The Training Skills in Listening Comprehension1

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1、英语听力训练技巧The Training Skills in Listening ComprehensionContentsAbstract.1Introduction.2I. Background Study. 3II. The Natures of Listening.5III How to Improve StudentsListening Abilities.8IV: Testing Listening.13V Conclusion.16Reference.17The Training Skills in Listening Comprehension摘 要:本文的目的在于,通过对中国


3、理解、听前、听中、听后。Abstract:This paper aims at arousing the attention of the English learner and teacher toward listening comprehension and helping students figure out their difficulty in listening comprehension by some information on language learning skills of English learners in China.At the beginning o

4、f this article, it gives a brief introduction of the development,current situation of listening comprehension. it is found that they are simple but effective:pre listening, which help the students prepare to listen; While listening, which help to focus the students attention on the listening text an

5、d guide the development of their understanding of it; post listening, which help the students integrate what they have learnt from the text into their existing knowledge.The implication of the study is that teachers can help their students become more effective listeners by encouraging them to apply

6、 a variety of learning skills to listening tasks and doing appropriate listening test.Key words: listening comprehension, pre-listening, while listening, post listening.IntroductionIn this essay, Ive chosen the topic of listening”, and I know you may have heard a great deal about listening already.

7、Being a great listener can win you friends, improve your marriage, boost your business profits or advance your career. It can make people feel so good about being with you that theyll literally follow you anywhere.Listening is a kind of skill in second language learning. All too often, it has been o

8、verlooked by its elder sister: speaking. For most people, being able to claim knowledge of a second language means being able to speak and write in that language. Listening and reading are therefore secondary skills - means to other ends, rather than ends in themselves. Every so often, however, list

9、ening comes into fashion. In the 1960s, the emphasis on oral language skills gave it a boost. It became fashionable again in the 1980s, when Krashens (1982) ideas about comprehensible input gained prominence. A short time later, it was reinforced by James Ashers (1988) Total Physical Response, a met

10、hodology drawing sustenance from Krashens work, and based on the belief that a second language is learned most effectively in the early stages if the pressure for production is taken off the learners. During the 1980s, proponents of listening in a second language were also encouraged by work in the

11、first language field. Here, people such as Gillian Brown (see, for example, Brown, 1984; Brown, 1990) were able to demonstrate the importance of developing roach (the ability to listen and speak) as well as literacy, in school. Prior to this, it was taken for granted that first language speakers nee

12、ded instruction in how to read and write, but not how to listen and speak because these skills were automatically bequeathed to them as native speakers. To be frank, as a student Ive got to listen to people every day. If I dont do this well, I might fail my examination and miss some important fact,

13、or make people feel that Im not friendly with them. And when I get home, Ive got to listen even more. Ive got to listen to my parents, which I must admit I dont always do expertly. Ive got to listen to my brother and to anyone else who might call or drop by. Whew! Thats a lot of listening. Youd thin

14、k that with all the practice we get, and with all the attention this skill has received, wed all be pretty good at it. But you know what? Most of us arent. Were not very good listeners much of the time. Its not because were lazy, or stupid, or uncommitted, or anything like that. Its just that we all

15、 have trouble with listening because listening is not a simple skill! Contrary to what you may have been lead to believe, listening is an incredibly complex skill to master. Theres so much going on that doesnt meet the eye, that its silly to even try to cover the subject in just a few short pages.So even though our life and friendships depend very heavily upon good listening skills, and even though our customers, clients, and co-workers demand this from us constantly, most advice we receive about



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