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1、电影奇幻森林The.Jungle.Book.2016剧本台词中英文对照片名:奇幻森林 2 00:01:04,480 - 00:01:07,610 这片森林里有许多离奇的故事 Many strange tales are told of this Jungle. 3 00:01:07,770 - 00:01:09,650 但最离奇的 but none so strange. 4 00:01:09,820 - 00:01:13,070 就是我们叫他毛克利的人孩的故事 as the tale of the cub we call Mowgli. 5 00:02:25,270 - 00:02:27,8

2、90 你绝对是我见过的最差劲的狼 You must be the very worst wolf Ive ever seen. 6 00:02:28,390 - 00:02:31,320 可是要是那根树枝没断 我应该能逃掉 Yeah, but if that branch didnt break, I wouldve made it. 7 00:02:31,860 - 00:02:34,320 逆风而动,脱离族群 Crossing upwind, breaking from your numbers. 8 00:02:34,730 - 00:02:35,860 如果你不学会跟狼群一起行动 If

3、 you cant learn to run with the Pack. 9 00:02:36,030 - 00:02:37,490 你会变成别人的盘中餐的 one of these days, youll be someones dinner. 10 00:02:37,650 - 00:02:38,830 - 我们怎么样 - 不算,毛克利 - Howd we do? - Not Mowgli, again. 11 00:02:38,990 - 00:02:41,540 - 反正他也进不了议会 - 我们走 - Hes never gonna make the Council. - Lets

4、go! 12 00:02:41,700 - 00:02:43,420 去地狱议会 Race you to the top! 13 00:02:44,160 - 00:02:45,750 我占据了制高点 It was higher ground. 14 00:02:45,910 - 00:02:48,080 狼是不会躲到树上的 Wolves dont hide in trees. 15 00:02:48,250 - 00:02:49,420 我跟不上他们,巴希拉 I cant keep up with them, Bagheera. 16 00:02:49,830 - 00:02:51,580

5、我尽力了,可惜我爬错了树 I tried. I just picked the wrong tree. 17 00:02:51,750 - 00:02:53,090 那是棵死树 It was a dead tree. 18 00:02:53,540 - 00:02:55,590 我怎么知道它是死是活 How was I supposed to know it was dead? 19 00:02:55,750 - 00:02:56,880 那树上有无花果藤 It had a fig vine. 20 00:02:57,050 - 00:03:00,970 凡是被匍匐枝缠绕的树 不是死了,就是快

6、死了 Any tree girdled by a creeper is either dead or close to it. 21 00:03:01,130 - 00:03:04,140 - 这些都是狼必须要知道的 - 是啊 - These are things a wolf must know. - Yeah. 22 00:03:04,550 - 00:03:07,400 要是那根树枝不断 我应该能跑掉 But if the branch didnt break, I wouldve made it. 23 00:03:07,970 - 00:03:10,230 我知道你不是生下来就是狼

7、I realise you werent born a wolf 24 00:03:10,390 - 00:03:12,270 你不能表现得像一点吗 but couldnt you at least act like one? 25 00:03:16,440 - 00:03:17,910 很多年前 When I found him 26 00:03:18,070 - 00:03:19,660 当我发现他的时候 many years ago. 27 00:03:20,320 - 00:03:23,620 他只是个被遗弃的森林里的婴儿 he was just an infant, abandone

8、d in the woods. 28 00:03:23,780 - 00:03:25,280 抓住那只鹿 Get the deer! 29 00:03:26,450 - 00:03:28,580 我很清楚如果他想活下来 If he was going to survive. 30 00:03:29,160 - 00:03:31,290 就必须得有个族群 I knew he needed a people. 31 00:03:31,460 - 00:03:33,250 一个可以保护他的族群 A people to protect him. 32 00:03:34,290 - 00:03:37,2

9、20 所以我就把他托付给了狼群 Thats why I entrusted him to the wolves. 33 00:03:40,590 - 00:03:42,260 不错,伙计们 Look well, wolves. 34 00:03:43,800 - 00:03:47,020 阿克拉是个公正,高尚的首领 Akela was a just and noble leader. 35 00:03:47,560 - 00:03:50,530 他一直允许毛克利跟族群生活在一起 He allowed Mowgli to dwell among them, all those years. 36

10、 00:03:53,310 - 00:03:56,660 但问题是小狼们长速惊人 The trouble was, wolves grew so fast. 37 00:03:57,150 - 00:03:58,370 可毛克利呢 and Mowgli. 38 00:03:58,530 - 00:04:01,150 这么说吧 他长得真可以说是不缓不慢 lets just say he liked to take his time. 39 00:04:01,320 - 00:04:02,490 毛克利,把我举高高吧 Mowgli, pick me up high! 40 00:04:03,030

11、 - 00:04:05,200 - 轮到我了 - 别这样,现在不行 - My turn! - Stop. Not now. 41 00:04:05,370 - 00:04:07,540 拉克莎把他抚养长大 It was Raksha who raised him. 42 00:04:07,700 - 00:04:09,700 她是毛克利认为的母亲 She was the only mother he ever knew 43 00:04:10,160 - 00:04:12,760 - 到我了,来吧,我们一起玩吧 - 我不想玩,科雷 - Come on, lets play! - I dont

12、feel like playing, Gray. 44 00:04:12,910 - 00:04:14,960 你是我的兄弟,必须得跟我玩 Come on, youre my brother. You have to play with me. 45 00:04:15,130 - 00:04:17,000 我们去追老鼠吧 Lets go chase some mice. 46 00:04:19,300 - 00:04:20,970 今天怎么样 How did it go? 47 00:04:21,630 - 00:04:23,130 他又抓住我了 Caught me again. 48 00:

13、04:24,090 - 00:04:25,810 如果这是注定的 If its meant to be. 49 00:04:25,970 - 00:04:27,890 就一定会发生 it will be. 50 00:04:28,560 - 00:04:30,180 背一遍法则我听听 Let me hear the Law. 51 00:04:30,850 - 00:04:32,600 本法则是森林法则 This is the Law of the Jungle 52 00:04:32,770 - 00:04:35,320 如上苍一般古老正确 as old and as true as the

14、 sky. 53 00:04:35,850 - 00:04:37,900 遵循的狼将繁荣昌盛 The Wolf that keeps it will prosper. 54 00:04:38,060 - 00:04:40,820 违反的狼必招致灭绝 but the Wolf that breaks it will die. 55 00:04:40,980 - 00:04:43,530 似匍匐植物缠绕树干 Like the creeper that girdles the tree trunk. 56 00:04:43,700 - 00:04:46,040 森林法则也左右不宁 the Law runneth over and back. 57 00:04:46,200 - 00:04:48,750 群体之力汇聚自孤狼 For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf. 58 00:04:48,910 - 00:04:52,380 孤狼之力来源于群体 and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack. 59 00:05:20,900 - 00:05:22,900 很快降雨停止了 Soon, the rain ceased to fall 6


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