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1、五年级课外阅读跟上兔子系列之We all love ice cream汤桥小学 刘萍一、Teaching aims:1.能通过观察图片情景、人物表情以及听音模仿等来理解人物语言和故事大意,体会故事人物的心理。2.能通过观察图片细节、迁移旧知等学习生词、理解故事,培养观察能力、推理能力和逻辑思维能力。3.阅读中自主总结故事主体句型结构:If you., you can/Ill.并尝试运用,续编、创编故事。4.能通过对故事的阅读及小组讨论,领悟故事的情感教育意义,提高思辨能力。二、Teaching Procedure:Step 1Pre-reading1.Before class: A song“

2、Apples are good for you”2.GreetingT: Boys and girls, are you ready for class?Ss: Yes.T: Class begins.Ss: Stand up.T: Good morning, class.Ss: Good morning, Miss Liu.T: Sit down, please.3. A guessing game:T: First, lets play a guessing game “What is it ?”. Look, its sweet. We all love it. What is it?

3、Try to guess.S1: Is it a .?T: No. We usually eat it in Summer. What is it?S2: Is it an ice cream?T: Yes, you are so clever. This is an ice cream. Do you love ice cream?S2: Yes, I do.T: Do you love ice cream?S3: Yes, I do.T: Do you love ice cream?S4: Yes, I do.T: Miss Liu likes ice cream too. So we a

4、ll love ice cream.Step 2While-reading1. Lets aska. T: Today we will read a picture book. The name of the book is “We all love ice cream.” Good. This is the cover of the book. Look at the cover, do you have any questions about this story? S1:What happened?S2: Who loves ice cream?T: Yes, who loves the

5、 ice cream? Father, son or mother? You try? T: You can ask some “wh”questions, who, where, what, when and why.S3: Who are they?S4: Where are they?S5: .Why do they love ice cream?S6: What time is it?T: Good. You want to know the time.b. T: To read a story, what do you want to know? Time, places, char

6、acters and the most important, you should know the plot.2. Read for main idea.a. T: OK, so firstly lets try to go over the whole book and read for main idea. Go over the whole book quickly and try to answer “who are they?” “where are they?” and “what time is it?”(学生浏览绘本)T: OK. So who can tell me whe

7、n is it?S1: Its dinner time.T: Good. When is it? Its dinner time. And, where are they?S2: At home.T: Yes, theyre at home. They are eating dinner at the table. And who are they?S3: Fred and his parents.b. T: Good, the boy in the middle is Fred. Very good, now you know the places, the time and the cha

8、racters. Then, what about the plot? Look, I have a question. How do we divide the story into three scenes? Maybe scene 1, scene 2 and scene 3. I think its easy for you. Now, who can try? S1: .T: Who can try it again?S2: .T: Look, we can divide the whole story into three scenes.Scene 1: Mum tries to

9、persuade Fred.Scene 2: Fred tries to persuade Mum.Scene 3: Dad tries to persuade Fred and Mum.c. T: Very good. That is the whole story, the structure. And we know Fred doesnt like broccoli. Mum doesnt like carrots. (教读两个生词)T: So we can say: Broccoli, no! Carrots, no! Ice cream, yes!3. Scene 1a. T: Y

10、es, they all love ice cream. Now, this time lets try to read for details. Look, who can read it?S1: .T: Who can read it again?S2: .T: Lets read it together. SS: .b. T: Look ,Fred says. Read it.S1: .S2: .(教师领读2遍)T: Now, look at Fred. Can you try to read?S1: .T: Pay attention to the changes. (教师示范) Ca

11、n you try to read like this? Who can try it again?S2: .T: Look at the learning tips: when you try to act, the pictures can help you and you should pay attention to this. OK, who want to try it again? (再请两名同学演一演)T: Fred says. And what does Mum say to Fred? Please read the dialogues from page 6-11. (学

12、生阅读6-11页)T: OK. What does Mum say to Fred? Lets come to Scene 1: Mum tries to persuade Fred. Im Fred. Youre Mum. T- S1 对话 T: This is a very kind mum. OK. I want another mum. Who want to be mum and who want to be Fred?S2-S3对话S4-S5对话T: This time, lets listen and try to follow the tape.4. Scene 2T: OK.

13、 Look, Fred doesnt like broccoli. And suddenly hes so happy. He has an idea. What is it?S1: He asks his mum.T: What does Fred say?S2: Mum, why dont you eat your carrots?(齐读)T: OK. Look, lets come to scene 2: Fred tries to persuade Mum to eat carrots. Look, try to imagine. Close your books, dont look

14、 at the book. Just imagine, what will Fred say? Mum, if you.you can. Who can try?S1: Mum, if you eat the carrots, you can make yourself beautiful.S2: Mum, if you eat the carrots,I will do the housework.S3: Mum, if you eat the carrots, you can go shopping.S4: Mum, if you eat the carrots, you can watc

15、h films.S5: Mum, if you eat the carrots, you can eat a big cake.S6: Mum, if you eat the carrots, I will give you a big present.S7: Mum, if you eat the carrots, you can do anything you want.S8: Mum, if you eat the carrots, I will clean the floor.S9: Mum, if you eat the carrots, I will buy a beautiful dress for you.T: OK. Look, what does Fred say? (齐读) (教授dishes, laundry)5. Scene 3T: What happened then? Lets come to scene 3. Dad comes. What does Dad say? Can you imagine? (叫2-3名学生说一说)S1: .I will take you to the z



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