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1、Unit 3词汇篇_熟练掌握本单元重点词组句型。一短语归纳1.apairof一对,一双,一副2.betweenAandB在a和b之间3.onones/thewayto在去的路上4.pardonme什么,请再说一遍5.passby路过经过6.lookforwardto盼望期待7.excuseme打扰了请原谅8.getsomemagazines得到一些杂志9.getsomeinformationabout获取有关的一些信息10.turnleftright向左向右转11.gopast经过路过12.alittleearlier早一点儿13.agoodplacetoeat一个吃饭的好地方14.indif

2、ferentsituation在不同的情况下15.ontime准时按时16.getto到达17.havedinner吃晚餐18.onones/theright在右边eon快点请过来20.theshoppingcenter购物中心21.thecornerof.的角落/拐角处22.leadinto导入引入重点句型 You never know until you try something. 你不尝试就不知道。 基本用法 这句话中包含的句型为:not until,意为“直到才”,其中never“从不”,表示否定含义。Ma Lin didntstop training untilhe was too

3、 tired. 马琳直到太累了,才停止训练。I hardly knew anything about the match untilI chatted with you. 我跟你谈话后才知道比赛的情况。(其中hardly“几乎不”,表示否定意义)建议:搜索相关题目时,在关键中输入not.until,精确定位。 Excuse me, could you tell me where I can buy some stamps? 请问,你能告诉我在哪儿能买到邮票吗? 基本用法 这句话是宾语从句,从句中where I can buy some stamps必须用陈述语序。如: He knew that

4、 he should work hard. 他知道他应该努力工作。 Do you know where I can find Moon Hotel? 你知道在哪可以找到月亮宾馆吗? Excuse me, would you mind telling me how I can get to a nearby restaurant? 请问,你不介意告诉我怎么去附近的餐馆吧? 基本用法 Would you mind?是一个非常重要的交际用语,用来表示委婉的请求,或用来表示希望得到对方的 许可。当其后接doing sth.时,表示希望对方做某事。也可以用Do you mind.?其中would比do语

5、气 更委婉,熟人之间说话时,可用do代替would。知识拓展-相关句型/结构 1. Would you mind ones doing sth.?用来请求允许或询问对方是否介意自己或别人做某事。其中形 容词性物主代词ones在口语中可用代词宾格担当动名词的逻辑主语。如:Would you mind my/me asking you a few questions? 我请教你几个问题好吗? 2. Would you mind后接if从句时,也是用来表示请求对方是否介意某人做某事。在“Would you mind + if从句”句型中,从句谓语常用一般过去时,而“Do you mind + if从

6、句”句型中,从句谓语动词常用 一般现在时。如: Would you mind if I took his place? 你不介意我代替他吗? Do you mind if he attends the meeting? 他参加会议好吗? What kind of food do you like? 你喜欢哪种食物? 基本用法 What kind ofdo you like?意为“你喜欢哪种?”,用来对事物种类的提问。 What kind of music do you download from the Internet? 你从网上下载的哪种音乐?建议:搜索相关题目时,可选择专项练习模板,选择

7、好题型后(如:单选),在关键词中输入: what kind of,即可精确找到用what kind of提问的句子。 This will you also help you become better at English 这也将帮助你在英语方面变得更好 基本用法 这句话中help sb. do sth.意为“帮助某人做某事”。I want to help farmers to pickapples on a farm. 我想帮助农民在农场摘苹果。 It might seem more difficult to speak politely than be direct. 看起来礼貌地说要比直

8、截了当地说更难。 基本用法 这句话中it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式。这句话中所包含的句型可概括为: 主语+seem+(to be)+表语。如:Mr. Black seemed (to be) quite happy.布莱克先生好像十分快乐。知识拓展-相关句型 1. 主语+seem+不定式。如: The young man seemed to have changed much. 这个年轻人看起来变化很大。 2. It seems+that 从句。如: It seems that Mr. Brown will not come again. 看起来布朗先生不会再来了。 3.Ther

9、e seem (to be) +名词,seem的单复数形式要根据后面作主语的名词的单复数形式而定。如: There doesnt seem to be much hope of our beating that team. 看来我们战胜那个队没有多大希望。 There seems no need to wait longer. 看来没有再等的必要了。1.Eating something in class is .A. polite B. politely C. impolite D. impolitely2.Mr.Tan can make the best noodles in town. T

10、heyre .A. sour B. delicious C. crispy D. salty3.We can get a lot of from the newspaper.A. note B. information C. thing D. message4.We live a supermarket. Its very convenient.A. right B. far away from C. next to D. on the right5. Paul looks forward to his pen pal as soon as possible.A. find B. foundC

11、. findingD. to find解析:1. C polite形容词,“有礼貌的”;politely副词,“有礼貌地”;impolite形容词,“没有礼貌的”;impolitely副词,“没有礼貌地”。由句中连系动词is后跟形容词作表语可排除B、D两项;再由句意“在课堂上吃东西是不礼貌的”可知选C。2. B 由前句句意“谭先生在城镇里能做最好的面条”可知,面条应是“美味的,可口的”,故选B。3.B note“笔记”;information“信息,消息”;thing“事情”;message“消息,音信”。由句意“我们能从报纸上获得许多信息”可知information符合题意。故选B。4. C

12、 right“正确的,合适的”;far away from“离遥远”;next to“挨着”;on the right“在右边”。由后句句意“那很方便”可推知,我们挨着超市住。故选C。5.C look forward to为固定短语,意为“期盼,盼望”,其中to为介词,后跟动词-ing形式,故选C。基础演练根据汉意或首字母提示完成句子1. The little boy likes collecting _(邮票)in his spare time.2. Some people are used to sending their relatives and friends SMS instead of _(明信片).3. As for fruit, I prefer _(葡萄)to oranges.4. Study is not a thing to be done in a _(急促).5. -Where is Qingdao? -It is in the _(东部)of China.6. Could you tell me if there is a bookstore b_ the park?7. P_? Whom would he go to Qingdao w



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