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1、攻克2009年12月英语六级语法必备练习(第十二期)2200字 为了帮助大家更好的准备2009年12月的考试,毕业整理了以下六级资料,供考生复习。 欢迎进入:四六级网络课程免费试听更多信息请访问:毕业四六级论坛 总结大全 /html/zongjie/ 必做: 总结大全 /html/zongjie/1.A husband and wife with a common duty to county will find themselves_1_ closer together. The wife has been working very hard recently,because the bur

2、den of a big family has been_2_on her shoulder.So the husband should do everything he can helf his wife to make family and work better.1.A) been drawn B)drawn C) to draw D)drawing 总结大全 /html/zongjie/2.A)borne B)born C)bore D)bear 论文代写 2.Harry didnt like watches.He said that he never_3_watches.Howeve

3、r,after seeing the magazine about collecting,he became interested in collecting.He believed that the watches could bring him fortune and wealth.Realizing that he hadnt enough money and _4_to borrow from his father,he decided to steal some money.When his father went home,he found something wrong with

4、 his notecase.At last,he knew money lost.Harry,scolded by his father,finally confessed to_5_the money.It was incredible for me to hear that.Because I have heard both teacher and students_6_well of him. 毕业论文3. A) use to collect B)used to collecting 论文代写C)used to collect D)use to collecting 作文 /zuowen

5、/4.A) not wanted B)not wanting 简历大全 /html/jianli/C)not to want D)wanting to5.A) steal B)having stolen 论文代写C)stealing D)have stolen 思想汇报 /sixianghuibao/6.A)to speak B)spoken 思想汇报 /sixianghuibao/C)to have spoken D)speak 思想汇报 /sixianghuibao/ 选做: 开题报告 /html/lunwenzhidao/kaitibaogao/ You may have been ri

6、ght when you said I have to help him.But I dont regret_7_what I thought was right.Its no use_8_with him.I might as well argue with a stone wall.He is incapable of seeing anyone elses point of view. 论文代写7.A)having done B)being done C)to do D)to have done 毕业论文 8.A)to arguing B)to argue C)arguing D)arg

7、ue 作文 /zuowen/答案 论文代写1.B,该题考察过去分词作宾补表示被动的用法 简历大全 /html/jianli/2.A该题考察动词的过去分词形式。根据题意该句空格处需一个适当的动词形式在句中与has been 共同作句子的谓语,应用动词的过去分词表示被动,bear作为“负担”讲时,过去分词应为borne. 作文 /zuowen/3.C,该题考察习惯用语中的不定式。该句中used to do something表示“过去常常做(现在已不做)”大家要注意不要和短语be used to doing“习惯于”相混淆 思想汇报 /sixianghuibao/4.B该题考点为现在分词作状语表伴

8、随状态,其否定式在分词前面加not即可 毕业5.B该题考察一些固定短语中的to作介词,其后跟动名词的用法。动词短语confess to中的to是介词,后面要跟动名词,不能跟动词原形,又据题意可知承认的事是已经发生过的,所以要用完成时态。 论文代写 6.D该题考察不带to的不定式作宾语补足语。该题中涉及的是hear sb do sth的固定用法,不带to的不定式作hear的宾语补足语。 毕业 选做:7.A该题考察动名词作动词宾语的用法。Regret doing sth表示“后悔做了某事”,由于事情已经完成,所以要用完成式。8.C该题考察固定结构中的动名词。该句中it为形式主语,Its no use短语后面应加一个动名词表示真正主语,所以这里要用arguing.



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