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1、广西大学专升本大学英语(二)作业题库2020年10月一.单词拼写(共49题)1h _n. danger正确答案:azard我的答案:azard2r_v. set free 松开;释放正确答案:elease我的答案:elease3r_v. say; comment 说;评论说正确答案:emark4s_V. remain alive; continue to live or exist 活下来;幸存正确答案:urvive5c_n. mental or moral qualities that make one person, race, etc. different from others 性格,

2、品质正确答案:haracter6c_ad. with the necessary skill 称职地;胜任地正确答案:ompetently7s_adj. big; having much space 广阔的;宽阔的正确答案:pacious8s_v. safety, freedom from danger or fear 安全,平安正确答案:ecurity9c_a. sure of oneself and ones abilities 自然的正确答案:onfident10f_v. cause to have feeling of annoyed disappointment; defeat 使沮

3、丧;挫败正确答案:rustrate11c_n. university; the grounds of a university, college, or school 大学;校园正确答案:ampus我的答案:ampus12a_v. write to ask for (a job, membership. etc.), esp. officially 申请正确答案:pply我的答案:pply13e_v. be faced with (difficulties, danger, etc.); meet unexpectedly 遭到;意外地遇见正确答案:ncounter我的答案:ncownter1

4、4c_n. time of difficulty, danger, etc. 危机正确答案:risis我的答案:risis15s_a. definite; not general 明确的;具体的正确答案:pecific我的答案:pecific16c_n. someone who has broken the law 罪犯正确答案:riminal我的答案:riminal17o_v. leave behind, as one grows older or more mature 长大得使.不再适用; 成长得不再要正确答案:utgrow我的答案:utgrow18r_n. great anger 狂怒

5、正确答案:age我的答案:age19o_n. parentage; birth; beginning 血统;出身;起源正确答案:rigin我的答案:rigin20n_ad. having lost the power of feeling or moving 失去感觉的,麻木的正确答案:umb我的答案:umb21d_n. official paper showing that a person has successfully finished a course of study or passed an examination 文凭正确答案:iploma我的答案:iploma22p_v. c

6、ontinue after having stopped (停顿后)继续进行正确答案:roceed我的答案:roceed23h_a. funny; that makers people laugh 幽默的正确答案:umorous我的答案:umorous24e_v. (of the tide) flow back from the land to the sea; grow less; become weak or faint 落潮;低落,衰退正确答案:bb我的答案:bb25i_adv. unavoidably 不可避免地正确答案:nevitably我的答案:ievitably26c_adj.

7、having too high an opinion of oneself 自负的正确答案:onceited我的答案:onceited27c_n. person who buys goods from a shop, esp. regularly 顾客正确答案:ustomer我的答案:ustomer28c_v. move slowly by pulling the body along the ground 爬行正确答案:rawl我的答案:rawl29c_v. (cause to) break into pieces violently 坠落;猛撞正确答案:rash我的答案:rash30l_v

8、. start, set going 发起;发动正确答案:aunch我的答案:aunch31c_v.make up, form 组成,构成正确答案:ompose我的答案:ompose32h_a. giving no cause for hope; very bad or unskilled 没有希望的;无能的正确答案:opeless我的答案:opeless33r_n. any person who pretends to be another 冒名顶替者正确答案:inger我的答案:inger34s_adj. correct; based on good judgment 正确的,合理的正确答

9、案:ound我的答案:ound35e_n.way out of a place 出口(处)正确答案:xit我的答案:xit36b_a. not covered (with a carpet); empty 不铺地毯的;赤裸的;光秃的正确答案:are我的答案:are37a_v. make rather angry 使恼怒正确答案:nnoy我的答案:nnoy38l_adj. of, special to, a place or district 当地的;地方性的正确答案:ocal我的答案:ocal39a_v. make know to people by printing a notice in

10、a newspaper, etc. or by broadcasting on television, ets. 为.做广告正确答案:dvertise我的答案:dvertise40f_adj.weak, indistinct 微弱的;不明显的正确答案:aint我的答案:aint41p_n. sth. expected or considered probable; possibility 期望中的事;展望;前景正确答案:rospect我的答案:rospct42s_n. place from which sth. comes; place where a river starts (来)源;源头

11、正确答案:ource我的答案:ource43h_n. freedom from deceit, cheating, etc. 诚实正确答案:onesty我的答案:onesty44r_v. make known 揭露正确答案:eveal我的答案:eveal45p_n. job or position 职位正确答案:ost我的答案:ost46m_v. speak (words) unclearly 含糊地说正确答案:umble我的答案:umble47r _n. action done in answer; answer 反应;回答正确答案:esponse我的答案:esponse48d_v. make sad 使沮丧正确答案:epress我的答案:epress49a_v. seize (sb.) in the name of the law 逮捕正确答案:rrest二.英文写作(



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