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1、Book 3 Unit4 My home A:Lets learn & Lets do教学设计一、教学目标1. 知识目标:能够听,说,认读 living room,study,bedroom,kitchen,bathroom,通过探究,掌握读音规律,并能在模拟的生活环境中相互交流. 2. 能力目标:(1) 能够简单描述自己的家,结合学过的语言描述各个房间的名称等,如:“This is my home. This is the living room. I can watch TV. ”(2) 能够听懂并能发出一些指令,如:Go to the living room, watch TV.3. 情

2、感、策略、文化等有关目标:情感目标:培养学生对家的热爱,鼓励学生大胆设想自己未来的家居。二、教学重、难点重点:1.听说认读单词study、living room、 bedroom、bathroom、kitchen。2能用简单的句子描述自己的家,如:“This is my home. ”难点:正确掌握单词bedroom、 kitchen、 bathroom的发音。 三、教学过程Step 1 Preparation1、Free talkT: Hello, boys and girls. Im your new teacher, Miss Wang. Do you want to make frie

3、nds with me? Show me your hands. Sing with me and tell me your names. (边拍手边走到生中间问生姓名,停在哪名学生面前,哪名学生回答。) Hello! Hello! Whats your name? Whats your name? Whats your name? Hello! Hello! Whats your name? My names .(Free talk:Nice to meet you!) 2、Sing a song. T: Now we are friends. Here is another song fo

4、r you! Lets enjoy it.(课件播放自编歌曲Wheres Amy?)(新年好的曲调)Wheres Amy? Wheres Amy? Wheres Amy do you know?Living room, living room.Is she in the living room?Step 2 Presentation 1、单词导入studystdi T :Is Amy in the living room? Amy is at home. Lets go and have a look, OK?(点击幻灯片,出示Amy在家旁图。Hello, everyone! Im your

5、friend Amy. This is my home. Please come in! Welcome to my home. Can you find me?)She wants to play Hide and Seek with you. Where is she? Is she in the living room?Ss:No, she isnt.来源:1ZXXKT:Is she in the kitchen?Ss:No, she isnt.T:Where is she?Ss: Shes in the study.T:Yes! She is in the study.(点击,链接到s

6、tudy点小喇叭学习,利用音标stdi 领读,在黑板上书写单词。 What can you do in the study? A: I can read a book in the study. B: I can watch TV in the study.选择A,强调read a book,引出动作命令study, study. Go to the study. Read a book.点击Amy图,返回Amy家,Now,where is Amy?点击,Amy进入bathroom. 学习单词bathroom.2、bathroomb:ru:mT: Amy is in the bathroom.

7、 Her bathroom is clean. What can we do in the bathroom?S: 洗脸,刷牙,洗澡T:Yes. We can wash our face, brush our teeth and take a shower.(点击进入词组学习幻灯片。)T: Bathroom, bathroom. Go to the bathroom. Take a shower.(拍手,做动作。)3、bedroombedru:m来源:学*科*网Z*X*X*K同法学习bedroom。T: (点击Amy图,返回Amy家,Now,where is Amy?点击,Amy进入bedro

8、om )Amy is in the bedroom. Her bedroom is nice.(链接到bedroom学习,点击小喇叭学习单词、词组)Bedroom, bedroom. Go to the bedroom. Have a nap.4、kitchen kitinT: We found Amy. So Amy says: “Wow,you are great! Im hungry. Maybe you are hungry too. Where can we go?”(点击进入kitchen的学习。小喇叭学习单词,图片学习词组)Kitchen,kitchen. Go to the k

9、itchen. Have a snack.5、living room livi ru:m来源:1T: Im full. Lets go to the living room and watch TV.(点击进入living room的学习。小喇叭学习单词,图片学习词组。)Living room,living room. Go to the living room. Watch TV.Step 3 Practice1、连一连T:We have visited Amys home. We have learned many words about the rooms. Can you match?

10、2、Lets doT:You did a good job just now. Lets have a rest. Please stand up. Lets do together. OK? (点击链接,共同做动作。)3、看动作,猜房间Where is he/she?T:You are wonderful!Sit down!Do you know where he or she is? (鼠标点击,一个个出示小朋友图,让生猜房间,猜对得图片。)4、Hide and seek.T: You are great! Amy has a cat. She is very naughty.(调皮的)来

11、源:Z+xx+k.ComShe likes to play Hide and Seek. Can you help Amy to find her?(点击课件帮助Amy寻找猫咪。)Thank you for your hospitality. Say Goodbye to Amy please.Step 4 Production1、Design the home and describe itT: Amys home is very beautiful. She can describe it like this (此处做例子). Can you design your room and de

12、scribe it? You can use your pictures.(鼠标模式点击小喇叭放音乐,让学生把所获得的图片贴在课堂练习纸上,并让学生尝试描述。You can draw your home just like it.给板书画上房顶,把图片贴上。)Step 5 ProgressT: Your home is beautiful! Please remember: (点击课件)East(东) or west(西), home is the best. Today we have learned some new words. (手指板书小结本课所学内容。)2、Homework(1).Read the new words to your parents.(2).Design your home and describe it to your good friends.来源:1ZXXKStep 5 Blackboard designsUnit 4 My homePart A Lets learn图片图片图片图片图片studybathroombedroomkitchenliving roomMy home第 页



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