbid forbade forbiddenforgive forgave forgivengive gave given forget forgot forgottenfreeze froze frozen go went gonegrow grew grown know knew kn

7、ownlie lay lain ride rode riddenring rang rung rise rose risensee saw seen shake shook shakensing sang sung sink sank sunkspeak spoke spoken steal stole stolenswear swore swornswim swam swumtake took taken tear tore tornthrow threw thrown wake woke wokenwear wore worn write wrote written六. 及物动词与不及物动

8、词英语动词分为及物动词和不及物动词。这一点与中文差别较大。表达同样的意思时,中文可以接宾语,而英文却不行,需要更换另一个及物动词,或接介词。这种现象是很常见的。如:arrive(vi.) / reach( vt. ): When did you reach the top of the mountain?When did you arrive at the top of the mountain?sit / seat : He is sitting in the sofa.He seated himself in the sofa. / He is seated in the sofa.lie

9、 / lay: He was lying in bed.He laid himself in bed.rise / raise: The prices keep rising.I raised my voice but still couldnt make myself heard.listen / hear: I asked him to listen to me carefully.Listen! Someone is knocking at the door.But I cant hear anything.look / see: We looked at each other and

10、smiled.Then I saw something strange.此外,常用不及物动词:come, go, run, walk, work, live, stay, sleep, travel, fight (against), think (of / about), speak (to)(speak English除外),talk (to, with), happen, take place, break out, appear, agree (with), belong (to), insist (on), die, fail, succeed (in), knock (at), r

11、eply (to), rush, wait (for), worry (about)七. 后接宾语的形式在及物动词中,有些后面要求接不定式作宾语,有些要求接动词的 ing 形式。要分类记忆。v. + to do1. wish to do2. hope to do3. promise to do4. decide to do5. refuse to do6. agree to do7. expect to do8. manage to do9. fail to do10. prefer to do11. plan to do 12. want to do13. ought to do14. ha

12、ve to do15. used to do/be used to do 16. seem to do17. would like to do18. in order to do19. so as to do20. set out to do21. make up ones mind to do22. It takes sb. some time to do23. be going to do24. be about to do25. happen to do26. pretend to do/to have done/to be doing27. be thought/believed /s

13、aid /reported to do28. have no choice but to dov. + doing1. enjoy doing 2. risk doing3. avoid doing4. keep doing5. practise doing6. suggest doing / sb.s doing / that sb. (should) do7. miss doing8. finish doing9. allow / permit doing 10. delay doing11. resist doing 12. consider doing13. mind doing /

14、sb.s doing / if sb. do14. imagine doing 15. deny doing八. 瞬时动词有些动作瞬间发生,不能延续。如:die, begin, start, join, enter, arrive, borrow, lend, buy, marry等等。I have arrived in Beijing for two days.( )I have been in Beijing for two days. ( )How long may I borrow the book? ( )How long may I keep the book? ( )They have married for ten years. ( )They have been m



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