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1、 Unit13 We are trying to save the earth I 听力任务(任意选择,答对加不同的分值)Task 1 +101.Listen to the interview. Circle the kinds of pollution that Jason and Susan talk about.A. land pollutionB. air pollution C. noise pollution D. water pollutionTask2 Complete the sentences. +201. The air is badly polluted because

2、 there are _on the road these days.2. Factories that burn coal also _ the air with a lot of black smoke.3. There is also too much rubbish and waste. People _things every day.4. People are also littering in_ like parks. This turns beautiful parks into ugly places.Task3 Listen again and answer the que

3、stions. +30 1. Who is the interviewer talking to?2. What are they talking about?3. What problems do they want to help? II 学习菜单(自主学习2d,选择不同的任务完成)Task1 15minutes +50 Task2 15minutes +70 1.大声朗读文章,不会的单词求助老师或同学. +10 1.自主学习文章,完成表格。+102.根据汉语,找出句子里的词组,并写出来. +10 2.看全解注释完成对下划线对话的理解。+103.根据汉语意思完成句子.+10 3.根据首字母

4、,完成填词。+104.任意选择一个海报来完成.+10 4.任意选择一个海报来完成.+20 5.有问题课后会让来答疑.+10 5.完成早可以再加一些题型 +20 Task1 1.大声朗读文章。+102.根据汉语写出英语+101.减少空气污染 2.代替做某事 3.骑自行车的优点 4.骑自行车的缺点 5.木制筷子 6.塑料叉子 7.扔外卖食物 8.垃圾到垃圾箱 9.保持公共场所干净 10.导致3.根据句子完成汉语+101.To _ _(减少)air pollution, we should take the bus or subway _ _(代替)driving.2 These are _ _(其

5、他的优点)of bike riding.3.And remember to _ _(扔垃圾)in the cans and _ public places _(保持干净)and beautiful for everyone. 4. Our actions can _ _ _(对.产生影响或作用)and lead to a better future!4.运用所学知识,写出3条以上的建议。 What should we do to save the earth? 5.课后答疑。+10Task2 1. 读2d文章完成表格 +10Problems Solving problemsair pollut

6、ionwaste pollution wooden (木头的) chopsticks or plastic forks rubbish 2.看全解注释完成对下划线对话的理解。+103.根据汉语提示或首字母完成句子。+10 1. Dont throw the_ (垃圾) everywhere. You should throw it into the bin.2. Some_ (渔民) went to the beach to see what happened.3. Drinking too much is_ (有害的) to your health.4. The new bike will

7、c_ me five hundred Yuan. Its a little expensive for me.5. The man is carrying a small black_ (塑料的) handbag. 4. 运用所学知识,写出3条以上的建议。 What should governments do to save the earth? +105. 完成早可以再加一些题型 +20III课堂检测 +101. I tried them as much as possible.A. help B. helps C. to help D. helped2. -How much is the

8、shirt? - It 90.A. takes B. spends C. pays D. costs3. Many young people took part in trees on Tree Planting Day.A. planting B. plants C. to plants D. plant 4. When you leave the room, please all the lights.A. turn off B. close C. open D. turn on 5. My father a lot, but now he has given it up.A. used

9、smoke B. is used to smoking C. was used to smoke D. used to smoke. 2.用所给词的正确形式填空 +101.Everyone in the city should pla y a role in_ (clean) up the parks.2. He _ (use) to be very shy.3. Keys are used for_ (lock) the doors.4. Its _ (danger) to play ball in the street.5. They could afford _ (buy) a big house then.6. We could use _ (reuse) bags instead of plastic bags.IV. Homework +501. 1a-2d 的蓝题字,写出汉语默写英语。 2.背诵默写2d. 3.写一篇我们保护我们的环境作文,字数60词。


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