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1、中 国 矿 业 大 学本科生毕业论文姓 名: 学 号: 学 院: 矿业工程学院 专 业: 采矿工程 论文题目: 新庄煤矿1.2Mt/a新井设计 专 题: 浅谈我国煤矿锚杆支护技术发展现状与前景 指导教师: 职 称: 讲师 2012年6月 徐州中国矿业大学毕业论文任务书学院 矿业学院 专业年级 采矿08-6班 学生姓名 任务下达日期: 2012年 1月14日毕业设计日期: 2012年 3月14 日至 2012 年 6月 9日毕业设计题目:新庄煤矿1.2Mt/a新井设计毕业设计专题题目:浅谈我国煤矿锚杆支护技术发展现状与前景毕业设计主要内容和要求: 以实习矿井条件为基础,完成新井设计。主要内容包括

2、:矿井概况、矿井工作制度及设计生产能力、井田开拓、首采区设计、采煤方法、矿井通风系统、矿井运输提升等。结合实习矿井实际情况或当前煤矿生产前沿,撰写一篇专题论文。完成近3-5年国外期刊上与采矿或煤矿安全有关的科技论文翻译一篇,要求不少于3000字符。院长签字: 指导教师签字: 摘 要本设计包括三个部分:一般部分、专题部分和翻译部分。一般部分是根据河南神火集团新庄煤矿的实际情况并稍作改动后进行的初步设计。井田走向南北长约7.5Km,东西宽约3Km,井田总面积约22.5Km2。主采煤层为二号煤,平均倾角8,煤层平均厚度为4.2m。井田地质条件较为简单。井田的工业储量为129.81Mt,矿井可采储量1

3、01.36Mt。矿井设计生产能力1.2Mt/a,服务年限为60年。矿井正常涌水量为252m3/h,最大涌水量为300m3/h。矿井瓦斯涌出量较低,为低瓦斯矿井。煤层无爆炸危险性,并且煤层无自然发火倾向。矿井的采煤方法主要为倾斜长壁大采高一次采全厚综合机械化开采,矿井开拓方式为立井两水平开拓,采用条带式准备方式。运输大巷采用胶带运输机运煤,大巷辅助运输采用矿车运输。矿井通风方式为混合式通风,初期采用中央并列式,后期采用混合式通风。矿井工作制度为“三八制”。矿井年工作日为330 d。一般部分共包括10章:1.矿区概述及井田地质特征;2.井田境界和储量;3.矿井工作制度及设计生产能力、服务年限;4.

4、井田开拓;5.准备方式-带区巷道布置;6.采煤方法;7.井下运输;8.矿井提升;9.矿井通风与安全技术;10.矿井基本技术经济指标。专题部分题目是浅谈我国煤矿锚杆支护技术发展现状与前景。翻译部分是一篇关于电子技术的发展与应用以提高南非煤炭工业健康,安全,与生产力,英文原文题目为:The Development and Application of Electronic Technology to Increase Health, Safety, and Productivity in the South African Coal Mining Industry.关键词:工业储量;立井开拓;工作

5、制度;采煤方法;倾斜长壁大采高一次采全厚综合机械化开采;矿井通风ABSTRACTThis design book consists of three parts: the general part, special subject part and translated part. The designe is the preliminary design which carries onaccording to the Henan god fir group Xinzhuang coal mine actualsituation. The N-S of the minefield is 7.

6、5 km, the W-E is about 3.0km, the area is 22.5km2. Recoverable coal seam is two -second, and its thickness is 4.2m, and the average angle is 8 degree. The geological structure of this area is simple.The proved reserves of the minefield are 129.81 million tons. The recoverable reserves are 101.36 mil

7、llion tons. The designed productive capacity is 1.2 million tons percent year, and the service life of the mine is 60 years. The normal flow of the mine is 252 m percent hour and the max flow of the mine is 300 m percent hour, and the gas of the mine is low, it is belong to low-gas coal mine . The m

8、ine is without the danger od coal dust explosion and no spontaneous combustion tendency.The mining method of the mine mine is tile longwall mining height in a large comprehensive mechanized mining thick mine exploitation of vertical two levels, using the strip belt typestandby mode. Tlexible belt co

9、nveyor is used in the coal teansportation. The materials and refuse are transported by tramcars tons in the ancillary transportation. The methos of mine ventilation in this shift is mixed ventilation. In the early period, the central ventilation, at last, the mixed ventilation is used. The working s

10、ystem “three-eight” is used in this mine. It produced 330d/a.This design includes ten chapters: 1.An outline of the mine field geology; 2.Boundary and the reserves of mine; 3.The service life and working system of mine; 4.development engineering of coalfield; 5.The layout of panels; 6. The method us

11、ed in coal mining; 7. Transportation of the underground; 8.The lifting of the mine; 9. The ventilation and the safety operation of the mine; 10.The basic economic and technical norms.The special subject parts of topics is Talking about the present situation and prospect of bolt supporting technology

12、 in coal mine .Translation part is aboat Development and application of electronic technology to increase South Africa coal industry health, safety, and productivity .The English title is “The Development and Application of Electronic Technology to Increase Health, Safety, and Productivity in the So

13、uth African Coal Mining Industry”.Keywords: industry reserve;vertical shaft development;labor system;mining method;Tilt longwall mining height in a large comprehensive mechanized mining thick; Mine ventilation. 目 录一般部分1 矿区概述及井田地质特征11.1 矿区概述11.1.1 地理位置11.1.2 交通11.1.3 地形地貌21.1.4 水系水源条件21.1.5 气象及地震21.1

14、.6 矿区电源条件及通讯条件31.1.7 主要建筑材料供应条件31.1.8 工农业情况31.1.9 地区经济概况31.2 井田地质特征41.2.1 井田地质概况41.2.2 地层41.2.3 褶皱、断层及陷落柱51.2.4 水文地质特征61.3 煤层特征81.3.1 主采煤层及其围岩性质81.3.2 煤的特性91.3.3 瓦斯、煤尘爆炸及煤的自燃102 井田境界和储量112.1 井田境界112.1.1 井田境界确定112.2 井田工业储量122.2.1 储量计算基础122.2.2 井田勘探程度122.2.3 矿井工业储量计算123 矿井工作制度、设计生产能力及服务年限173.1 矿井工作制度173.2 矿井设计生产能力及服务年限173.2.1 确定依据173.2.2 矿井设计生产能力173.2.3 矿井服务年限173.2.4 井型校核184 井田开拓194.1 井田开拓的基本问题194.1.1 井筒形式的确定194.1.2 井筒位置的确定214.1.3 井筒数目的确定224.1.4 工业广场的位置、形状和面积224.1.5 确定开采水平的数目、位置和标高224.1.6 开拓方案的提出234.1.7 方案比较254.2 矿井基本巷道324.2.1 井筒324.2.2 井底车场364.2.3 说明井底车场各种硐室的布置364.2.4 主要开拓


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