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1、网络文明小公民苏州工业园区东沙湖学校 王蕾 Small citizens of cyber civilizationDongshahu school of SIP Wang Lei【学情分析】Analysis of the learning situation在本节课教授之前,学生们已经认识了因特网,会使用浏览器浏览和下载各类信息。也有不少学生反映,他们在家上网大都用来聊天和玩网络游戏。通过这节课的学习,学生应该了解网络安全的相关知识,会使用杀毒软件、计算机系统安全工具软件,同时知道网络安全法、青少年网络文明公约,并能做文明上网的好少年。Before this lesson , student

2、s have learned the Internet and can use a browser to browse and download various types of information. Many students also say that they use the Internet to chat and play online games at home. Through the study of this lesson, students should understand the relevant knowledge of network security, and

3、 can use anti-virus software, computer system security tools software, and know the network security law, youth network civilization convention,and can be a good teenager who civilized surfs the Internet .【教学目标】Teaching goal知识与技能:1、掌握计算机病毒的概念及特点。2、知道常见的杀毒软件和计算机系统安全工具软件,并会正确使用。3、知道计算机病毒的传播途径、计算机病毒的防治

4、措施。4、了解“网络综合征”,能对照全国青少年网络文明公约自觉文明上网。过程与方法:1、通过帮助他人解决问题,进一步认识计算机病毒的知识,并能在实际生活中发现计算机问题,通过预防与查杀病毒解决计算机中毒的问题。2、通过分析案例,能自主总结全国青少年网络文明公约相关内容,并自觉在上网时遵守国家的法律法规。情感态度与价值观:培养辩证看待和合理利用网络的能力,努力做到文明、安全地使用网络。【教学重点】Teaching emphasis计算机病毒的概念、特点和防治措施。The concept, characteristics and preventive measures of computer vi

5、ruses.【教学难点】Teaching difficulties计算机病毒的特点和防治;常用的杀毒软件和计算机系统安全工具软件;充分理解全国青少年网络文明公约,并做到文明上网Characteristics and prevention of computer viruses; Commonly used anti-virus software and computer system security tools software; Full understanding of the National Convention on the Civilization of Youth Networ

6、k, and to achieve civilized Internet access【教学准备】Teaching preparation多媒体网络机房、极域教学软件、互动学习平台、微课、学案Multimedia network room, polar domain teaching software, interactive learning platform with micro lesson and learning plan.【课时安排】Teaching hours 1-2课时。1-2 class time.【教学过程】Teaching process教学环节(Teaching lin

7、k)教师活动(Teacher activities)学生活动(Student activities)媒体应用(Media application)设计意图(Design intention)一、 参与:结合生活案例,激发探究兴趣Participation:Combined with life cases, stimulate interest in research.现实世界情景问题:“一次我打开QQ,某一个很久没联系的好友发来一个链接,让我务必帮忙点一下,我照做了,一开始还没有察觉,但很快就发现电脑不对劲了。经常会有恶意文件出现,而且电脑里很多重要的文件都被隐藏了,还出现很多不知名的副本文件

8、。”我的电脑怎么了?Introducing problems in the real-world context:What happened to my computer?After clicking on a strange link, malicious files often appear, and many important files in the computer are hidden, there are many unknown copies of the file.思考并举手回答Think and raise your hand.预设:中病毒了。They may say:Y

9、our computer has a virus.课件展示Courseware通过身边的真实案例引起学生共鸣,激发学习需要Arouse students sympathy through real cases and stimulate learning needs.二、 探索:结合生活经验,发散思维 ,自主学习Explore: combine life experience, divergent thinking, autonomous learning.1、 什么是计算机病毒?有什么特点?2、 有什么方法帮我解决问题?Explore questions: 1.What is a compu

10、ter virus? What are the characteristics?2. What are the ways to help me solve the problem?自学探究方法:小组讨论、自学课本P125-126、微课、学案Use the following methods to find answers: group discussion, self-taught textbook P125-126, micro lesson, and learning plan.互动平台interactive learning platform教师提供多个自学方法,学生根据自身情况自选方法

11、,结合生活经验初探学习内容。Teachers provide multiple self-learning methods, students choose their own methods according to their own situation, combined with life experience to explore the content of learning.三、 解释:全面认识网络安全知识Interpretation: a comprehensive understanding of network security knowledge1. 计算机病毒概念Con

12、cept of computer virus2. 计算机病毒特点Characteristics of computer virus 展示CCTV关于“熊猫烧香”的新闻片段Show CCTVs news clip about panda burning incense.3、 如何查杀计算机病毒?How to kill computer viruses?示范给优盘杀毒的过程The teacher demonstrated the process of anti virus.举手分享自己所学Raise your hand to share the answers to your quest.利用电脑

13、上已有的360杀毒软件和360安全卫士保护计算机系统。Use the 360 anti-virus software and 360 security guards on the computer to protect the computer system.课件展示互动平台视频资料杀毒软件与安全类软件Coursewareinteractive learning platformvideosoftware利用视频让学生更直观地了解病毒的特点。使用示范方法讲解杀毒软件的使用方法,并与之前课本上介绍的内容进行对照和巩固。Teachers use videos to help students un

14、derstand the characteristics of viruses more intuitively. Teachers use demonstration methods to explain the use of anti-virus software, and the contents of the previous textbook were compared and consolidated.四、 延伸:防患于未然Extension: take precautionary measures反思性学习:安装了杀毒软件就能一劳永逸吗?Reflective learning:

15、can antivirus software be installed once and for all?出示某案例:某生随意插拔优盘却不杀毒,结果中毒后重要的数据没备份而丢失,下载的软件已经报了有毒却执意打开。A case of Internet bad habits观察教师给出的案例提出你的看法联系生活,我们该怎么做?Observe the case given by the teacher.Generate your opinion.Relate life, what should we do?视频资料、video仍然利用生活中的例子。让学生反思例子中的行为和自己的行为,了解预防病毒的重要性Let students reflect on the behavior and behavior of the examples, and understand the importance of preventing viruses.五、 参与+探索+解释+延伸+评估:文明上网5E learning cycle:Civilized Internet网络正改变着人们的学习和生活,但是节假日同学们有了更多接触网络的时间,可要小心“网络综合征”哦。The Internet



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