10 Great inventions3.doc

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《10 Great inventions3.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《10 Great inventions3.doc(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Great inventions教学设计黄丹丹 一、教学内容: 1.Listen and say ,Look and learn ,Culture corner 2.功能:判断与评价世界上的重大发明。 3.语言知识: (1)句型复习和日常用语: People can tell the time anywhere . What are you going to invent ? Im going to invent a flying bike ! (2)词汇: invention,watch,anywhere,travel,invent,myself,camera,far away from .

2、 4.语言技能: 听:听懂关于世界重大发明的对话。 说:(1)能介绍一些重大发明的特点和作用。 (2)能判断和评价一些重大发明。 读:能读懂关于世界重大发明的对话。 写:(1)正确书写本单元的核心词汇。 (2)能根据范例介绍某个发明。 二、教学目标: 1.能在语境中正确运用本单元的核心词汇。 2.能用已学句型介绍某项发明的特点和作用, 3.了解我国古代的四大发明,增强民族自豪感。 4.热爱探索,敢于想象并动手实践。 三、教学重、难点: (1)词汇: invention,watch,anywhere,travel,invent,myself,camera,far away from . (2)句

3、型: People can tell the time anywhere . What are you going to invent ? Im going to invent a flying bike ! 四、教学过程: Step1:Warm - up (1)Greeting Step2: Presenrtation (1)Guess Guess some riddles and learn two words. a.I can draw pictures and write words on it. What is it? -Paper . b.I can go to places fa

4、r away in it. What is it? -A car . c.I like wearing it.It tells me the time.What is it? - A watch . Learn the word “watch” d.I can take pictures with it. It is small. We can take it with us on holiday. What is it? -A camera . Learn the word “camera” (2)Learn the Four Great inventions of ancient Chin

5、a . a.Look at the pictures and ask students what they are . b.Talk about the Four Great inventions of ancient China . (3)Talk about Great inventions and learn the word invention. 由invention 延伸学习invent 。 (4)Discuss the great inventions in the group.Then the students make a report . (5)Learn the new d

6、ialogue on page 68 . a.Show the video about the dialogue . b.The students read the dialogue by themselves ,then find the questions about the dialogue . c.Learn new words and sentences. Words:anywhere,travel,myself Sentences: People can tell the time anywhere . What are you going to invent ? Im going

7、 to invent a flying bike ! d.Practice the dialogue. a) Read the dialogue after the video . b) Play the role game about the dialogue. c) Read the dialogue together . Step 3 :Consolidation (1)The students talk about own inventions . (2)Students make own dialogues in the group ,then act them out. (模仿课本的对话,改编对话并表演) Step 4 :Summary What have you learnt about the lesson ? Step 5 :Homework (1) Listen to and read Students Book pages 68 and 69. (2)Recite “Listen and say” on Students Book page 68.


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