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1、英语测试题I 选择填空( )1 .My sister is as as my brother .A. tall B. taller C. tallest D.the taller( )2. Our school is three times as as yours A big B biger C .bigger D biggest ( )3 Tom is than his mother .A.heavy B. heayier C. heavier D. heaviest ( ) 4. Lucy studies better than his mother .A .very B. little

2、C. much D. so ( ) 5. I am , I feel . A. busier , happier B. the busy , the happy C.the busier , the happer D. the busier , the happier ( ) 6. Shanghai is bigger than in China . A. any cities B, some cities C. any other city D. any other cities ( ) 7. Im of the two children in our family . A. short B

3、.shorter C. the shorter D. shortest ( ) 8. His father eats meat than my brother.A. many B. much C. little D. less ( ) 9. The weather of Kunming is than of Beijing . A. good , it B. better , it C. good , that D. better , that ( ) 10. Who is , Tom , Jim or John ? A. old B. older C. eldest D.the oldest

4、 ( ) 11. Our city is one of in the world . A safe city B. the safe city C. safest city D the safest cities ( ) 12. - she ever to America ?-No , never. A. Have , been B. Do , go C. Has , been D. Has , gone ( ) 13. Alice this book two days ago .A. borrow B. borrows C. borrowed D will borrow( ) 14. My

5、sister the League for two years .A. has been B. have been in C.has been to D. has been in ( ) 15. have they lived in Beijing ?A. How long B. How much C.How many D. How far ( ) 16. have they been to Changchun ? A. How long B. How much C.How many times D. How many ( ) 17. Tom has lived in Lanzhou ten

6、years .A. for B. since C. in D. at ( ) 18.He playing basketball since he was five years old .A. has been to B. has been C. have been D.have been to ( ) 19. How long you in London ?A. have been B. has been to C .has been D. has been in B. have been in D. have been to ( ) 20.- did you start to play te

7、nnis ? -When I was ten . A. When B. Where C. How D. What ( ) 21. I have here all afternoon .A. sit B. sat C. sitting D. been sitting ( ) 22. He has been for his bike for an hour .A. looks B. looked C. looking D. to look ( ) 23. How long have you the TV ?A. have B. buy C. had D. bought ( ) 24. He has

8、 been working there 1989 .A. since B. for C. on D. in ( ) 25. How long you last night ? A did , sleep B. do , sleep C. have , slept D. does , sleep ( ) 26. I the school since 20 years ago .A. have come to B. have been coming C.have been in D. have been to ( ) 27. My father the Party for 30 years .A.

9、 has joined B. have been in C.has been to D. has been in ( ) 28. Do you know the man spoke just now ?A. whom B. that C. whose D. where ( ) 29 Where is the dictionary I bought just now ? A. who B. whom C. that D. why ( ) 30 This is the book for you looked .A who B. that C. which D. whom ( ) 31. Ill t

10、ell you everything I know about it .A. who B. whose C. which D. that ( ) 32. People eat healthy food should be healthier .A. whom B. who C. whose D. that ( ) 33. Thats the first bike I bought .A. who B. that C. which D. whom ( ) 34. Look at the house windows are very big . A. who B. whom C. whose D.

11、 which ( ) 35. Ill never forget the day I joined the League .A. who B. which C. when D why ( ) 36. This is the house he lived two years ago .A. who B. when C. where D. why ( ) 37. Thats the reason he left home .A. who B when C. where D. why ( ) 38. Do you know find my pen ? A. what can I B what I ca

12、n C. where can I D where I can ( ) 39. He told me that he play the piano .A. can B. could C. do D does ( ) 40. Our teacher told us that the earth round .A. is B are C. was D. were ( ) 41. I dont know he English . A, that , like B. if , likes C. which , liked D. if , liked( ) 43. The bike is red is v

13、ery nice .A. that B who C. when D. where ( ) 44. The movie has for ten minutes .A. started B began C. been on D.been( ) 45. We each other since we were children .A. know B. knew C. have knownB. are knowing( ) 46. Where is Lucy ? -She to Nanjing . A. have been B. has been C. have gone D. has gone( ) 47. This is the second English film he has seen .A. that B. which C. when D. who( )48. I have been skating .A. in abou



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