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1、陪同口译资料二(银行口译) :详细内容: 银行口译(银行换币及储蓄) 1.exchange n. 兑换2.rate n. 率 exchange rate 兑换率,汇率3. equal a. 等值的4.interest n. 利息 interest rate 利率 annual interest rate 年利率5.inquire v. 查询 ATM (Automated Teller machine)6.remit v. remittance n. 汇款7.the remittance slip 汇款通知单/order sheet汇款单8.column n. 栏, 栏目9.payee n. 收

2、款人, 受款人, 取款人10. cash v. 兑现11. deposit v. n. 储蓄; 存放12. time deposit 定期存款13. withdraw v. n. 提取; 收回14. money/postal order 邮政汇票15. a savings account 储蓄的账户16. code n. 密码 password17. client card 客户卡 credit card 信用卡18. in duplicate 一式两份19. fixed deposit, fixed account 定期存款20. fixed deposit by installments

3、零存整取21. joint account 联名存款账户22. to open an account 开户头23. current/ deposit account活期/定期存款 账户(Br.E)24. checking/savings account 活期/定期存款账户(Am.E)25. account number 账目编号26. depositor 存户27. pay-in slip/ a deposit form 存款单28. a banding machine 自动存取机29. deposit receipt 存款收据30. private deposits 私人存款31. cert

4、ificate of deposit 存单32. deposit book, passbook 存折33. credit card 信用卡34. principal 本金35. overdraft, overdraw 透支36. to counter sign 双签37. to endorse 在(票据)背面签名38. endorser 转让人39. to honor a cheque 兑付40. to dishonor a cheque 拒付41. to suspend payment 止付42. cheque,check 支票43. order cheque 记名支票44. bearer

5、cheque 不记名支票45. crossed cheque 横线支票46. blank cheque 空白支票47. rubber cheque 空头支票48. cash cheque 现金支票49. travelers cheque 旅行支票50. cheque for transfer 转帐支票51. forged cheque 伪支票52. to close an account, to clear an account 结清53. to draw money 取款54. drawing-out slip 取款单55. the number slip 号码牌56. a withdraw

6、al form 取款单57. to fill in the receipt in duplicate 一式两份填这张收据58. teller, cashier 出纳员59. currency, money 货币60. money changing 兑换货币61. an exchange form 兑换单62. bank note 钞票63. interest rate 利率64. simple interest 单利65. compound interest 复利66. exchange table, conversion table 汇兑换算表67. foreign exchange 外汇6

7、8. exchange rate 外汇率69. conversion rate 折合率70. foreign exchange restriction 外汇限额71. foreign exchange quotations 外汇行情72. to check the rate for sb. 查牌价73. Which kind of account do you want to open? 想开哪种账户 ?74. Do you like to open a current account? 想开一个活期存款账户吗 ? 75. Please tell me how you would like t

8、o deposit your money. 请告诉我你想存何种户头? 76. Theres a service charge for the checking account but no charge for the savings. 支票户头要收服务费,现金户头不收。77. Our minimum deposit for a savings account is 100 dollars. 我们储蓄存款的最低存款额是100美圆。78. Five yuan is the minimum original deposit. 最低起存款额是 5 元。79. You can open a savin

9、gs account at any time with an initial deposit of 50 dollars. 你可随时以 50 美圆的起存额开立储蓄账户。80. Even one yuan is all right. 甚至一元也可以起存。 81. Here is your bankbook (deposit book). Please bring it back when you deposit or withdraw money any time you like. Keep it well and inform us whenever you lose it. 这是你的存折,

10、存取款时请带来。保管好存折,遗失请告诉我们。82. I should like to open a current account.一个活期存款账户。 83. I need a checking account so that I can pay my bill. 我需开个支票账户,这样就能付账。84. Wed like to know how we open a checking-savings account. 我们想知道如何开一个支票储蓄账户。85. I have a checking account here. 我在这里有一个支票存款账户。86. Id like to know if

11、I can draw on my account for payment of things I buy in Tianjin . 我想知道一下我是否能提取存款来支付天津购物的费用。87. I want to withdraw 200 dollars from my deposit account. 我要从我的定期存款中支取 200 美圆。88. I want to close my account with you. 想结束在你们这儿的账户。89. Id like to draw 100 yuan against this letter of credit. 我想从这份信用证上提款 100

12、元。90. May I draw money against the letter of credit here? 我可以在这儿用这份信用证取钱吗? 91. Could you tell me my balance? 能否把存款结余金额告诉我?92. I think you can draw on this account by cheque in payment of goods. 我以为你可用支票提款支付购物费用。93. Your balance at the bank is 300 yuan. 在本行的结余是 300 元94. Your deposit is exhausted. 你的存

13、款支净了。 95. Your letter of credit is used up. 你的信用证用完了。96. Please tell me how you wish to draw your money. 请告诉我你希望怎样支款。97. Fill out a withdrawal form, please. 请填写取款单。98. The letter of credit is exhausted. 信用证上的款子已提清。99. The letter at Counter 6 will pay you against your number slip. 六号柜台的出纳员将根据你的号码牌付给你

14、钱。100. Tell me the current rate for RMB, please. 请告诉我人民币的现价。101. Whats your selling rate for RMB yuan in notes today? 你们今天人民币现钞的售价是多少?102. Whats the dollar going for today? 美元今天的售价是多少?103. Our buying rate for notes is 523 yuan for 100 dollars. 我们 100 美圆的现钞买入价是 523 元。104. Its 200 French francs at todays selling rate. 今天的卖出价是 200 法国法郎。105. The buying rate of U.S. dollar notes is 460 yuan per hundred dollars. 美圆现钞买入价是 100 美元,付460 元。106. And how much will it be in Japanese currency? 换成日本币是多少?107. How much would I



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