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1、 Leading Study Plan Lesson 1: Hows the Weather ?I. 教学目标: 1. 掌握本课关于天气的生词和短语;2. 学习和了解怎样谈天气; 3. 掌握There be句型的时态和结构变化。 II自主学习:1. 拼读生词。2. 回顾并整理有关天气的词汇和句子。3. 朗读课文,完成Ex 1。4. 阅读理解:朗读课文,完成任务: 1) What is Danny doing ? 2) Why is todays weather strange?3) Talk about the weather today.5. 找出文中重点内容并展示在黑板上。6. 整理自己的

2、知识难点。7. 结合图标,猜测“Dig In”中有关天气状况的词汇。III 释疑解惑:1. on the radio: 在播音; 通过广播2. 10C:ten degrees centigrade3. It is going to rain. 天要下雨。4. There bee.g. There is a child near the door.-Is there a child near the door? There is not a child near the door. There are some books on the desk.There _ (be)a pen and so

3、me books on the desk.There will be lots of fresh meat tomorrow.5. be scared of be afraid of: I am scared of thunder.6. 观察下列单词的构成:afternoon, sunset, sunrise, thunderstorm, etc. 要求学生总结结论,并完成Ex 3。IV. 当堂检测:1. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填空:1) I was caught in the rain in a _(阵雨) on my way to school.2) In Britain, the s

4、un _(落下)much later in summer.3) We need to know the _(准确的) time. 4) They are talking about s_ and sunset.5) Please dont go out this afternoon. There will be a heavy t_. 2. 单项选择: 1)Jane wanted to learn English _ the radio. A. in B. with C. through D. on 2) _ is the temperature today? A. What B. How C

5、. How many D. How much 3) Dont be _ the young man. A. scared to B. scared of C. angry to D. angry of 4) - Do you think it will be cool tomorrow? - _. It has been too hot for a week. 5) There _ be a rain the day after tomorrow. A. shall B. are going to C. is going D. willV. 任务布置: 1. 整理笔记,复习本课知识点; 2.

6、运用相关句式,口头练习天气预报的播报; 3. 完成练习册L1作业; 4. 按照既往要求,预习L2,初步完成Ex1 & Ex2. Lesson 2 It”s Getting Warmer 导学案 主备人:万素英 审核人 :张德琴 使用人:初二英语组学习目标 :1. 学生能正确的听、说、读、写neither;nor ;boot ; jasmine ;blossom ; sunshine ;Tai Chi ;swing。neither.nor.; winter jasmine; play on the swing; a field trip .2. 学生能正确运用以上单词和短语。3. 学生了解春天并

7、会谈论春天。4.学习重点和难点:neither.nor.的用法预习导学:一 填一填:1. get warmer _ 2. arrive in _ 3.neither.nor._4.迎春花_5. 春天的到来_ 6.白天_ 7.野外旅行_二 译一译:根据汉语提示补全句子1. 春天已经到达石家庄了。Spring has _ _ Shijiazhuang .2. 现在我既不需要厚重的大衣,也不需要靴子了。I need _ my heavy winter coat _ my boots now .3. 今天早上在我上学的路上,我看到一些迎春花开了。On my way to school this mor

8、ning, I _ some winter jasmine _.4. 白天变得更长了,早上太阳升起的更早了。The days are _ longer and the sun _ earlier in the morning .5. 我班也正在计划去野外旅行。My class is also _ a field trip _ the countryside .三 想一想1在文中介绍了几种春天来了的特征,分别是什么?_.2在句子“I see lots of people excising in the park “中,我们认识到了see的用法。你能总结出see有几种用法吗?_合作探究:活动一1.

9、 阅读课文,完成课文后的第一题。2. 再读一遍课文,完成课文后的第二题。活动二1. 完成课文后的第三题。2. 以小组为单位,讨论在春天喜欢做的事情,并以对话形式表达出来。 随堂检测根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子:1. 春天来了,院子里的迎春花在绽放。Spring is coming,The winter jasmine _。2. 春天,天变得越来越长。 The days _ in spring.3. 我看到很多孩子在荡秋千。 I saw many children _.4. 下周我们要去乡下远足。We will go on _ to the countryside next week.5. 没有

10、阳光话不会开放。Flowers will not blossom _.Lesson 3 The Sun Is Rising 课时目标:1.掌握单词:melt ,hillside ,wind ,gently .能正确运用本课的重点短语。2.学唱歌曲,感知带给我们的改变。预习导学一 填一填1.Climb the hillside 2.through the tree 3.one by one 4.seasons change 5.出来 .6.醒来 二译一译 1.太阳在升起 2.雪在融化 3.风儿轻轻地吹过树林 4. 看它带来了季节的变化 课堂导学,合作探究学习任务一:1.认真阅读课文,完成课后第一

11、题,给描述春天的短语划线。2.听录音,完成课文后第一题,并小组核对答案。.学习任务二:1. 小组活动完成第二题。2. 以小组为单位,编写一个关于春天的对话,并到班级前表演。学习任务三:小组讨论“What do you like to do outside in spring ?”然后展示小组答案。答疑解惑:through/across the seasons change 课堂检测一 单选题1.The sun is shining the window .A .cross B. across C. through D. though 2.Dont go the street .Tts dang

12、erous . A .though B. across C. through D. cross3.The second room is the office .A .teacher B .teachers C .teacherss D.teachers4.The students went into the classroom .A.one with one B.one by one C.one by two D.two by one5.Can you come with ? A.I B .mine C .me D. my 二根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填空1 .Lets climb the h_to see the sunrise .2.The spring w_is blowing my face .3.Spring brings the seasons c_.4.She held the baby _(轻轻地).5.The weather gets warm ,and snow begins to _( 融化) 。6.I_(吹)the dust o



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